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Everything posted by Irish.

  1. I want to throw links for newcomers at you both to help.. but I am not at the proper computer to start doing research. Can anyone else give these guys the links they need to learn how to get in game, and play? If not, Ill be back later..
  2. Irish.

    This game is crazy...

    ..fun. Sometimes I just have to take a break because my adrenaline and excitement get the best of me. Like just about an hour ago, I got my PC ready and loaded up DayZ. Did some stuff around the house, and came back.. found a server that looked like it was a good fit and I joined in. I was at the Military base just south of the NWAF when I spawned in. Im getting ready, hear my own reload sound.. and about 10 seconds later hear another one. So now Im all nerved up and looking for the guy/guys.. trying to figure out what the sit rep is. Im in the jail.. spawned downstairs. Now Im searching, and listening. Nothing. So I get comfy after about 5 minutes, and start to loot around the jail. I get done, and head outside cautiously. I head west towards one of the barracks and right as Im hitting the side of it I see the doors are open and having just been through the jail and it was unlooted Im left to assume that someone is inside. So I slow down, and walk past each window. I see him. I call out, "Are you friendly?" and there is no response. I see him backing up towards the rear of the barracks watching the front door. I am flanking him and he has no idea Ive got him in my sights through the window. So I continue to monitor what happens. I go around to the other side, the other windows. Now I notice, that there are many players inside the barracks and I am outnumbered. All are armed and looking outside with weapons drawn. So I take the shot on one of them and drop him with 3 rounds to the head from my M4. I rush around to the front door, and open it. Bullets fly.. Mosin rounds. Thats my guy who backed up to the end of the barracks. He has missed and now is reloading, so I run inside to clear the building. I head left into the shower room while noticing that the Mosin guy has someone else next to him besides the guy I've killed.. and yet another guy is inside the shower when I get there. Just looking down at the ground. It shocked me so much, I was not expecting there to be more than 2 people inside the barracks at once let alone 4 at once, so I ran right the hell back out the front door in another blaze of gunfire. I flanked around the walls, moved south and held overwatch for a bit. I saw no movement and eventually just had to take a break and go calm down. Damn this game is crazy fun sometimes.. I just can't get enough. What's the last time this game got your heart pumping?
  3. Irish.

    NWAF - You lied to me

    You want a challenge? Try posting the server, and time your looking for trouble and just let the men know you'll be around the NWAF. I guarantee people will show up...
  4. Irish.

    What's your average lifespan?

    Alright, now its time for both of us to laugh..
  5. Irish.

    Huge loot spawn issue

    I uh, just found 3-4 between the past 2 days at the NWAF. Maybe its the fact that the NEAF is missing barracks and firestation, or maybe its just bad luck on your part? Good luck man.
  6. Irish.

    What's your average lifespan?

    I want to laugh, because you know this is usually levity.. but damn I feel bad for you man. Ive been there myself.
  7. Irish.

    How do you feel about melee combat?

    I think Dean stating he is happy with it, means more or less that they did that from scratch and it came out pretty well considering. Im sure once things get ironed out, that the focus will be around fine tuning and more than likely some melee things will get added to that.
  8. Irish.

    What's your average lifespan?

    LOL.. some of my favorite moments are when you've died and you just go out and yolo it dying on purpose or running through Cherno blasting sidechat.. its hilarious to just let go and act the fool in dayz sometimes. You gotta have fun every now and then :D
  9. Irish.

    This game is crazy...

    Truer words have never been spoken..
  10. Irish.

    This game is crazy...

    Nah, it happened rather quickly and I did not have fraps on..
  11. Irish.

    Ruined stuff when u shot sameone?

    I shot a guy in the head, and only his head was damaged. :huh:
  12. Irish.

    I have just met players

    The first person I met got shot right in front of me while climbing up the ladder of the office in Electro. I watched it happen and could do nothing about it. I belly crawled to his body on the 2nd floor roof and grabbed what I could before getting out of there, away from the sniper. I was about 20 mins into the game, so it was quite an intro to the SA.
  13. Irish.

