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Everything posted by Korsbaek

  1.  Korsbaek

    lots of spray paints

    Running through Elektro wearing a pink raincoat blasting Justin Bieber.
  2.  Korsbaek

    Give civilian clothes some bonus?

    I'm actually not using military clothing. I'm currently wearing a green motorcycle helmet, a green raincoat and green cargo pants. I'm camouflaged, and it looks cool.
  3.  Korsbaek

    Survivor camps

    I would like you to read your own signature.
  4.  Korsbaek

    Server which resets your character?

    Ahh, easier to read now.
  5.  Korsbaek

    How is PvP in Cherno?

    No one's there. Ever. It's empty. People only ever PvP, so everybody's running around in Berezino because it's easy to get there.
  6.  Korsbaek

    ruined items from falling

    Welcome to DayZ Alpha :D
  7.  Korsbaek

    I Believe I am Having A Heart Attack

    Okay then. How do you cough in DayZ? :D
  8. This game is in Alpha. Some features are missing and are yet to be implemented. Some of these things are cars and bikes. They have already been confirmed. Please use the search function in the future before making new pointless topics.
  9. Tell me, which animals are "non-huntable". You can hunt and shoot everything if you want.
  10.  Korsbaek


    This, or change your Steam name if that still works.
  11.  Korsbaek

    How do/can servers MAKE money?

    Why do you think he makes it up? I know the math's not right, but look at the server in his sig. If it's his, I think he's doing pretty well.
  12.  Korsbaek

    Different eating animation for packed food

    Why does it even matter? The animation is there, and it works.
  13.  Korsbaek

    implement nudity/scat/piss. : THE DISCUSSION

    Yay, the 1000th topic about this in three days!
  14.  Korsbaek

    Belch after drinking soda

    This. In real life, it's pretty easy to control and do without a sound.
  15.  Korsbaek

    Which is better:

    I like the SKS with the FNX. Not terrible accuracy, and I like rushing my enemies :D
  16.  Korsbaek

    More road signs

    This is a great idea. In real life finding your way around is easy due to the overflow of signs everywhere.
  17.  Korsbaek

    Eat All function w/ Planned Cannibalism

    Haha :D Never even thought of this!...
  18.  Korsbaek

    EXTREME parkour!

    How did he not die from a fall like that? It was like 2.5 meters!
  19.  Korsbaek

    Very low FPS on a solid PC

    Buy a cheap second generation i3 and overclock the shit out of it. One of my friends had one run stable at just below 9 GHz.
  20. Ehm... Vanilla Epoch? How?
  21.  Korsbaek

    The beauty of this game amazes me!

    Go watch it yourself. I've seen it from another castle, and it looks amazing.
  22. I would like to be able to take a dump in this game called DayZ :P All of the nay sayers always say "Well then people are going to shit on or throw it after eachother" or something stupid like that. That doesn't need to be implemented. Maybe it can be implemented in a way so we can only take a dump in the woods or something. It needs to be implemented! Later! In Beta!
  23.  Korsbaek

    Please help about a clan!

    1. Ask someone to join you while playing. 2. Add them on Steam. 3. Agree on a cool name. 4. Buy a website and set it up with whatever name you've chosen.