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Everything posted by Irish.

  1. First of all, everything that they will be adding.. well at least what's missing that is. After that, I would add in: 1. Hot AIr Balloons. 2. Ability to lose a limb and survive, and wheelchairs/crutches. 3. Bullhorns (loudspeaker) 4. Cigarettes, Alcohol, Narcotics + effects of using them (temp.) - like using morphine/painkillers makes you drowsy, etc.. 5. Working phones - Payphones, house phones only. (learning the correct #'s could be big part of it) 6. Seasons. - can be set server side so its regional (not too extreme, like massive snow.. just cold/hot/rain/fog/cloudy,etc.) 7. The need to "use restroom", under threat of ruining pants if ignored. ;)
  2. Irish.

    I've got it. The reason bandits wear military gear!

    Im in all OD head to toe, since its what I found that keeps me hidden so far. I dont like getting my head blown off because of a red cap. Im definitely not a bandit or KOS'er.. it will take a while before I get bored enough to resort to things like that
  3. Awesome.. and always what I have suspected. But if I took that quiz a few months back, when I was running with my old clan it would have been much different. Thanks for making that.. :D
  4. Irish.

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    ARGHHH!!! RAZOR! What the heck have you done to my precious!! >:( * [FIXED] - Shadow LODs on soda cans. j/k :rolleyes:
  5. First off, is it still slated for today? Will it be in the form of a new update (i.e. 1.7.8, etc.) or will it simply be there server side without an update once its live? Will there be a delay for other hives to update also or will this be universal for all servers once live? My apologies but I cannot remember the last time a hotfix came in and how it worked out. Any help is appreciated, as I am getting seriously aggravated with some of the issues in this new patch. The FPS problems and these new Zeds that become super-human once their "undead" and randomly spawn in front of you is just killing the immersion for me. I know.. QQ. But survival game or not, your average zombie is lumbering and not much of a threat for an armed person. These zeds that can run, jump, hear, see, and travel through walls/objects, with super human powers, just kind of kills it. Try watching a zombie movie where they act like this.. you would walk out in 10 minutes.
  6. Aww.. So I should see a 1.7.8 or something like that soon? ..that also means that some of the private hives will take longer to update. Good to know
  7. My first life I had made it all the way to NWAF.. I had a bat, nails, and so much good loot. And I had no idea how lucky I was. My lives since I have only made as far north as Zelenogorsk due to the insane infection rate and zeds pulling off the impossible. I like 1.7.7, but I highly dislike the issues.. it should be fun to survive and play, not mundane and trivial.
  8. Irish.

    Huge fps drop..

    The new patch has some serious FPS issues, just take a look at the hotfix changelog and you will see.. fixes are inbound
  9. Irish.

    BMRF DayZ Servers - [Private Hive / Whitelist]

    BOB-AYYYYYYY!!! ;)
  10. Irish.

    BMRF DayZ Servers - [Private Hive / Whitelist]

    Dont foget, server #4 Chernarus is actually a public server, so no whitelisting needed if you would like to give it a quick try.. #4 has waypoints, and the typical things you would see in a public server but also has the benefits of the BMRF anti-hack measures and the wonderful admins/mods we count on to ban combat loggers/cheaters/dupers/etc.. Also BMRF has several Origins servers that are up and well populated so check those out as well! The easiest way to find us is simply search for "BMRF" within DayZ Commander, etc. See you out on the field for excellent pvp and literally the best set of private servers out there.. BMRF
  11. Irish.


    PS,Stewie.. Im officially out. We are cool, and you will see me in BMRF servers, but Im out of JTL. Would rather lonewolf it, then try to be part of this massive crew. 5-10 people are good to me, but having so many that I get shot at our camps, and then they steal all our gear.. is not my cup of tea. That and the constant changes, just driving me nuts. I just want to play for fun, and enjoy the game.. so lonewolf for me. Thanks for everything bro.. see you in the game!
  12. Irish.


    "Military tactics.. Mic, Formation, and Rank discipline.. serious survival, with fun intentions." - The Justice League
  13. Irish.


    Just know, when you do.. We will be there too.
  14. Irish.


    Lumps for bumps
  15. So I am still new to this game, and of course at first was scared out of my mind of Zombies until one day I squaded up with some random guys and I noticed how they would just run around paying no attention to them. I learned, patches came and I learned again.. but my best initial lesson was the Hatchet. So Im like an American Psycho with my Hatchet these days, and loving it.. Zeds run from me at times ;) and one time this guy ran up to me and tried to hack me up, so I shot him and was shocked at his bravado.. almost impressed at how ballsy he was. Then I thought, no that was just stupid.. never bring an axe to a gunfight. But last night.. I was in Cherno gathering goods for the trip North I was planning. I started to hear shots ring out.. and see players dropping dead on the text feed. I though to myself, lets stay away from that area.. but got turned around and found myself in the shooting grounds of 1 very skilled bandit. He was at the military tents "hospitals" in the middle area of Cherno. The one with the tall tower right there with them. This Bandit had taken out some 14 guys with his CZ50.. catching them all as they tried to gather loot. Total ambush type bandit, and killing JUST FOR SPORT. So I happen to see him, scoping in on me.. get very lucky that I did. So I use my flanking skills and fake left, but then pull right when he goes around the building all the while not even realzing I have spotted him, spotting me. So I sneak up next to him, hack my axe and SWING AND A MISS!.. off he goes running scared out of his mind, as I swing away like Babe Ruth on him.. finally I get tired of the cat and mouse so I duck behind a wall and he losses me again.. Im laughing now. A guy with a ton of weapons and gear versus a noob with an Axe and he is running scared. So I stalk him.. he spins in circles panic stricken looking for me, and finally decides to climb the huge tower to get a vantage point on me. So I follow.. quietly. Wait for him to reach the top, then I climb the ladder after him. At the top I hacked him to death, stole all his awesome loot, climbed down and started north.. 2 minutes later, I died for no reason at all. Just dropped dead. No one around, no shots. Instant death. Best game for me so far.. and that is my "How to bring an Axe to a gunfight" :P
  16. Its funny, I feel more safe with just an Axe then I do with any other weapon. I really wish you could switch from your primaries to your axe easily. Would make this game ten times easier on me.
  17. lol.. nice man. I would have been in a similar scenario yesterday, but did not have a hatchet yet so had to book it out of there like a trackstar.
  18. Irish.

    FPS Problems

    For me everything was fixed with a different server.. 3 servers in a row I saw pretty heavy FPS drops inside populated cites, but the last server I joined was fine.. no more issues and its 47/50. Hope that might help some of you?
  19. Irish.

    Looking for a PST Survivor

    PST gamer here.. lately Ive been on the BMRF.me servers, and as of now am in server #1.. anyone who wants to sqd up just msg me here and Ill get in touch with you. Usually use teamspeak for chat, so we can meet up there first then on the field.
  20. Ill probably get to one, only to find a stack of toilet paper and 2 straight razors.. >:(
  21. Im english speaking, on West Coast of US.. play often, but am fairly new to DayZ. Been on for about 2 months now, and enjoying the hell out of it but I am starting to want players to group with, chat with, and get help from. I am an adult, 34, and USMC veteran so I can use military tactics and call signs with no problem but also dont mind just getting drunk and having fun at the same time. I have no idea how any of this clan/friending stuff goes and am still just learning how to use the mic/chat properly, but have more than enough time and all the necessary equipment.. just need players and some help getting started. Anyone looking for a semi-noob to add to the group, or any lone wolfs looking for a partner?
  22. SOunds great, Ill check it out! and thanks man :)