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Everything posted by Korsbaek

  1. Hello I bought one of their phones and now I have an invite for one. The invite I have is for the black 64GB version. The phones can be found here: https://oneplus.net/ Invites are valid everywhere except India (Sorry Indians) If you want it just post here. First to post gets it.
  2. Well yeah, sometimes you can do that. I think it's like once every 3rd month. Edit: I should answer your question: Yeah, you need an invite to buy one.
  3. You want the phone. You need the phone. You must buy the phone!
  4. No no no, I don't need anything. I already bought mine, and now I have a spare invite. I just wanted to give it away to someone who actually wanted it.
  5. Well invites are only valid for a couple of days after you get them so you really can't have spare invites. I still have it. Tell me if you want it ;)
  6.  Korsbaek

    Hey... You friendly?

    I actually met a friendly guy today. We just stared at each other for like 20 seconds. Then he got shot by some random guy. Oh well, it was fun.
  7.  Korsbaek

    To Greg and His Friend...

    I love running into those guys.
  8.  Korsbaek

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    This idea is so good that they already implemented it...
  9.  Korsbaek

    "Safe" zones

    I've never really liked this kind of idea. If people actually tried using these there would just be KoSers camping everywhere outside of the zone. If people are too scared to go there it would be dead.
  10.  Korsbaek

    Zombie infested cities with rare loot

    Wow, easy with the full-stops there mate.
  11.  Korsbaek

    Are snipers the most harmless thing in DayZ?

    This happens when the snipers panic and start shooting each other.
  12.  Korsbaek

    Existential Crisis!

    And why not if I may ask? :D
  13.  Korsbaek

    New PvP Idea

    12 year olds are kids mate.
  14.  Korsbaek

    Existential Crisis!

    One more good reason to try. I would do it and see if it breaks the game :D
  15.  Korsbaek

    Make survival rewarding.

    And I like being alive! A lot!
  16.  Korsbaek


    Well no shit.
  17.  Korsbaek

    Lumberjacks: confirmed?

    But where do we find that?...
  18.  Korsbaek

    Potential player, no-zombie mod?

    Then he should play it, if it "aint shit"...
  19.  Korsbaek

    Where do I find a TRACKSUIT?

    Room for apples? And sugar?
  20.  Korsbaek

    Red dots graphic bug?.

    Yeah. Definitely aliens.
  21.  Korsbaek


    That's just how Epoch is. Find another mod without basebuilding and traders then.