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Everything posted by Irish.

  1. Thank you! *runs to steam
  2. Will joining experimental cause me to lose my stable character if i hop back and forth?
  3. Irish.

    The Unwritten Rules of Dayz

    #24. Using sidechat to announce your presence is equal to yelling to an enemy, "hey, Im over here man!" #25. Never, ever drop your pants. #26. Do not surrender, unless you want to die slowly.
  4. Wow.. now that is a great idea. I would love it if a dead body after being killed by a zed or other player would turn into an AI zed after say 5mins.. maybe 10. Just start walking around like the rest of the zombies, but it would have the same gear/loot as the dead body would have. It would amazing if you walked into Electro, and were met by 4 zeds that were all at one time players. Zeds in underwear.. Zeds with baseball bats in hand.. Zeds with backpacks... Zeds that look armed but will not ever shoot...
  5. NO! At least this way you actually have an option to "lower" your melee weapon.. before you had to toss it or bag it for people to feel even a little safe that approach you. Now it sounds like if its not up, at least you don't look like as much of a threat.
  6. Irish.

    Real life Chernarus.. map links

    Its the river.. LOL
  7. Irish.

    Do you leave your morality at the door?

    Ive heard psychologists discuss this subject... the interesting part to me was the unexpected support for being violent in a game. Most stated that for adults, its a healthy release for stress and tension. So, yes.. Dayz is my therapy. I kill a lot.
  8. Irish.

    The most insane gunbattle

    LOL, yep.. My FPS was at like 5-10 when they finally took the building down, there was so many of them..
  9. Irish.

    With Rocket starting his new studio

    When people say global warming, do you go into your bunker?
  10. Maybe they should hire you.. Im sure you could fix it all quickly, right?
  11. Irish.

    The most insane gunbattle

    You want to hear a good zombie story eh? Ok.. in the mod, there was a patch that increased the zeds spawn and their aggro.. it was a bit much. I found myself in Berezino on top of the "school" next to the coast.. Im quite serious about this next part as much as many of you who did not play dayz prior to the alpha may think I am crazy.. but My building was surrounded.. completely by zombies. I mean like maybe 40-60 of them. There was a horde on me and one on another player that merged and all attacked me. So Im on the roof, just looking all around at all these zeds aggro on the building.. hitting it, and a few making it inside heading up stairs. Now some are climbing the ladder.. its looking like certain death. Then the building collapses. The damn zombies took the building down. I died. It was absolutely epic.
  12. Irish.

    Anybody want to play without a mic?

    sidechat: "where are you?" sidechat: "where are you..?" sidechat: "where are you...?" sidechat: "where are you.....?" sidechat: "where are you?" sidechat: "hello?"
  13. Irish.

    You Are Dead

  14. Thats odd.. a while back Dean stated that he was in talks with Sony and that they were very supportive and he was excited at the possibility of dayz one day making it to console gamers.. Im inclined to think that now, MS is shopping for an exclusive of some sort.. after hearing how things seemingly have changed.
  15. Irish.

    The most insane gunbattle

    How pathetic does your life have to be to take the time to say anything negative about someones story of having fun in dayz? Seriously.. ask yourself why you took the time to post some trash talking, I don't believe you, BULLSHIT. Because I don't believe people could actually be that ignorant, but I guess I have the "pics or it didn't happen" right here in this thread. Ok.. (deep breath) ..Now that is out of the way. My old clan [KOS] got in a battle this past summer at the NWAF in dayzero on the BMRF.me US server.. one or 2 of them got video of most of it but Ill have to dig deep to find it. This battle we got in started at the server reset.. about 10 mins after, and lasted all the way until the next reset 4 hours later. No joke. There were 9 people in our clan and we fought to start a squad of 4, then 3 other people.. then I just lost count because it was non-stop. I mean literally non-stop. It was the mod too, so people were heli dropping in from hueys, a little bird landed at the north end at one point. Trucks, and bikes, and cars were all over.. bodies could be seen all over to the point you kept shooting dead people on accident. It was absolute madness.. I think we TK'd each other at least half a dozen times during the fight. I died like 3-4 times, got heli dropped in once, and picked up on the coast 2 or 3 other times (we had a dedicated pilot the whole time flying fresh spawns back in battle). It was the best thing I have ever experienced in a game and I could not sleep for 2 nights after. I was actually sore the next day, cramps in my back and arms.. So yeah, I know just how you feel OP. Top of the world.. time of your life. Thanks for posting man.. great story :)
  16. Unfortunately that is not true.. but the hacks have been curbed greatly not that long ago.
  17. How is your new game coming along?
  18. Irish.

    endgame gear in less than a hour

    omfg.. I did not even look at your name. That is just priceless.
  19. Irish.


    People can judge me if they need.. its a game so Im having fun with it. :D I've already shot guys legs out.. taken their gear and left them in a field with nothing within +1km.. I've shot, healed, shot, healed, and did this for about 15 mins with this one poor fellow.. I enjoy a good time if its called for. In each case where I have truly messed with someone, they truly deserved it first. Normally, I shoot and either kill or die then I type in global: GG, nice one Its not nice being a dick for no good reason. But its wicked fun when someone needs to be taught to play nice.
  20. Irish.


    Can we maybe get torture added in also? ;) Pliers+Prisoner+Pine Tree=slow, sweet death ..
  21. Normally, when that happens OP, you have a place to report it where the logs can be looked into and it is usually cut and dry if someone was hacking. Most sites with the mods that were well administrated you could get your character rolled back if it was found to be hacking. Like BMRF.me, etc.. But with this being the alpha I don't think that is their priority as of now.
  22. Irish.

    Settings for DayZ to get better frames

    LOL.. of course it is! But Im surprised at what I can get out of it.. I play a lot of different PC games and dont tend to have an issue with really any of them save Arma 3 multiplayer.. but that may have changed since patches, I just gave up on it with 10fps per game. I really am learning a lot in the process which was another reason why I went budget build besides not wanting to spend too much cash I wanted to learn along the way and upgrade frequently. Then I had a baby. No upgrades in my near future.. LOL. Funny side note, my PC mobo, HDD and case used to belong to a fairly well known actor here in the US. The data was all there when I bought it. I still laugh when I look at it sometimes. This planet sure can be small.