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Everything posted by Irish.

  1. I would like for once to have ZERO stats. No leaderboard, or HUD stating how many Ive killed, etc. And I like the current health system. Informative while unintrusive.
  2. I would love to be watching a player.. stalking his movements trying to figure out if I should shoot, ignore, or approach. Only to see him drop all of his gear and walk away... LOL.. please spread this idea. Redditt.
  3. Irish.

    Is a backpack a necessary?

    No backpacks?... I mean I guess you could make hardcore, more hardcore.. more power to you.
  4. Use your mic. At least give them a chance to hear you and know your intentions.. but when all else fails, do what you did. Survive.
  5. Irish.


  6. Irish.

    Musical instruments?

    You gave me a brilliant idea! Play my guitar over proxy.. now I just need at least an in game model of a guitar, does not need to do anything in game.. my character could just hold it while I play out loud for all to hear. :)
  7. There is one problem with your idea OP.. they are adding in berries, and cooking and hunting and probably fishing too. Food will never really be an issue. But if we get private hives, and the ability for admins to control loot spawns, etc.. Im sure you will get what you want eventually.
  8. Irish.

    Dear combat loggers...

    I proxy yelled at a guy during a standoff, "just hit alt-f4 if you dont want to die" and much to my surprise.. he did. I bet he felt stupid when he figured out what actually happened.
  9. Irish.

    I didn't mean to KOS...

    I sort of wish bodies would just vanish immediately when a player is murdered.. it would leave little incentive to kill people unprovoked.
  10. Give me a beard after surviving 100 hours with no death.. nothing else. Ever.
  11. Irish.

    Your first murder

    Mine was self defense, in the mod quite a long time ago.. but I still recall it like it was yesterday, and cannot say Ive come even close to that with any other game out there. I remember it like I had taken an actual life. Weird... Anyhow, it was a bandit sniper at the Mil tents in Cherno. I was new, like really new and heard gunshots. Like a moth to a flame, my bambi instincts kicked in and I ran towards the shots post haste. I arrived at a gruesome scene... bodies everywhere. I think to myself, "this does not look good" but quickly forget all logic and start to walk towards a body to start looting. Now, I felt something was off. But still acted stupidly. Thankfully though, that initial voice in my head prevailed as I made sure to be looking up rather than all the way down at the body so I saw a slight movement through the tents as my bandit sniper took aim. I moved like I didnt see him, no panic.. just slight movement out of his view. Than I immediately ran around, doubling back with cover blocking my movements. He somehow did not see me. I get close to him, and slow my approach. He is searching for me, scoped in, looking at the tent where I was previously. He had no idea my axe was being pulled out. I swing right at his head.... AND MISS! OMG, I run... he runs.. he shoots.. we circle each other.. I know Im dead now. I swing.. I swing... I swing.. and miss, miss, miss. So I panic and hide behind a wall. Somehow.. he is clueless as to where I just went. So I sit there for a moment.. I think I should run out of here fast. So I start to do that. Than I notice he is climbing the tall smokestack tower to get a vantage point on me, and snipe me as I flee. So I think, well Im screwed.. what now? I run directly under the tower in desperation, since that is the one place he wont have a shot on me. Now, Im trapped.. scared, and have no idea what to do. Im out of options.. and now Im getting angry. I mean this guy, is just sitting here killing player after player.. untouched. I want revenge. I decide its all or nothing and climb that tower, axe on the ready. I slow as I reach the top.. climbing and hoping I dont make a sound. I make it, reaching the top with him RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. He is scoped in though, and is oblivious. I swing, this time hitting his face. He dies instantly, but I keep swinging.. for about 30 seconds. The amount of loot on his body makes me feel like a kid in a candy store.. after all I had been playing for a total of about 1 hour, and had an axe on me. Now I had everything. And he proceeded to rage on sidechat.. it was glorious.
  12. Imagine what the world would be like if say a Doctor traveled to some 3rd world country and tried to save lives, only to be robbed and beaten by the very people he tried to help... then he decides to start killing every person he sees in that country to exact revenge. Its sort of like Bin Laden, hating America for helping him but then leaving him behind. He got all KOS too. Maybe take a break from playing, watch more videos, and decide if playing a game that when you get killed makes you want to change your entire stance on how you play it is even worth it.
  13. I was just wondering since I took some time off of dayz mod due to a new baby, got back into it recently and just last week got my hands on the SA, is there a list of in game items like a database or anything? Is there a current map with loot tables, etc.? If not, any chance someone wants to at least list the in game items if they feel like they know most of them. I dont even know whats in game.. LOL, I keep finding new things all the time like my cooking stove I just found. Any help is much appreciated, I know most things and have a fully geared character, but I feel like there must be other things I dont know about yet :)
  14. No, your taking an opportunity to be an ars. That is all, and you know it. It would not have been difficult to simply post the link.. instead you acted like an immature person who feels it necessary to talk down to someone who is earnestly asking for help. Would you have acted that way towards your Mother or Grandma if they asked you a simple question? Would have answered that way if I asked you face to face in person for directions? You did not teach me to fish, you taught me that you are not someone to interact with and that is all. You and people like you are also the reason why, even though I have been a member here for about a year I rarely come here for anything. I have learned in the past that there are much more helpful DayZ community sites out there.. and it looks like that lesson still rings true.
  15. Irish.

