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Everything posted by Irish.

  1. Irish.

    22-30 FPS with GTX 780?

    I have a 550ti.. and I get 45-65fps outside of major cities, and 30-40 within them. All you have to do is perform science on your video settings until you get that perfect balance of looks and frames. Plenty of help videos and tutorials, but just start messing with it yourself with fraps on so you can see the changes immediately. Go do science. You can get much higher than that if I can with Core2Duo 3.0ghz and a 550ti.
  2. Irish.

    Tips for better situational awareness?

    Really? I dont question you, just never seen that at all or heard of it. Interesting... :/ Science must be applied!
  3. Irish.

    Been killed twice by hackers in the last 48 hours

    Everytime I read this I think about all the times Ive read posts stating the same thing. And having been part of the staff on a popular DayZ site (still am) and watching the reality of peoples reports, and knowing that even in the mod 9/10 times there was no cheating at all, just a perception of cheating. IM left to ask, "why are you afraid of telling us your PROOF of cheating?" Could it be because you know there are still doubts, because you know you havent seen the actual code showing the guy cheated? Now, I know I am presuming a hell of a lot here. But based on my experience, if you do not respond by explaining what happened no good can come from your post other than your venting. See, they need to know what happened. Those of us here on the forums should know also in case we run into the same incident.. Now please, properly respond to my assumptions. Thank you. :)
  4. Irish.

    I have found the "root" of the problem.

    Yes, this. In fact the floating tree thing is probably most common bug from the Arma series. Those things just like to float away.. :)
  5. Irish.


    Rah Killer! ..and thank you for your service Brother
  6. Irish.

    Tips for better situational awareness?

    allow me to pass on some critical training I received in the military: 1. slow is fast ..that is all.
  7. Orr.... they need to write a movie and are not concerned with realism as the whole point is to get lost in a movie?
  8. Irish.

    Would you like a black backpack?

    Thats very true... good points
  9. Irish.


    US West.. usually #420. Find my bullet if you can.. it will be looking for you. Its good to know you have the bloodlust too.. ;) Since no one is really telling stories, except the last one.. and good one at that! I have to add about the last guy I killed. I shoot him.. up close and surprise the hell out of him. But I leave him alive and bleeding for a moment while I watch. He types, "you arshole" to which I laugh.. I whisper to him, "the server just restarted.. im going to hide your body for that one" and he takes a .357 to the head. Lights out. And no. I am not just wanting to use my "tricked out" gear. Ive been playing DayZ since it started almost. Gear does not excite me. BLOOD EXCITES ME. I get to hunt people and just click quit when Im done with no IRL repercussions. Its amazing. Its a little like being outside the green zone.. Chitral or some shite hole like that.
  10. Irish.

    Would you like a black backpack?

    Everyone talks about guns should be rare in an apocalypse but they never realize that what would truly be rare is backpacks. The initial survivors would load them up on their backs and trek out. Hell.. zombies should have them on their backs in various forms of condition.. ..and furthermore, why are there not more zeds that actually feel like they were a survivor at one point? I know, Alpha. But maybe they should think about that for later?
  11. Its hilarious.. it always has to turn into some war of my opinion is better than yours. I like Mil gear. I dont want to walk around for 10 hours and end up with a crossbow. This is an apocalypse scenario here.. I would not be having the issues I have in this game in real life. I would walk straight to my local police station, armory, or gun shop and boom, Im armed to the teeth. I would easily find food, water, etc.. those parts would be easy. I repeat EASY. Its the staying alive from the zeds, and other armed players that should make this game. If they can get that part right, than the looting is just secondary. The way its been with the mods, and the SA up to now is either full on PVP or almost no PVP because the zeds are so damn dangerous. Make the zeds so dangerous that you fear shooting your weapon for what happens next. Anyone play the mods where the zeds would see you and hear you from miles away almost, and they would spawn in packs of about 30-40 per player in towns? It was craziness. That was survival. But if they make the entire focus of the game looting.. well than is it even a survival game anymore or just a glorified treasure hunt?
  12. So I just killed this guy.. and I am perplexed as to how he did this but he had: Moisin on his back. M4 in his hands. Sawed off in the backpack with an FNX45. Chest vest had an FNX45 as well. How the heck do you have 2 primaries on you without bagging either one? I tried and tried to see how he had it, and it basically just would not let me pick up the other weapon like he had it. Now I feel noobish and want to know what Im missing. Any help?
  13. I have killed too many to count lately that feel "safe" in my backyard. Go ahead and visit the NWAF if you see Irish on it. Ill be waiting.
  14. Irish.

