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jona (DayZ)

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Everything posted by jona (DayZ)

  1. jona (DayZ)

    Zombie super scent

    Firstly the marathon running is bull shit but its for gameplay so the game isnt too easy for the player when he runs off with infinite sprint. And the reason why we have infinite sprint is to travel through the huge 225 km2 map when people might only play a few hours a day on dayz. And why all zombies dont sleep because of gameplay its a horror mod and you need a threat or impression of a threat at all times. So i wouldnt question those features because i understand why there in the game and is relatable to 28 days later the film the type of zombie/infected behaviour i belive rocket wanted, fast sleepless infected. Reason i questioned your suggestion was because scent isnt in the mod now and i dont belive ive ever seen zombies/infected haveing a strong sense of smell close to dogs in any film or game. Also them being humans before and then haveing those attributes when infected seem odd. The only reason you posted this topic was because you thought scent was in the game and asking it to be stronger for zombies to detected people over great distances who are still/camping and shamble round them. Why i replied to your topic it didnt make sense for infected to have super strong sense of smell when you gave no explanation to why they have this super strong sense of smell in the OP.
  2. jona (DayZ)

    Base building in DayZ standalone

    Base building scenario of what would come if implemented into Dayz with other tools/features With instanceing in base building Im thinking of if a clan could make a thriving economy on there server involving stuff like bases aircraft, one huge ship that spawns on the map and trains. Ok so firstly this big clan sorts out the power supply and fuel required for the ship,trains and underground tradeing centre. Secuirty on the trains,ship and tradeing centre are player controlled and with Dogs. People can use a in game computer to write stuff like maybe a log of what items people entered the base with and that person collects there stuff when they leave and a tradeing database, also cctv to observe what goes on in the base and to check if people steal stuff or if they get attacked. Ok now this clan can trade with people and fix people up who are hungry,thirsty and hurt, and they trade animals,vehicles/aircraft and loot. To transport this stuff they load the stuff to train and vehicles/aircraft that are somehow connected to the tradeing centre. Now this clan delivers the goods around cherno at different docks and if SA add islands there could be docks were this huge ship can carry these goods and travel accross to these islands and also helicopters wich can airlift stuff and planes could have landing spots on these islands. Ok so thats small suggestion of a player controlled economy for severs if base building and other tools are added into Dayz the possibility are endless!
  3. jona (DayZ)

    Base building in DayZ standalone

    Well if your building stuff above ground then it should be very easy for any player to remove it and should be pernament untill any player wishes to remove that object. Like for example when people blocked exists to buildings with barbwire in the mod and was a pain to remove it and you needed a toolbox it should be made much easier to remove so you dont need to hop server to enter or exist that building if you dont have a tool box or if the barbwire is glitched and unreachable. Servers should have control to remove above ground objects if problems may occur with stuff being spammed and hackers in SA etc.
  4. jona (DayZ)

    Zombie super scent

    Firstly as i am aware in the mod infected dont shamble in your direction due to smell but more coincidence. Yes i read your post i get your point that infected should slowly folo the scent of still players/campers and all gather round the player but not get alerted. But if the infected were humans before how the hell would they pick up a sent in the air of a player and shamble round him. Unless they evolved a better sense of smell when they came infected wich you could say. But as a human i doubt most people can pick up the scent in the air and somehow locate the whereabouts a person unless there covered in shit. So that my argument to your post but if you want to add some zombie lore and say infected devloped better sense of smell go for it my agrument is answered then. Otherwise its a decent idea for a deterrent to campers in high populated areas of the map.
  5. jona (DayZ)

    Zombie super scent

    Well smell should be a big thing in dayz but infected are really just rabbid humans. So why would they have better smell than they already did when they wasnt infected? But maybe a players dog can sniff out a person whos camping on top of a hill and attack him also Bears and wolfs could do aswell but instead kill him and eat him. But infected shouldnt have that strong of a sense of smell they should mainly use there eyes and ears like we do to detected players since they was human before and didnt evolve super sense of smell.
  6. Well handcuffs are a joke ive posted saying that he should remove handcuffs from the OP for balancing. Also straight jackets shouldnt need a key only another player to free you but like you said cannot be broken out of requires a friend. So if it was just rope and straight jackets would be simpler and better for balancing.
  7. I suggested that your character can shout 'help!!!!!' so people can hear you and cut your rope free with a knife or animals and infected can detect you and kill you and eat you.
  8. Thats only if your knocked out or dumb enough to let someone tie you up for 10 seconds and movement of the targeted player should cancel the affect of tieing up. But the 1 second handcuffs are a joke remove them because firstly handcuffs you cant get your buddy to cut you free with a knife you would have to find a key to much hassle. But rope you can be more imaginative and tie someone lieing face down to the ground to a horse and slap the horses ass and watch them take off lol. Or a group of players can play tug of war with there person and rip them apart and hang people so zombies and predators arent attracted to the noise of gun shots wich some bears might be, and arent attracted to the smell of blood. You see you can have much more fun with rope and your balancing your idea =P
  9. A good idea but tieing people up realy affects there gameplay and if somebody can only play for 1 hour on Dayz and if there tied up for 30 mins lol dont think they would enjoy it that much =P. Also what if you logged out and hopped server would you still be tied up? and dont you think you character should be able to shout when tied up so infected/predators can detected you and finish you off so you can respawn or possible kill the person keeping you prisoner? I think this suggestion should be put into the game because people would enjoy it but maybe limit it to hardcore servers or you can think of some balanceing ideas for the players being tied up so its on all the servers.
  10. Tutorials should be added to Dayz SA because its a new game and not a mod. Other tutorials i can think of is teaching players about there hunger thirst meters if SA have any and about sight and sounds detection meters and how they work.
  11. jona (DayZ)

