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Everything posted by DuddlyZ

  1. I bet I would win in a dying contest. Also, a breaking-your-legs-without-morphine contest.
  2. DuddlyZ


    I thought of this as well, same with a few others. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/132655-custom-notes-and-photos/#entry1289176
  3. I have gotten a few of these random messages popping up during gameplay, but I have never seen this particular one. Anybody know what it means?
  4. I got this idea from the "horror" game Slender. Imagine being able to find and write on your own little notes and be able to post them on buildings and trees? Could be used to help, give warnings, or just to mess with people. The notes could have little pictures made with paint and post them using the 0-9 keys, switching them out with the group commands. It would also be cool to have a camera in the game to start with, and you can take pictures with it. Each picture would then be saved in a scrapbook and other people can look at the adventures you have been on. The thing is, how would they do that? link forum accounts and standalone accounts?
  5. DuddlyZ

    How to Store Gear

    get tents and find those piles of logs in forests, you can store tents inside of those. Same goes with the buildings and rocks.
  6. i killed brick with a winchester once. :) -Duddly
  7. i guess its because i like nachos.
  8. DuddlyZ

    SVD Ammo Trading ( OFFICIAL HIVE )

    Ill give you an SVD camo with 2 mags for some other gun or good gear.
  9. DuddlyZ

    Your worst moments in Dayz.

    hunting bandits on the tall building in cherno. started to take fire so i hit Z. my guy decides to stand and sprint then bellyflop off the building. Dead, byebye SVD camo.
  10. DuddlyZ

    Another machete.

    Found another machete in a deer stand, this is my second one in a week or so. I will keep track of all the ones i find.
  11. http://www.rcmonstermotorsports.com/images/RealMonsterTrucks/img008a.jpg
  12. DuddlyZ

    Anyone found a machete yet?

    I've been playing for just a few weeks, found mine 2 days ago, heres the thread i posted. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/128962-machete/
  13. DuddlyZ


    Just found a machete the other day and was told it was really hard to find. Is that true? EDIT: here is a pic, server got hacked while i took the screenie. lol (removed the website)
  14. DuddlyZ


    clicking it only makes it larger?
  15. DuddlyZ


    I found a bandit with it on a different server, he also had some good gear.