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Everything posted by Irish.

  1. Irish.

    BETA in 8 months or less.

    Re-read the SR carefully.. your answer is in it. ;) 1. There are 2 "strike teams". One is large and working on 0.63. The other is a small team, that is working on 0.62 only. (this affects how long 0.62 will take) 2. EH states that "we have more to come in that department for follow-up/future updates as well" in regards to 0.62. 3. There are 2 major releases slated for this year. And potentially at least 2 more SR's before we see 0.62 (use of word update'S).. I would guess BI see's it, at least a month away. It seems like June, at the latest, would work nicely for BI if they are to keep their 0.63 plans. (which if BETA were to magically hit some other early access market around xmas time.. well, holy hell.. big $ for BI)
  2. Irish.

    Status Report - 18 April 2017

    This is such great news.. While I did not learn a whole lot due to following fairly closely, what I did learn was priceless. And .63 being officially called BETA is amazing.. I guess they already did, but reading it so clearly put out, makes me excited for the future of dayz. *If you did not catch it, they plan and hope for .63 and .62 to release this year. So beta is in fact soon, if things go well. 8 months or less, fingers crossed!
  3. Irish.

    DayZ New Animations

    Also, you should read the suggestions first before posting.. this (in fact all of your suggestions) has been brought up before and confirmed to some degree. There will eventually be some form of dragging allowed.
  4. Irish.

    The Doctor is in

    "..The drip.. the clippity clap.." ROFLMFAO !
  5. Irish.

    Framed Chernarus Map

    Sure James.. sure.. ;)
  6. Devs know about it. Carry on.
  7. Irish.

    Is this a good thing for DayZ, or not?

    You can send this thing to the deep end if you'd like then. (no use in spreading "info" around, needlessly).
  8. Irish.

    spice up the gameplay/realism settings

    No killing others without going to jail for life.
  9. Irish.

    Flip Flops

    We need some flip flops. For beach time, and what not. But they must have proper audio that goes with them.. need that slap sound when we walk.
  10. Irish.

    Flip Flops

    lol.. i love it
  11. Irish.

    Is this a good thing for DayZ, or not?

    I would feel icky if I did that. Blazing hot shower icky.
  12. Irish.

    Is this a good thing for DayZ, or not?

    It is owned by someone who frequents this forum. And his group I suppose owns the camp.. but I do not know for certain. Outside of blatant disrespect, for no reason.. or glitching.. I see no way of getting at this camp (ban rules of server, etc.) Normally that might drive me nuts.. but knowing who owns this, and having respect for the person, means there is not much I am willing to do other than consider what it could mean for dayz in general. I did some research and found it to be a widespread issue, present on many many servers.. So I brought it up here and on Reddit. With that said.. I already feel like a dick to the "owner". I may have inadvertently caused them grief.. and that sucks.
  13. Irish.

    Primitive Firearms: The forgotten Survival Weapons.

    I love your knowledge and input man.. I do. I just think that Chernarus, and the game they have built has no real place for these types of weapons. Now that is just the vanilla base game though.. I would love to see modding take this game further.. new map, different era.. fucking pirates and muskets, circa 1800's or so. Or a civil era style of mod, with weapons like this throughout. But mixing so old, with so current.. seems very off for this type of game in my opinion. Again, in regards to the vanilla game and the story/lore they've built around it (or lack there of).
  14. Irish.

    DayZ Crosshair.

    Nope. Im thinking once modding hits.. you'll get bright pink options and shit like COD has.
  15. Irish.

    DayZ Crosshair.

    Just like COD, yes.
  16. Irish.

    Is this a good thing for DayZ, or not?

    I like your style.
  17. Irish.

    Is this a good thing for DayZ, or not?

    I forgot about that WIP.. thats good news. What about the pesky buildings with only a few entrances getting blocked out by tents?
  18. Irish.

    Error creating enfusion engine

    He is right. I looked it up, but initially took your word for it.. It does not support DX11. Time to buy a new card that does if you want to play DayZ.
  19. Irish.

    Error creating enfusion engine

  20. Irish.

    Error creating enfusion engine

    Try this: "If your specs are good enough then this should help you. I had this error pop up last night for no apparent reason. My Specs I5 4670k 16gb ram GTX980 TI Direct X12 Here is how I fixed it Right click on desktop and open Nvidea Control Panel, Click on Manage 3D settings, then click on programme settings. add the dayz.exe (this can be found wherever your dayz is installed). Once added scroll down to Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration. Then Select Compatibility performance mode, Then go to Global settings and do the same." This was copy/paste from reddit post about same issue.. hope it helps.
  21. Irish.

    Error creating enfusion engine

    Does your card support DX11 ?
  22. Irish.

    Is this a good thing for DayZ, or not?

    Well, its a private server. There is no way inside of the camp, at all. It is entirely unlootable unless you know the guys inside of it. There is no way at all unless you use an exploit. You cannot even hop servers into it. The tents and the fencing make it so no one can get inside. Yes, they blocked every single break in the fence.
  23. Irish.

    Primitive Firearms: The forgotten Survival Weapons.

    OP: First off, those weapons are too outdated for this version of dayz. They simply do not fit into the game. Maybe for a mod, but not at all for Chernarus. Secondly, if what you truly desire is more depth.. the devs have already discussed putting those special work sheds to use down the road. Apparently that is where we will do gunsmithing, and other types of extensive crafting eventually.