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About exomonkeyman

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    Photography, Cinematography, Motion Graphics, FX, CG, Filmmaking, Your Drunk Tank... Go Home, YouTube

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  1. exomonkeyman

    Character glitching back? And starving super quickly?

    Hi. I understand the whole energized thing btw it's probably just me not being used to being hungry again on this new character that's all. The rubber banding dose not stop after 20 seconds. It just keeps disrupting gameplay. I have no idea why.
  2. I was playing yesterday and i was having the character glitching back problem. And my friend was having it a little too, we changed server and we were still having the problem. We also noticed we were dieing from starvation unbelievable quick. I started playing today and i'm still having the glitch back problem even on a low pop server. And i ate 3 cans of food and my hunger literally hardly even changed... I'm now starving. My connection is 90mb down and 5mb up while playing... What's the problem? Anyone eels got this?
  3. Cheers pretty useful stuff here. Using the first posts link.
  4. HELP PLZ! Tips on finding, AKM,AK74,M4's,AK101 + Pistols & mags Way back on the first release of dayz me and friends used to find and play with the M4 and it's great attachments. A great feature in DayZ SA. However after a recent amount of ruffly 15+ hours on dayz sa in the past week i noticed that i have not held the new AKM,AK74,AK101 or the original M4 in a very very long time! Pretty bored of the standard rifles in the game but after being "THAT GUY" who server hoped 8 odd times in barracks to find any weapon of interest i came out with complete empty hands. How dose one get hold of ANY auto rifle weapons? Too many hours of searching never get me any great guns. TLDR: Finding the AKM,AK74,M4's,AK101 + Pistols & mags seems to be near impossible. How dose one get such weapons in a game were military spawns civ type loot.
  5. exomonkeyman

    PLEASE just add a "Anywhere suicide button"

    No sucks. Broke my legs i'm stuck... This happens so much. ):
  6. Stand still for 1 min you can suicide. This game is an ALPHA. we need a dev tool to get around better. No reason why this can't be a thing.
  7. exomonkeyman

    Where did the party go at kamyshovo/elektro?

    Ok. Berezino it is then! Cheers
  8. Most people on exp decide to try and get the new gear and try new stuff. Minimizing the risk of being killed :P With that said some guy killed me and my friends i said in chat how did we die??(Massive desync we think, he was in the building on our screen however not on his) He said "help" that's it. refused to talk.
  9. So were did the party go? You know Them cluster fuck parties? Literally none of them playing on 40 slot servers? Have people just got better and ignore all human interaction? Or has kamy and elektro just become massive (DON'T EVEN BOTHER TO ENTER) locations? I mean you will find more loot at elek/kamy on a 40 slot server than a low pop 15 slot.
  10. If i could change one thing? Change- Loot spawns. Tac vests back at military. Mosins/SKS's at barracks more. Fix- Desync (Played/screwed by it too much now) Add- More content, Cloths, weps, cars. Just more content.
  11. exomonkeyman

    Any way to raid a military jail with armed people in it?

    Be cool to see a ladder/roof on them jails to flank them. Even the ability to run upstairs
  12. Hello There. So for sure buildings need more work for (gameplay) purposes. So me and my mate have seen so so many armed & geared players in the military jail and there is literally no way you can kill/raid the guys on the top floor. No matter what you do you can't win. It's always the same thing. You just have to let them combat log. Or you just have to leave. No way can you get up them stairs without being shot. Anyone got some good tactics?
  13. exomonkeyman

    Game Breaking Bug only 100 votes

    Love 3rd person. But shouldn't be quite like that.
  14. exomonkeyman

    This game. And the people who play it

    I really don't get killed that much as a new spawn. I find more kind people than bandits.