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Everything posted by NoKillsException

  1. (If some Admin/Mod is just going to remove this topic again, please send me a PM why you do that and where I should post it) Hey guys, I'm just passing through here to release my incompleted first version of Dayz-Database-Manager (works only with reality hives!). I started to develop it, because the hoster of our Clan's DayZ-Server had no useful integrated tools to edit the data in there. I had to take a break because of university stuff and suddenly the Standalone has been released. And because I didn't want the program to be lost on my HDD (I spent so much time for it) I decided to complete the main functions and release it afterwards. You can now edit: - a survivors stats - a survivors loadout - a survivors worldspace (position on map) - dead survivors entries - a cars spawn-entries - a cars stats/car-spawn-stats/car-instance stats - the inventory of a car/car-instance Things I'll maybe add in the next versions, if there are still many people using it: - Add a car/car-spawn/car-instance - Saving favourite inventories/loadouts and survivors (That you can set a simple loadout for a few players at one time - for server events or something like that) - A whole new tab for adding/editing objects (like tents or buildings) - some settings ;) DOWNLOAD http://dks.clan-base.de/dayzdb/release.zip Note: You need JAVA to run this program on you Windows, MAC or Linux OS. To get more informations about this application, you can visit this little page or read the README-file. Have fun! You can follow me on twitter: @amorpherCoder
  2. NoKillsException

    [RELEASE] DayZ-Database-Manager v0.1.0

    Because of that I started to create this application =)...thanks! I don't know if it's working with their database. If there are tables like "world_vehicle","vehicle_instance" etc it should be a reality-hive and shouldn't be a problem to manage that with my program ;)
  3. hey guys, We're hosting a private Hive server now. But I also want to add more buildings on the map - So I read a few tutorials. But there is no "object_data" table in my database, but I need it to create a building on a special spot... Did I do something wrong? Also I want some special players to spawn with a custom (but in DayZ included) skin. Is that possible? And if yes, how? Really, I googled for two days now and couldn't find any solutions to these questions :\
  4. NoKillsException

    No "object_data" table & some more PH questions

    I'm really thankful for your help, but I have no access to that server files :\ I'll contact my hoster -.-"
  5. NoKillsException

    No "object_data" table & some more PH questions

    my host is gameserver.gamed.de But so you mean to tell me that I have to create these files locally in my DayZ-Client? I found some mission folders, but they're all empty - so I couldn't find a .bedi file Thank you so much for you help, but I'm really a noob in configuring a DayZ-Server (except for the database :D)
  6. NoKillsException

    No "object_data" table & some more PH questions

    thanks for your answer, but I got only these tables:
  7. hey guys, We're hosting a normal public hive DayZ-Server atm. But we had so much trouble with hackers in the last few days that we thought we should withelist it. In the control-panel I have the option to set a whitelisted server up - but I have some questions about that: - Is it possible to host a PUBLIC HIVE WHITELISTED server? - It seems that this is an official Whitelist: If it's like that, how can I register myself there or where is the website for this list? - Do I have to connect the server to that (or another) whitelist? If yes, how? I was searching for a while and couldn't find anything about that =\ I hope that somebody coudl help me here =)
  8. NoKillsException

    Hosting a public whitelisted server? How?

    Alright, didn't know that, sorry^^ thank you guys =)
  9. NoKillsException

    Hosting a public whitelisted server? How?

    So maybe only a whitelisted private Hive? But I can set up a whitelisted server in the control panel, but I have no database for it ôO
  10. hey guys, My clan is (or was) hosting a very popular german DayZ-Server until all the players got kicked because of script-restrictions. But nobody of us had the time to fix it in the last few weeks. Today I got a little bit time for it and searched the whole day for solutions, but I couldn't find any... I also cloned the files from here (https://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/source/browse/#git%2Ffilters) and copied it on the server. After I restarted it and joined I always got kicked by retriction #20, #44, #111, #117 and # 118. So I just commented the lines out, but the only thing that happend, is, that I get kicked for other restrictions. So my question is: where can I find the latest scripts.txt that will word with our server (Beta 103718)? And seriously, why do they upload that in a GIT Repo? I don't think that the most of the server-admins know what GIT is...
  11. NoKillsException

    Where can I get the latest scripts.txt?

    thank you guys so much =)...it worked with that files ;)
  12. hi, We're hosting a DayZ public server and we had a guy there who joined our TS3. We know exactly that he cheated - he also told us... At first he spawned ammo boxes, vehicles and some other stuff - then he kicked all 36 players from our server. And in the end he destroyed a load of buildings. I'm sorry that we have no videos or screenshots of it, but it wouldn't help that much. Our Server: DE 870 ... Name: Medic GUID: eb31f07a90bc21fbaa0f12e61cf92d1a And seriously, it is the biggest shit ever that we can't ban players as server admins... (I understand why it is disabled, but it's really a problem) Why the fuck isn't it even possible to ban such kiddies only on our server?
  13. NoKillsException

    Script-kiddy destroyed our server

    ^ this =P I'm very sure that this wasn't his real IP - I banned him also on our TS and he came back in a few minutes. That guy was a programmer (like me) and I'm sure that he knew what he was doing...
  14. NoKillsException

    Script-kiddy destroyed our server

    Thank you so much, Splinter_2K!! We're not such ones^^...we'll only ban players, if we're 100% sure that they are hackers ;) And thank you all again for your help =)
  15. NoKillsException

    Script-kiddy destroyed our server

    I have installed the BERCon Tool since we have our server. But there's no command for banning players ôO http://www.dayzbuzz.com/dayz-game-server-admin-commands/
  16. NoKillsException

    Script-kiddy destroyed our server

    How do I do that? When I'm logged in as an admin, I type "exec ban XX", but nothing happens ôO I googled a few days ago and found only Threads where the people said that it isn't possible...