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Everything posted by HumanBeing25

  1. HumanBeing25

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    I knew it, you're one of them - you queen of England worshiping monster, you.
  2. HumanBeing25

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    I think this supposed "game release" is just to keep us occupied while Obama implements ObamaCare to its fullest. DON'T FALL FOR THE TRICK! Dean is a reptilian lizard living inside the giant spaceship we know as the "Moon". He's a fraud. He's a shill. He's one of Them.
  3. HumanBeing25

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    I am playing 7DTD and it's got very impressive lighting and shadow effects, and it features physics, etc. A fun game, but still in alpha stage unfortunately.
  4. HumanBeing25

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    That HAS to be it, or else it's definitely Habening.
  5. HumanBeing25

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    What's habbening? DayZ updated 4 days ago on steam?? Dean has given up the game development?
  6. HumanBeing25

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Only a true 'Stralian will understand the reference to "Stremely' low"
  7. HumanBeing25

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    I wouldn't be surprised if Finnish hasn't changed a bit since it was first made by the Finns. It sounds like some ancient Viking stuff 'n' sh1t
  8. HumanBeing25

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    You're Finnish. What's the worst you can do - shout in Finnish?
  9. Yes, you've got that right. The reason Dean has been absent from his Twitter is because he has been forced to put a lot of time into the few remaining parts that need to be worked on. This is taken from his Twitter: So, this means game will be released probably somewhere in October, probably mid or end October.
  10. HumanBeing25

    Dean is rounding up SA client for release

    I dare you to find a single place where I did as you said I did. I dare you. I double damn dare you. I triple twister dare you. I quadruple duple dare you.
  11. HumanBeing25

    Dean is rounding up SA client for release

    With the plenty of issues you'll encounter in the game as it first releases, I am sure you'll find a way to get away from the game.
  12. HumanBeing25

    Dean is rounding up SA client for release

    Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, or lacking evidence for is not evidence against. But I'm afraid you may be right. We all know the publisher (Bohemia Interactive) wants to stall the release, and it's quite obvious. I think Dean's promises are made based on his own view of the game, and the Bohemia tells him "no can do, Deanio," and Dean is then forced to make another date, etc.
  13. HumanBeing25

    Dean is rounding up SA client for release

    Imma need a source on that, captain.
  14. HumanBeing25

    Dean is rounding up SA client for release

    It's incomprehensible that some people can be so lazy as to not go to his Twitter if they really are in doubt.
  15. HumanBeing25

    Dean is rounding up SA client for release

    Hopefully before, but as some on this forum have mentioned, Dean may have forgotten some of his favorite socks on Mount Everest, and that may delay the release.
  16. And I said hey - hey - hey - hey -- what's going on? Hu-yeah. We need more #DayZSA updates. Looking here: http://steamdb.info/app/221100/#section_info the game is being updated, but not Dean's Twitter apparently.
  17. HumanBeing25

    Dean hasn't updated his Twitter in, like, days?

    Young one? Is that an invitation to come into your candy van for some free candy? You can't just treat every person you haven't seen like your personal fucktoy. Come on, that isn't fair. I'm a HUMAN BEING. WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE HUMANS!
  18. HumanBeing25

    Why We Need A Release Date

    Obama failing to understand his own brainless use of words in speeches he never wrote himself. I've seen it all!
  19. HumanBeing25

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Why do birds fly and not walk? Why do universes exist at all? Some things are just brute facts that needn't be questioned.
  20. HumanBeing25

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Witcher 3? Traitor! Traitor! He's a traitor! Get yer pitchforks, we've got a traitor to burn.
  21. HumanBeing25

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Like a broken car than still runs.
  22. HumanBeing25

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Such blasphemy against our Lord. How dare you question the workings of the mystical Lord whom has given us all we have, yet has done so without appearing to us?
  23. HumanBeing25

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Not going to happen, and writing with blue only worsens it.
  24. HumanBeing25

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Oh, baby. I have the size and the girth!
  25. HumanBeing25

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    B-but he's so cute!