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Everything posted by Irish.

  1. Irish.

    I am looking for crash, can you help me?

    I think he means the end of the file.. like .com , .xref , .etc , .jpg
  2. Irish.

    I am looking for crash, can you help me?

    It is impressive seeing this post go up so quickly from BI staff.. I mean I just barely heard that this is a thing ...(DeadlySlob video/post).
  3. Irish.

    Dances with Wolves

    Finally someone pays those bastards back for all that wolf-stuff.. ;)
  4. Irish.

    Gorka Efectiveness (Video Real World)

    What is this? A discussion? o.O *you cannot really compare "effectiveness" of camo without using it in the environment it was meant for (gorka is seasonal and regional, and he just tested it all in the same place/same time).
  5. Irish.

    What needs to be done with DayZ

    I dont care what you guys say... this shit is starting to get funny...
  6. Irish.

    Future of public hive servers

    In my opinion the wisest decision BI could make is to discontinue the renting of public servers. It serves no purpose, other than the stated negative ones, to be able to rent a public hive server. I see a lot of people getting upset over it, but I think it will help tremendously in cleaning up DayZ, so to say. If private hives are always there, then we can all custom tailor our experience if we find its worth the rental fee. Communities and websites can rent private servers and thrive as always. The public servers will be under BI's control, and therefore hopefully will be easier to keep exploiting to a minimum. TL;DR - I love the idea. Please move forward with it ASAP.
  7. Think of it like this OP. How do you meet your friends in real life? Do that.
  8. Irish.

    Vehicle Desync - Will this be addressed soon?

    You guys are fun.. its like you forgot how patches and things have gone so far. Vehicles will be fixed before too long, they are working hard on it and discuss it in depth in the patch notes and updates. Maybe read some stuff the devs release on development, no? ;)
  9. I stopped reading there when the shit hit the fan.. ..But Stilton, I assume its been pointed out and all.. have you heard about the new things being added to dayz? Like what the devs are working on? I think that is what IMT was getting on when he commented.. see, its frustrating for people who frequent here, to read from people who are far from new to this place, things that could easily have been answered with a little bit of research. We see it all the time; Players posting things that are highly irrelevant when you factor in dev notes, and roadmaps. The devs have stated that the player controller is being completely overhauled and redone. Hell, almost everything in this game is on the cusp of being fully overhauled. So,my question is.. did you do research and read about all of this stuff? And if you did not, have you done so now that it has been pointed out to you? Because I feel like if you do.. it will answer all of your questions (that I read at least).
  10. Irish.

    How to report a player to the admin?

    Well, you are so good at it.. people are spreading the word that you use a bot for banning. :P Btw, can someone handcuff me on #3 and leave me there? Poison me ?
  11. Irish.

    How to report a player to the admin?

    They have a bot that bans people automatically, from what I have heard. This way, if someone kills another player.. the get auto-banned. They also ban for glitching, duping, hacking, etc.. *It's a great server if you want to explore DayZ without all the fuckery going around on public servers.
  12. Irish.

    How to report a player to the admin?

    He must be speaking of US Colony #3. Its the only server out there that fits his description. So, with that said.. Weyland <-- (that is a link to his profile) is the guy here on the dayz forums to talk to. He knows the people who run it. Also, they have their own websit/forum here: http://forums.dayzcolony.com/index.php
  13. Irish.

    PSA: Beer will get you killed in Tisy

    "..eye'mmmm all freddy drumpf." - Irish
  14. Irish.

    Character Value: A discussion.

    I have to add a thought.. the way the game renders now, once you are inside a building, the outside stuff has no need to render unless you look out the window, etc.. Anyhow, it seems like this would directly tie into being able to add items inside of a house/building, without having a performance hit (the major issue in the past with doing much like this). So perhaps, this is all already planned stuff here? I certainly hope so. All of Senchi's work on the map, would seem fruitless if once you entered a house it seemed so empty in comparison.
  15. Irish.

    Flickering textures, bought new PC, no change

    I've been doing some research. Maxing out your object settings seems to help, yet you suffer fps hits when you do that. It is an issue with how dayz renders the graphics at distance. The old renderer suffered from it greatly, but many people saw improvements with the new renderer. However some people still have this issue, including me. My issue is very small, and I dont notice unless I pay close attention (I have probably simply got used to it by now). I have very similar PC specs as you. I have noticed the issues does not transfer over to shadowplay, so I cannot record it in "action". I feel like if you max out your object settings, then mess with the view distance to find your optimum settings, it may improve but will probably be there for a while, if not forever.
  16. Irish.

    Wolf can't go outside map

    That really makes one hell of a scene man.. love it.
  17. Irish.

    nerf the sharpened stick

    I missed some notes on the new patch. :/
  18. Irish.

    Truck Battery location?

    Thanks man.. had no idea. :)
  19. Irish.

    Truck Battery location?

    There was no patch. Just maintenance. At least.. I didnt hear of a new patch.
  20. Irish.

    Truck Battery location?

    Yes. I see them frequently in industrial spawns, and sheds (the larger ones). There is a zone thing with loot.. have you tried moving to several different areas to look? (im guessing you have) *also, since cars/trucks are so buggy.. people are taking to hoarding vast amounts of parts right now. Ive seen it in many camps lately. Could be the amount of players looting said batteries.