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Everything posted by Aclobat

  1. I'm still fairly new to this game, I die quite often due to the fact i still havnt gotten the lay out of the game down to a tee. The worst one had to be after about 5 hours of game play. I recently raidied a air feild, got a gullie suit, a ak, new backpack, and alot of mags. Hopped into a Humvee and headed out. After driving for about 30 minutes through the forest a wheel flys off. I get out and start running only to blackout and die a few minutes later. Due to dehydration. It sucks cause it's the first assult rifle i ever got in this game and the longest i ever stayed alivie, only to have no idea where i died.
  2. Aclobat


    Never heard of it before now.
  3. Aclobat

    Medical box thing full of everything..

    I fell and someone gave me a blood bag to fix me up, then dropped a military supply dump in front of me. It had 10 of each gun, ammo, food. I wonder if it was a hacker or the Admin of the server? I was at a medical tent.
  4. Aclobat

    Lack of vanilla

    So a vanilla server is a basic server of the game with no extra things ?
  5. Glad you had senators son as a song. I need to find a heli, There is so much to this game i havnt got to do yet.
  6. I would like to just find a rifle. Then i'll think about shooting it.