    Jump when hearing Gunshots?

    Look, even after months of combat in real life.. you still jump when you hear gunshots that ring out of nowhere. Dont feel bad, its normal and only means you're really getting into the game. Which is good :)
  16. Irish.

    has anyone else encountered this?

    Its a trap!
  17. Irish.

    Trouble finding guns?

    He is right about inland.. I found 4 moisons yesterday, all in small houses, etc.. all inland. In fact, get the hell off the coast as soon as you spawn. Yes, it may be intimidating to not see water if your new, but guess what? When your new you're always lost anyway. So go get lost. Explore. Loot. Now about the M4, he is incorrect when you have MP attachments on your weapon. The M4 is quite accurate if you have it geared properly. I can get clean headshots, 1st try every time at very good distances with my iron sights. Now in general he is right, the M4 can be terrible if it is stock parts or damaged in any way. But it is not the only mil weapon in the game..
  18. Irish.

    Finally dead

    One should know to never feed the trolls... if you just ignore them, they go away. Sometimes.
  19. holy mother of god... http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus ...was it that hard to actually help?
  20. Irish.

    Should NV/IR be implemented?

    I think adding in any form of nightvision would be bad.. in SA at least. Give me new forms of lighting instead. Starburst flares, spotlights, etc..
  21. Irish.

    Books ? why they exist ?

    Books exist for this simple reason: when all the loot has been taken, it makes you question if the game is even working. But books will always be left behind so when you find them, you know not all hope is lost. BIStrolling.
  22. Irish.

    The Lone Wolf: My Playthrough

    Lone Wolfing offers me freedom and in my opinion better immersion. Ive played in groups from large to small, novice to expert.. and it always ends up being 2 things: KOS until it gets boring, or do what that 1 guy running his mouth in the clan wants to do all the time. I mean dont get me wrong, this game is absolutely hilarious in a group. Ive laughed literally all night long with friends. But I found myself getting bored from either running all over the place just to squad up, or sitting in one spot for way too long waiting for people to squad up with. It can make it so that you dont care as much about dying, your friends will help you get your gear back or in the least you will eventually and probably quickly gear back up with the help of your friends. Ive done both for long periods of time and I just find that in a group the game can get stale faster, not always but it can. Its also true of lone wolfing, but that depends entirely on the person. I love the feeling of being all alone, not knowing who is looking at me waiting for that open kill shot. I can stalk players for hours, with them never knowing I am even there which just could not happen as easily with other players with me. When I die, it stings. A lot. I know my chances of running back and getting my gear are slim to none. I know when I spawn back in I will be all alone with no back up on the way. No rides. No help. Just me, and my wits to keep me alive. So far only 1 death on hours of gameplay.. I cant wait to feel that sting and breathe in deep knowing its time to start all over again. :)
  23. Irish.

    I've got it. The reason bandits wear military gear!

    Or I actually am a Marine Corps Veteran.