    gore and dismemberment and sewing back on limbs

    Thats how axe fights should be done =P
  12. jona (DayZ)

    Zombies attacking animals

    Firstly every suggestion and reply i write is targeted to SA and not the mod. So the sate of how animals are in the mod is irelevant to me im thinking of how it should be in SA. Linking my topic isnt pointless because i dont even scratch the surface in the reply you quoted me on about my topic. Also i put it there for people to view who are interested if animals were in Dayz since this topic is sorta about animals aswell. My topic is a little too far i aggree but it doesnt hurt haveing a complex topic about animal suggestions and how they should behave realistically if they was put into the game and i enjoy writeing it since ive always had a good knowledge about animals.
  13. jona (DayZ)

    Zombies attacking animals

    The way i put it in my topic http://dayzmod.com/f...reedinghunting/ The infected inhabit the towns and cites and animals are king in the woods. So if they cross paths say any large animal gets too close to a town and sees 30 infected that animal isnt going to attack or go near 30 infected or humans for that matter if it is in a normal state of mind its just gona run away so no confrontation. And if the infected decide to chase it four legs are faster then two so they will lose aggro of it pretty quickly. But say if they are straggler infected head into the woods they would get hunted down in the woods by the large predators bears,wolfs or killed by big herbivoures if infected tried to attack. So confrontation would take place but rarely and only in the woods as it would only make sense.
  14. jona (DayZ)

    Clever animals

    New suggestion!
  15. jona (DayZ)

    The Ghost Ship

    Why not a driveable aircraft carrier. With a huge ship maybe that could deliver weapons, vehciles, animals, food, supplies and other loot. And clans can battle for controll on this 1 big ship and the use of the ship could bring a economy to the server if they added trains aswell like another guy suggested and my clever animals thread wich goes on about how animals can be more then what they are on games currently. It could be something special if all these ideas was expanded and more popular.
  16. jona (DayZ)

    Ambulance \ Fire Truck \ Mobile Clinic

    Nice idea there all big heavy vehicles wich could be a advantage to gun fire from bandits. I would just go with the fire truck and ambulance though and leave the medical clinic out. With the fire truck and ambulance the sirens could be a advantage to aggro zombies to distract them from teammates that are looting also a fire hose to put out fires and to knock zombies and players on there ass lol.
  17. jona (DayZ)

    Dynamic Objects (not Dynamic terrain)

    Seasons would be awsome! Also maybe different loot spawns for each season like winter have specialized winter clothing to keep you warm and winter camos for clothing,tents and weapons.
  18. jona (DayZ)

    Clever animals

    Hunting gear.
  19. jona (DayZ)

    AA-12 in dayz?

    New videos for more info about the AA-12!
  20. jona (DayZ)

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    I like the idea because it would have a less competitive fps feel and more gritty survial game feel. You could sorta tell i think if someone is hostile if there aiming at you down there sights because they wouldn't risk unaimed fireing at you with no corsshairs. They would want a accruate kill shot as they would get by aiming down the sights.
  21. jona (DayZ)

    Suggestions for a better PvE experiance

    Well pve should be what all you guys said, love to see those features. But i think my thread would give a very good pve experience in its own right check it out! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/127772-selective-breeding-for-domesticated-animalsclever-animalsecosystem/
  22. jona (DayZ)

    Replace the AS50 and M107 with the KSVK?

    Tbh reason why i liked dayz was because of the military hardware you got to use in a zombie applocyse like 50 cals,rangefinder,ghillie suits,satchel charges etc. If it goes too much cilvian it will make the weapons on the game damn boring. Doesnt matter if you wouldnt find a as50 regulalry in the czech rebulic in real life its a awsome long range weapon and its a game. Also you guys say some stuff is way to over powered. But were not playing a competitive fps were playing a survial game and also dayz is not like cod when you shoot someone and its just hit markers then they kill you with a MSMC with long barrel. Its dayz and every guns is powerfull and can kill in nearly 1 hit as it should be.
  23. jona (DayZ)

    gore and dismemberment and sewing back on limbs

    Exactly instead of been one shoted by a sniper in the leg, have it ripped off and get knocked out in shock and pain and you still have a chance of liveing if you have freinds wich can sew it back on its perfect!
  24. jona (DayZ)

    gore and dismemberment and sewing back on limbs

    Doesnt need to be realsitc but could be a fun feature