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Everything posted by Korsbaek

  1.  Korsbaek


    Nope, and it will probably be a while before they are.
  2.  Korsbaek

    How do I know I have broken my leg?

    Yeah, your leg's definitely broken. You can fix it either by morphine or by creating a splint :)
  3.  Korsbaek

    Living off the land

    This will be implemented. It has all been confirmed except for the camps.
  4.  Korsbaek

    Character wipes still happening?

    I don't remember losing anything, but a single character to DayZ Alpha.
  5.  Korsbaek

    Remove Human AI

    Are you telling me that all the zombies are other players?
  6.  Korsbaek

    Dayz Standaone - prone troubles

    Your leg is broken. You need either morphine or a splint. Splints can be crafted from sticks and rags. Morphine can be found in hospitals.
  7.  Korsbaek

    Battleye is a load of sh*t!

    It was probably your hacks. Or your younger brother of course.
  8. I voted Berezino because I like sitting in the treeline above the city and watch people. It's so god damn peaceful until someone starts shooting.
  9.  Korsbaek

    Combat / serverhopping for better position

    20 meters is nowhere near enough. If ghosting should be prevented, it should be 300 meters or more. But this would just ruin the game.
  10. "Hey guys. Wanna make Chernarus in Minecraft?" "Sure."
  11.  Korsbaek

    FOOD Z ! Where is it?

    Everywhere. Even in barracks and barns.
  12. Their condition doesn't matter as long as they aren't ruined.
  13.  Korsbaek

    So excited for remmington shotgun

    I like the shotguns. I ran into some guy yesterday while carrying one. He died.
  14. There will be opened up for private hives at some point. No one knows when, but it's going to be good.
  15. Okay, but then you'll have to ask nicely first.
  16.  Korsbaek

    grr invisible walls..

    Nope. You can see the bullet hitting nothing right in front of him. If what you say is true, his zeroing should be around -10000 meters.
  17.  Korsbaek

    Would phones/internet work in Case of Apocalypse

    I know for a fact that it would take a very long time before a satellite starts de-orbiting. It might take several years really as there's nothing other than the Moon to disturb their orbit.
  18.  Korsbaek

    Respawn as dead

    Have you tried pressing respawn after the "you are dead" screen? You know, press Esc, and then the respawn button...
  19.  Korsbaek

    Do transmitters exist?

    They changed from walkie-talkies to transmitters.
  20.  Korsbaek

    Persistand Objects...

    Isn't this what Rocket wants? I'm pretty sure it's already been confirmed. I like the idea of boarding up houses.
  21.  Korsbaek

    A Day In the Life Of A DayZ Sniper

    At the end it started raining as a symbol of what a douche you are. If your video is about killing fresh spawns and killing on sight, don't post it!
  22.  Korsbaek

    Mods for DayZ...

    Lingor Island was an awesome map. I really liked the tropical theme, with the ambient sounds. Lingor <3
  23.  Korsbaek

    Throwing weapons.

    You cannot destroy buildings. From what I've heard it's because the servers can't handle it yet. I would also like being able to throw stuff.
  24.  Korsbaek

    Mosin Vs B95

    I never take it over the Mosin. I take it if I find it before my Mosin :P