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Everything posted by Korsbaek

  1.  Korsbaek

    Potential player, no-zombie mod?

    He just wants something else instead. Another model which does the same as the zeds are supposed to.
  2.  Korsbaek

    Reason of Death!

    Mmh... Mmh... Search function.
  3.  Korsbaek


    If you think something is a good idea you shouldn't create a new topic about it. Instead, you should post in one of the other 10000 beard topics.
  4.  Korsbaek

    Gaming Laptop

    Anything but Alienware. They're heavily overpriced. I would see if I could find something from a smaller company. They're usually cheaper.
  5.  Korsbaek


    Don't they already do that?
  6.  Korsbaek

    Chuck Norris in DayZ

    Chuck Norris is way cooler.
  7.  Korsbaek

    Car Alarms

    Nice idea, but this. AS50 was something like 160 meters like an assault rifle, while the M107 was over 500 meters.
  8.  Korsbaek

    Finding ammo for the gun I just left on another server

    Yeah. Happens a lot.
  9.  Korsbaek


    How did you know you were alone?
  10.  Korsbaek

    How to make Fps better or not that laggy ?

    Stop playing on a shitty laptop?
  11.  Korsbaek

    Bandits Be were!

    *Slow clap*
  12.  Korsbaek

    whats changed since this ?

    Take a look at the changelogs mate. You can find everything there.
  13.  Korsbaek

    explosive ammo/armor piercing bullets

    You might want to do a bit of research before posting new topics.
  14.  Korsbaek

    explosive ammo/armor piercing bullets

    What is FMJ ammo? I'll just vote maybe because you didn't care to explain to us what it is.
  15.  Korsbaek

    Foundations Created by Players / fixed

    Could you translate what he's writing so the rest of us can understand it? :D
  16.  Korsbaek

    GG to whoever killed me

    Or .22 rifle or pistol.
  17.  Korsbaek

    A worn helment saved my life

    Yeah, I know, but I meant if he's shot with the 7.62.
  18.  Korsbaek

    A worn helment saved my life

    It also depends on the distance he's shooting from. If the shooter hits him in the head from 20 meters, he's basically dead...
  19.  Korsbaek

    How often do you find a Long Range Scope?

    And I'm just sitting here wondering what's missing on 3/4 of a LRS...
  20.  Korsbaek


    I'm pretty sure all of this, except for the ping suggestions, is going to be implemented sooner or later.
  21.  Korsbaek

    I want this hat

    That's not a hat.
  22.  Korsbaek

    Change the M4A1 sound when shooting.

    Yup. Why shouldn't we? It's the truth.
  23.  Korsbaek

    Add the Bicycle

    Weird.. Deja-Vu...
  24.  Korsbaek

    Change the M4A1 sound when shooting.

    More or less all sounds are placeholders right now.