    Doors With Noise Do You Want It

    I believe Rocket said they are currently working on this very thing.. doors that make noise and eventually open when you walk into them rather than needing to use a button
  14. Irish.

    Dave in Zeleno

    Great story Very Ape.. Justiciars still doing their thing?
  15. Is it just me or is this normal? I often will have silent zeds chasing me down and other times I hear them like normal. I use surround sound headset that works flawlessly for all other sounds. So Im wondering if others experience this too?
  16. LOL.. ok, I believe you. But at first I thought maybe you were seeing things. I have yet to see them in the SA, but always loved to hunt them in the mods when I got bored.. tough little buggers to hit at a distance
  17. I will hop on from 30 mins to 5-6 hours at a time.. it depends on how "lost" I get in the game. That and my baby, wife, job, bad habits, and hunger keep from playing for too long without some sort of break.
  18. Irish.

    Will Trade For DayZ

    Do not let them troll you.. I wish we could all pitch in, pennies a person until you can get it. But this is not the site for that stuff. Good luck!
  19. Watch, they are bugged at 1x at first.
  20. Look, I was trying to help you because you do not seem to get the reality of your special situation. Ill leave you with this.. The link you yourself provided for server admins has this to say at the top: What you should know before purchasing a server Hosting a server will get you no in-game reward or advantage. You're just another sucker like the rest of us. People are going to think that you have all of these wonder scripts that you can do to restore gear, stop hackers, etc. NOPE.You will get a lot of flak from the community, whether you're deserving of it or not. (OMG SERVER ADMIN ABUSE) Thats right. The second line states you will get grief. Its a known issue by the admins and server owners that people will complain about abuse. So when you go into a server that is empty, save you and the admin and he gets killed.. now mind you he has been instructed to watch for hackers and told to restart as a best option.. what do you think he is left to presume? That you just happened to find him? I sure would be skeptical if it was me. Now if say you get your way in the end, then a server admin has no recourse to combat server hackers and must wait it out for a natural restart. Because when there are only 2 people in a 15 sq. km map, and one kills the other it feels a little off. But if the poor guy restarts and then gets his server admin status pulled with no refund how do you think he feels? Now if you complained about servers restarting when the admin gets killed, in normally populated servers then you have a genuine complaint for abuse and that SHOULD BE LOOKED INTO. But what you're doing is making yourself look suspect by killing the only guy in game with you, and you do it enough it seems to be a personal problem. That is why I felt the best advice would be to let it go as an issue, and just adapt your way of playing. Apparently that was out of line for me to do. So good luck with getting this looked into, and finding out if its a serious issue that everyone else is seeing. Because I guess its a trade off of badmin rollback abuse, and combatting hackers. I will continue to enjoy my delicious popcorn that you helped provide me with.. thank you sir. Good night, and good luck :)
  21. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I just lost it on that one..
  22. Irish.

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    How did you wrap your head around that argument? Im stating that it IS zoom. Since well, it is. If there are 2 different views and its 1st person only, how is that not somehow a zoom? Its okay to not agree with me, thats good. But to just try to say I failed to read what was posted or even to comprehend the conversation here is another thing altogether. I get it.. people want it to stay, passionately. But I think in hardcore no second view at all would be beneficial. So there would be only one view. I care nothing about actual real life eyes here. I care about the concept of not having a "zoom" in hardcore for the naked eye. That sounds good to me.
  23. Irish.

    I'm a KoS Bandit @ Loot Loggers

    Saw your name while in the forums as the last quote, and had to come see the aquatic land walrus for myself.. :P
  24. And then he gets all upset.. Im a childish fool? Really.. thats rich. Just because I can't take you seriously, based on the complaint you're making and your way of playing, does not mean you have the right to actually act like a child. Try actually taking my advice and don't do what you've been doing, i.e. killing the only other guy on the server. Or you can continue your campaign against allowing people who paid for a server to not have the right to restart it.