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Everything posted by Korsbaek

  1.  Korsbaek

    Gave a random guy some loot

    I have given a random player some stuff. It's only happened once in the SA though. I was stalking these two guys who were just running on the road. Then while I'm sitting behind a building, listening to them talk, I hear footsteps. Next thing I know, some fresh spawn stands next to me saying he is dying of starvation. One of the guys I was stalking looked at the building I was standing behind. The fresh spawn didn't care, he just kept talking because I hadn't opened the cans for him. I swear, I could have shot him right there if my silencer had actually worked. Luckily, my prey looked away again, and the fresh spawn ran to them as bait so I could cuff them both. I love happy endings. And also, nice story. Being friendly feels good.
  2.  Korsbaek

    What I learned from my first deliberate Murder

    "Yeeessssss.... I shot him.. Three times. He was in the woods, and I.. I... I shot him".
  3.  Korsbaek

    Character wipes still happening?

    Yep. Random character wipes. Yay... Stay on the same timezone when playing. It has helped my character from being wiped.
  4.  Korsbaek

    Personal Player statistics

    Stop suggesting this... It's been suggested before. A "players killed" stat would promote KoS.
  5.  Korsbaek

    what should i do? My fiend is evil

    Just.. Throw you PC in the ocean.
  6.  Korsbaek

    what should i do? My fiend is evil

    Shoot him. Shoot him over and over and over. At some point he'll either say "fuck you", "fuck this game", or "fuck it, I'll kill everything". But! There's also a slight chance he might see the light and say "Hey, you're right. Dying all the time is annoying as fuck. I don't know why I couldn't see before that I ruined all those other players' day". Let the shooting begin.
  7.  Korsbaek

    My First Death - Not angry but I am confused

    I am going to teach you something today which you need to remember. KoS is short for "kill on sight". This means that people shoot before trying to communicate at all. This bandit guy communicated at first, but got impatient. He killed the other guy. He isn't a KoS player, he's a douche.
  8. I have yet to find ammo for the Magnum. They must have implemented something to make us keep looting :D
  9.  Korsbaek

    Noise Noise Noise!

    All of these take electricity to work today, therefore they wouldn't work.
  10.  Korsbaek

    So I just got owned by my nephew(almost)

    How do you know how many times you where hit when you weren't there?...
  11.  Korsbaek


    Hello Mr. Orlok impersonator.
  12.  Korsbaek

    What are your loot cycle?

    You sound like an idiot. You could just be nice to him and tell him where he could find a sniper rifle. The sniper rifle, called a Mosin Nagant, is residential loot. You can find it in ordinary houses, and it is most commonly found in the large houses with a piano in them. Usually, I avoid the large cities, like Cherno and Elektro, and go for the smaller towns inland. Most people don't even bother looking there.
  13.  Korsbaek

    Another Use for Your Backpack

  14.  Korsbaek


    Link? I've always heard him said there will be no humanity.
  15.  Korsbaek

    Tedious ideas

    I liked the guy who wanted us to spawn fully clothed with random guns...
  16.  Korsbaek

    Players need to make a sound when combat logging

    I think he means just a short sound so you can hear when people log out. That way you can go in there and shoot their character.
  17.  Korsbaek

    Crash to destkop, game minimizes

    Is your OS legit? You can send me a PM if you don't like saying it here.
  18.  Korsbaek

    Aircraft carries

    Noooooooo thanks. What about having houses in cities with residential loot?
  19.  Korsbaek


    Noooooo. Just no. Fuck all of these systems. They are not needed.
  20.  Korsbaek

    Where are the .45 mags?

    Very unlucky. The FNX doesn't use clips, it uses mags.
  21.  Korsbaek

    Funniest Video i ever seen.... LOL

    That wasn't even funny. It was just... terrible.
  22.  Korsbaek

    Zombie changes ^^

    The Last of Us infected aren't very scary or hard to kill.
  23.  Korsbaek


    Crawl to the nearest large city and die there. Or jump from somewhere high.
  24.  Korsbaek

    7 of us wiped out by a single teleporter.

    Shit does happen. There are very few games where people can't do hacks, scripts or whatever. Respawn and regear. There's nothing else to do.