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Everything posted by Irish.

  1. Irish.

    What you think that Devs are doing?

    Guys, it is the weekend.. they obviously are off having a little bit of fun.
  2. Irish.

    Doctor's Orders

  3. Irish.

    Doctor's Orders

    I died.. lol!
  4. Irish.

    Offline editor

    They do plan an offline mode. But that will be much later.
  5. Short answer: Unreal 4 is shit for a game like DayZ.
  6. Irish.

    "Oops! ...did I interrupt something?"

    Same here.. died laughing, didnt think much about doing it at the time, had only a second or two.. but then I felt pretty bad. Poor little guy got the crap scared out of him.
  7. Irish.

    Exp Update 0.62.139653

    Oh that is exciting.. I feel stable is approaching faster then expected. :)
  8. In game, place the walkie talkie in your hands. It should show the battery in it, in the left corner. Now right click the walkie talkie.. the screen that shows "inspect" will show up (this is the screen lacking for you "turn on" etc..) Now press F12 to take a steam in-game image of your screen. Then come back and post it here.* *This will show the devs and everyone else, that it is not working for you, as it should. Until then, no one knows if you're simply doing something wrong or if it truly is the games fault. :)
  9. Irish.

    How old are you?

    I made a clan with a friend a while back called FOG.. for older gamers.. only when it first started we named it Fucking Old Guys. Then someone pointed out how that sounded wrong.. like really wrong. So we changed it. :P I am 39, going on 16 mentally and 87 physically.
  10. Irish.

    changes in playstyle for 0.62 exp

    I may have to upgrade to 4k from 2k, and I just upgraded to 2k. :/
  11. That is weird man.. can you make a little video showing you trying to get it to work? It could help, if the devs dont already know about this.
  12. Irish.

    [0.62 EXP] Black Screen During Recording

    Can you use Shadowplay? Working great for me so far on 0.62. (of course I play in windowed borderless to get rid of that pesky dark screen recording thingy)
  13. Irish.

    State of the Game?

    I have no idea how you got to the conclusion you did there.. especially with what you quoted.
  14. 1440p is still processing.. *edit: all done!
  15. Irish.

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    More servers just went live:
  16. Irish.

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    I damn near just vomited. Maybe its related, maybe I'm just sick this morning.. either way. Mee.. mer mer mee.
  17. Irish.

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    Thanks Zuzana!
  18. Irish.

    Madness Rising

    I loved that intro... "No, no. no. no!"
  19. Irish.

    Reposted Reddit Findings! (Scripts)

    Most of that is not new.. heart attacks have been in since the defib could kill you of one.. same thing for electrocution. Brian Hicks talked about megaphones about 2 years ago.. But thanks! A lot of people probably missed it all. :)
  20. Irish.

    Zombie Flocking Discussion?

    I dont think they've told us too much about how they may be changed down the road.. other then speaking of some limitations on how many there can be in the server, we have not had much input on where they may go with zeds. I'd love to see at least some small sized hoards of 5-10 or more roaming around randomly. And would really love to see loud noises and light attract them much more. Also, bleeding.. we need them to attract to blood.