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Everything posted by HumanBeing25

  1. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    And server framerates affect the very client itself, when the server is supposed to synchronize with the clients, do collision detection, and a bunch of other heavy-duty stuff.
  2. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    Good Lord Almighty. All this staying up till 6am yesterday and behavior like it, and now it's probably a 2014 release. I don't know how to feel. On one hand it's good that Rocket (FINALLY!!!!) let us know that we need to wait at least a month, and on the other hand... who wants to wait a month?
  3. HumanBeing25

    Quick status update for week 8 November

    So how long can we expect these fixes to take? Just a rough estimate.
  4. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    You obviously are not familiar with WoW servers.
  5. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    I'm going to go ahead and ask the question we all have in mind but're afraid to ask: has the final test been done? What are we NOW waiting for? What is stalling the release?
  6. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    Just think about it for a moment. Those many empires that have existed throughout thousands of years - those empires only existed for the mere purpose of fooling today's humans into thinking that the world is run by different political parties who all wage war on each other. In fact, the reality is that thousands of years have been spend on construction history precisely as to give us this false belief! Yes. It all makes sense! Rocket builds a hype train one year back merely and only to confuse those gullible fools! All of this planning so that Rocket can release DayZ SA while the gullible fools are left confused for a few hours or days, thus minimizing the total server load! YES! YES! YES! It makes SENSE! YES!
  7. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    Why is Rocket doing this so us? Why is he fucking our nashholes?
  8. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    Then how're we supposed to find the game? Via searching for the name?
  9. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    Good. So, does anyone know if there is a specific timeframe where games will be released on Steam, or whether it's fully automated when approved?
  10. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    How's the weather in Ireland?
  11. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    Do you think there is such a possible world where teenagers, who due to age are not fully mentally developed, will be able to function as a fully developed 24 year old?
  12. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    I don't think the rebelious 12-16 year old le haxors are mentally able to do anything else than copy software code and proclaim it as their own.
  13. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    Probably some guy with a personality disorder, who likes to have attention so he makes big unbelieveable lies..
  14. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    That's possibly not testing, just alpha testers enjoying their free access. Rocket mentioned that there would be a test every week or so, but this doesn't look to be a real test. In fact, everyday there's lots of players (between 1 and 16) playing it.
  15. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    What's everyone so excited about, no proof of habbening..
  16. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    Maybe I forgot to tip my fedora far enough to give the signal. *tips fedora 75 degrees to the right*
  17. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    Come on, don't post that. We're not horny teens on this forum - right, guys? Well, at least I don't get turned on by this primitive animal-like behavior. *tips fedora* m'lady
  18. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    I think you're playing with my feelings. I'll be playing Dota 2 and doing pushups meanwhile we wait. Gotta keep the spare time productive.
  19. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    All those biscuits are ruining your vision, because the link has already been posted a page or so back ;) https://twitter.com/Frozelda
  20. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    That would be a rather dumb business strategy. I don't think Rocket is so irrational to let his primitive, irrational emotions come before his rational decision making.
  21. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    What a cunt, he said it would be released and it hasn't. Who does that - makes false claims on the Internet with the intention of causing an irritative moods?
  22. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    I just came . . . . . . . . . . from looking whether it has been released, and it hasn't.
  23. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    Everything's backwards in the UK. Okay, I'll trust you on this one. Then it's an hour till possible release.
  24. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    No, it's 6pm now
  25. HumanBeing25

    November Round-up

    4 minutes. Can we all agree that we call BS on this 6pm release tweet if no release? Good.