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About superior_bob@hotmail.com

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    On the Coast
  1. superior_bob@hotmail.com

    M40A3 and Suppressed Makarov

    I'm not sure why a hacker would want to bother spawning himself a suppressed Makarov; it's pretty much the only weapon in the game that's actually weaker than the vanilla Makarov. Why not spawn himself a better suppressed weapon, like a M9SD?
  2. I'm all for more realism in Day Z but I feel like the new "dark night" overdoes it quite a bit. Nighttime is pretty much unplayable at the moment without NVG's. I'm not sure why I should bother playing a game when I am literally unable to see even an inch in front of me. My usual timeframe for playing is 10:00pm - 1am local time. Since the "fix" I just don't play on local servers anymore; it's too dark. Instead I'll join a foreign server where it's actually daytime.
  3. superior_bob@hotmail.com

    Hey Rocket!! Wanna make some $$$?

    This is possibly the worst suggestion for Day Z that I've ever read. Paying for power is one of the worst "features" you could possibly implement in any game; this is especially true in a realism-oriented, persistent game like Day Z.
  4. superior_bob@hotmail.com

    M40A3 and Suppressed Makarov

    I am fairly certain that ArmA 2 features a suppressed Makarov.
  5. superior_bob@hotmail.com

    20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

    SORT OF Reduce starting ammo to something like 2 magazines.
  6. superior_bob@hotmail.com

    Whats your Reason?

    Long ago, at the beginning of time, there was the Great Bean. The Great Bean created the skies and the Earth. The Great Bean placed the sun in the sky and the birds in the air. The Great Bean even made mankind, his favored creation; and the Great Bean gifted mankind with his children, the Baked Beans, packaged in tin cans, for man to feed on. For generations, man happily feasted on the canned beans gifted to them by the Great Bean. People were well-fed and happy. Things were good. Then came the Uneating. Obesity became socially unacceptable. Skinny was the new sexy. Worst of all, people stopped eating beans. The Great Bean was angered. Mankind had refused his gift, and in the process, they had strayed from the path he had set for them. As punishment, the Great Bean set a plague onto the land - a disease that gave men insatiable hunger, so that they would turn on and consume one another. Only the bean farmers, the Great Bean's chosen people, were spared this disease. I am an Acolyte of the Bean, a member of the Order of the Haricot, part of the Church of the Holy Tin Can. It is the Church's belief that the only way to end the plague is to gather all of the cans of baked beans in Chernarus and place them in a pile on the southern coast. If we pray at this altar of beans, the Great Bean will realize that we have rejected the Uneating and once again deserve to be in his good graces. tl;dr: I kill players for their beans
  7. superior_bob@hotmail.com

    mod: close thread ty

  8. superior_bob@hotmail.com

    mod: close thread ty

    That would be great reasoning if we were playing ArmA 2, but we aren't. We're playing Day Z, which is significantly harder and more competitive than ArmA. Third person can be abused in a way that gives players the ability to see around walls; this really doesn't have a place in a realism-oriented survival game, especially one with heavy PvP elements.