    KOS HQ

    Already some fresh kills.. I love this game :D
  15. LOL.. thats just how this guy was. Being that its such a pain to hold 2 Im glad I gave up my M4 for his pristine Mos with LRS and Comp. :)
  16. But how do you go about picking up 2 at once? I ask because I was holding my M4 and it would not let me pick up the Mos.. at all, in hands or on my back.
  17. Irish.

    Where is everyone?(Balota+NWAF)

    I just killed some poor soul named Augustus at the NWAF.. he lost a ton of loot for being too loud and storming through my door with zeds on his 6. But he was the first guy I saw there in quite some time...
  18. Irish.

    Whats Being Done To Combat ESP Hacks?

    Ive played with some pretty serious players in DayZ.. with and against players that had racked up kills in the 10,000+ range in the mods. And some of them were magical. I mean you almost knew they were cheating, but being a mod on the one site myself and getting to know the staff/admins I trust when they posted that not one of the top leaderboard players had ever been found to be cheating in any way. Now there are still ways.. But having seen some of the best and how they play, I would not be surprised if you just met a real life dayz badass
  19. Irish.

    KOS HQ

    2 Walkies + Jail building (or any other that has only 1 entrance/exit) = too much fun You lay down 1 walkie inside the jail, under the stairs on the boxes. Leave it on, and make sure you know the frequency. Now close the front door & walk away outside and find a nice spot to snipe that doorway. You dont want to get too far away as the walkie has a range. Now tune in to the same frequency with your walkie on you, as the one you set down. Now you can lure in prey via the walkie sitting in the jail. It will broadcast out just like proxy and most dont hear the difference or understand it yet (it has a squelch sound and is easy to tell for those who know). So you can say, ask for help with your broken leg.. or what ever you want. People will be drawn in even if they know its a trap. See they see that front door closed.. if they see that much, you already have them in your sights most likely. See how many bodies you can stack up inside that doorway before you have to move on. *Disclaimer, where you are laying in overwatch be careful.. you're also on proxy there so people can hear you and sneak up on you. Watch your 6.
  20. Good luck, hopefully nobody cons you into a trap and steals your gear like many before you. If that happens, just keep your head up and dont stop.
  21. Irish.

    What 'makes' DayZ for you?

    Here is my analogy of DayZ versus other games. Other games when I die I curse, once. Like, "F___." Thats it. Dayz when I die, I have to go get some whiskey and have a smoke. Maybe roll something up for my nerves.. It takes time to grab the mouse again. Also why I keep coming back after short breaks to play mindless FPS games dulling my senses.. I <3 DayZ
  22. Irish.

    Best experience with other players?

    For me its hasnt happened yet for the most part on SA.. but in the mods it all led up to being in a large KOS clan and hunting other KOS clans. That stuff was amazing. At times we had like 5-6 squads of 3-6 players each all in a fight lasting hours at the NWAF or in the valleys east of Novy. "There was a firefight!!!!"
  23. Irish.

    Where to go now?

    Once you are out of room and have nothing left to do... its time to start risking your life. One way or another. Its what the game is about, and without it your just going to start playing another game anyhow. Go seek people.. whether its to kill them, teach them, equip them, or heal them. Go forth, and interact. That is DayZ.
  24. Irish.

    What do a mute person do?

    Missy.. I only read your OP so forgive me if Im late here. One idea I have is if you do have a mic and say a smartphone, you could have someone else pre-record certain phrases for you, that you could then play a loud over sidechat through your mic from your phone (using speakerphone of course). Maybe that can be a solution? Phrases like, "I am mute in real life. This is a recording." "Please stop." "Im friendly." etc... you could play them as you need them and have at least enough to get you to typing back and forth. I really dont know about any other real options you would have. Best of luck