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Everything posted by Irish.

  1. Survival.. Does it mean outlasting disease or not being killed by pvp/zeds? Do you prefer to starve to death or be shot? Would you rather see zeds that are actually scary and can kill you quite easily, or more diseases and health issues to deal with? I ask these questions because if you know Rockets history, you know full well why he is making this game. And you can assume that he wants people to be able to relive his experience in the jungle during his survival training. So more than likely you will see a focus towards what he went through, and less about shooting people and zombies. Again, major assumptions here.. but educated in the least. If we end up with a game that is all about survival, what will that mean to those that love playing it now and did in the past? Will people enjoy a game that was mostly about pvp/pve and becomes more about not getting sick? I think there is a brilliance in this game unlike many or perhaps any others. It displays humanity for what it is, or what it can be in the most deprave situation. Its something that I do not want to go away or change. I hope a balance is found, between looting and having fun. I would hate to go back to the days of running all over Chernarus looking for antibiotics before my character dies from illness he got by being lightly touched by a zed. (Anyone else play during those days?) ...And I fear that eventually this game may just become one giant scavenger hunt if all the focus is on eating and not dying from the cold rain. For now I love it.. What do you think of the future of DayZ?
  2. Irish.

    DayZ Missed Connection

    Uh... was it a no KOS server? Because if it was then you sir, were rude. ;)
  3. Answer, yes. It would have a place on the floor, probably next to the rotten fruit and endless cans of soda.
  4. Irish.

    One Giant Scavenger Hunt..

    LOL.. wut? Did you think before you wrote that or just react.. lol
  5. Irish.

    I Believe I am Having A Heart Attack

    *runs at you with defib!
  6. Irish.

    Did zeroing get us killed?

    What really got you killed was engaging over and over and not hitting your target. Engage, correct, move, engage, correct, move and then wait. Always trying to be behind hard cover. Repeat. If you engaged once, then corrected fire if you did not hit the first time you would have eventually killed him. But yes, zero your weapon for the appropriate occasion.
  7. Find the Ocean, and swim straight out.. eventually you will find land and the best loot spots possible. Just keep swimming.
  8. This reminds me of an epic post where a guy said he could make you run faster... than explained how to do it using FOV settings. It was glorious.. Please continue to argue this. I will read with glee :D
  9. Timing wise, the way DayZ presents itself is things went bad about a month ago, tops.. everything is still there. Nothing is run down yet, lights work. THe grass is only about knee high in places. I like to look at it like this, when its a fresh server.. the outbreak just happened. When the server has been up forever, its months down the line.. things are scarce but still in good shape and lights still working. Now if you take that model. There would be plenty of loot. I mean imagine a zombie apocalypse where all of a sudden almost everyone is gone. I don't imagine things happening slowly myself. Military would respond quickly, get overrun by internal infections and a quick breakdown of the chain of command. And what you're left with is those that hunkered down, and all the dead. People would leave town fast, or stay but gear up right away. Those that stay would eventually be killed or the few survivors left. So gear would be abundant. Cars would be on the roads full of peoples belongings and their sad story of not "making it". The server cycle is like a 3-6 month revolution. When things reset, your back to week 2 or 3 of the outbreak.. later, the survivors have looted and your left with scraps about 6 months post-outbreak. Either that or this thing happened a while ago and you just swam ashore for some God awful reason and are now stuck here.. in the quarantine zone of Chernarus.
  10. Irish.


    I have bloodlust. I want to kill more and more.. I hunt armed players of all sorts. Do you love to kill? What happened last time you took a life in DayZ?
  11. Irish.


    I take the sandbox part literally. :P
  12. Irish.

    Hacker caught teleporting

    All I did was search google images.. /thread
  13. I miss global sidechat simply for the RP elements it added on the fly.. dont miss the shte talking though on it :P
  14. Irish.


    Why do you think I play this game? Its not for the easy kills.. I like being killed just as much as killing. If I did not die often enough, I would get bored :) And Ive been a hero for vast periods of time. I just enjoy killing right now. Simple as that. No emotion involved ;)
  15. Irish.

    Where the heck is the long range scope?

    On players.. kill them = profit
  16. Irish.

    Another idea, probably far-fetched though

    Perfect for Rust. :D
  17. And everyone griefs him for finally just having fun with the game... #communityfacepalm
  18. Irish.

    SKS or M4?

    Basically the SKS is useless when you consider the Mosin.
  19. Irish.

    Another idea, probably far-fetched though

    You are spawning in 23,328,000 seconds
  20. Irish.

    Hackers :(

    Do we have a report section? If not we need it meow.
  21. Irish.

    Another idea, probably far-fetched though

  22. 0.01% Your chances are better at comic-con.
  23. Irish.

    SKS or M4?

    Most will say SKS, but it depends on your style. The M4 can be a great weapon, but requires the use of MP parts in pristine condition to be its most accurate. There are plenty of videos with guys using iron sights and getting long headshots with the M4. The difference is simple: M4 is a versatile cqb to mid range weapon with many attachments. SKS is a mid range rifle with less versatility and attachments. If you kill mostly up close, go M4. If its mostly from 200-400m away, choose the SKS.
  24. Irish.

    Best loot route(personally+map route)

    Once you can navigate freely.. when you spawn in, cut a direct line to the NWAF. Anywhere you spawn there is plenty of towns in between to loot, and by the time you get there and finish looting the airfield you will be done. Should have most everything you need if you loot along the way, on a decent server that is. And while you're there, look for me. Ill be stalking you. :)