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About /rne

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. /rne

    aaand its gone.

    careful with that, backpacks tend to disappear when you drop them.
  2. /rne

    those goddamn bugs

    It gets better: after spawning I was thrown 50 m into the air and died when falling back on the floor.
  3. There seems to be no thread talking only about bugs, so here we go. this happend to my today: I was playing on a private hive with only 6-7 people on it, my character was alive for a few days and i had pretty good stuff, so i decided to try something new. i wanted to set up a camp on this tiny island between cherno and elektro, just one tent to hide my weapons. After doing so and being happy because i didnt lose any items when swimming there, i found a boat. so i headed to Skalisty Island with half of my gear left in the tent and the other half with me. the mi-17 was there. thats were i encoutered the first bug. after getting in to check its status (out of fuel but fully repaired) i got out again to refuel it. i did not stand next to it after leaving, but in the middle of the chopper... it ended in a broken leg and losing 5k blood. luckily i survived. after flying around for 2 hours and packing the chopper full with stuff, i decided to fly back to my tent at cap golova. halfway there i needed some fuel, so i filled my jerry cans and continued my trip. then i got kicked because of a bug while flying... when i logged in again my chopper didnt get destroyed, but the tank was empty again and my jerry cans were gone... after walking 30 mins to find some new and refill my mi-17, it started to get annoying. did i mention that after getting kicked i spawned unter the chopper again and had to waste morphin and a bandage (and also lost most of my blood again)? <_< i finally arrived at my small island, managed to land there and even my tent was still good. the server then announced a restart in 3 mins, so i logged out because i didnt want to risk losing my gear or something because of losing session. after logging in again my tent and my chopper where gone, leaving my there with almost nothing, because everything i had was inside them. I now am 200m away from solid ground and lost everything. not going to cry about it, the whole time playing was pretty much fun, but after losing everything or getting killed due to bugs so many times it gets annoying. i cant even remember being killed by zeds or players the last time, must have been weeks ago. my last ~10 deaths resulted from bugs. so - how do you deal with bugs or is there any way to avoid some (like standing in the vehicle after getting out)? tell me your stories :)
  4. I only play on servers with 3dp enabled because of this annoying screen shaking when running in first person. without this i wouldnt care. hope the get rid of it in SA.
  5. i've stolen it here, all credit goes to this guy. :D
  6. so you need to censor it. i think it would still be pretty useful if you got some basic shapes like arrows, numbers, zombies, maybe a sniperrifle, a skull and an exclamation mark oh and also some shapes for different weapons/vehicles and a dollar sign would be nice to start trading
  7. I think its a nice feature for spawning new, but i dont want something like this everytime i log in. I played 3-4h today and got kicked at least 10 times because of bugs. Especially when you are in a car this is annoying enough so i dont want to wait even longer until i can continue.
  8. Hey. i thought of ways to communicate with other survivors and the only thing you can do right now is speak to them via (voice)chat. if side channel is disabled they even have to be near you and online at the same time. more possibilities would be much appreciated. things i would suggest: - pieces of chalk or coal could be used to write or draw on walls or streets these messages shouldnt stay that long, at the latest when it rains they should be washed away. i think of basic drawings and signs like arrows, signs for danger, numbers and so on. open your backpack, right-click your chalk/coal/whatever and choose a sign, then it would appear under or infront of you and in the same direction you are facing. im not sure about writing something down because there are always people who would try to spam or write offensive messages but having a feature like this would bring endless possibilites, so think about it. obviously writing with coal would result in black drawings, chalk would be white. i think this is even right now very useful, if they will add dynamic events like huge swarms of zeds wandering it will be essential. - for longer lasting or even permanent markings spray cans could be added (in different colours) the technique to use them would be the same but they would last much longer. however, there should be a way to remove them with another item. you also could use them to mark vehicles with numbers, letters, signs .... - in addition to flares and chemlights i would like luminous pistol (no idea if thats the name, google translator told me ;) ) a rare loot item which can be found in military buildings. shoot it into the sky to create a bright light and a loud sound (visible and hearable at least 1km in all directions). it should (especially at night) atract lots of zeds. i think there are some more ways to communicate which could be implemented, these were only a few basic and easy ones. please excuse my english-