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Everything posted by Irish.

  1. I bet one year is pretty spot on. :)
  2. Irish.

    New forum format/style

    I thought it was amazing.. the part that bothered me was when I said I knew you. You just pissed off at that point. :)
  3. Irish.

    Another reason

    "I have always been a supported of DayZ and the community and I reinstalled it recently to give it another go." <--- see his other comments by clicking on his name. "As of today I have uninstalled the game again and have no plans to give it anymore attention until retail release if and when that ever happens." <--- rage quit. At no point in your rant did you open conversation. Like your other posts in the past, your "addition" here is not helpful in any way. All you did was complain, about your own failings, while blaming others. I assume this may be a common occurrence for you in your life? I hope not. Truly. You should learn, by this point in life, that blaming others gets you no where. Looking for a pity party, gets you nothing. Moving forward in your life, and knowing that what you did in your past is something you can hold your head up over.. that's something. Start there.
  4. Irish.

    Another reason

    Before this gets locked, moved, dumped also.. Allow me to retort: You said you were leaving.. forever. What the fuck did you expect? A pat on the back? A loving mother to step in and coddle you? You're really barking up the wrong tree brother. This is DayZ. Not only is the game brutally honest.. so is its community. ;) <--- look at them beans I got. 4k posts, and more beans than I could ever eat. Nom. Some comments of your own (yet you expect positive feedback?) "None of this matters anyway cause the faggots at <snip> will ruin this like they do every shooter. Oh wait... they already have" "No new items, colors, recipes or towns. Fix the motherfking wall glitches so the game is actually playable before you worry about anything else."
  5. Irish.

    New forum format/style

    No it is not. ;) Muppet
  6. Irish.

    Character Value: A discussion.

    Off topic but a great addition none the less.. :) A) I've been complaining about loot for some time now. The way it spawns in is so cheesy to me. Which in the mod, was fine.. but for a finely tuned game like what dayz will be come final release, it seems very rudimentary to have loot spawning in so statically, and without any real feeling of genuineness. I have for a long time thought that infected should be carrying items on them. If weapons and backpacks were on infected, and you had to attack them to get at the loot.. the experience would grow tremendously. With all the specialized infected models, I could see this being highly feasible, and perhaps where BI would already like to go to some degree. B) This is a great idea that I have never heard of.. dead AI bodies as loot tables. Check the pulse, and says typical "he been dead like forever bro.." message. So you never know if its a real dead player or not. Bodies could spawn in on existing spawn locations, complete with random gear. On the coast, mostly "fresh spawn" models. Up North, models with rare loot items and "better gear". Keep the zoning idea, keep all the other stuff.. just add in deceased AI bodies throughout the map randomly. Make us feel like Chernarus really is alive.
  7. Irish.

    Desired New Animations

    Fap - Its a lonely world out there in Chernarus.
  8. Irish.


    Some of the old dayz mods had straight up safes. You could lock them (digital code) and no one else could touch em. Now this was for a short while, patches made methods for breaking into them. And then they locked them again.. and so on. Same with cars. You had a key that was unique to that one vehicle. Outside of an ambush, or some crafty hitchhiking skills, no one could steal your car. So in the least once modding hits.. there will be options for more perm. storage that cannot be stolen. As for now.. keep it on you, and hide far, far away... forever. Only way.
  9. Irish.

    Irishjake's Ambush Survival Tips

    Thanks man. Its the first time I've had the thought to catch it on camera. Hopefully it helps someone survive a little more often. :)
  10. Irish.

    Character Value: A discussion.

    End game is a term, first of all... I am simply using it because most of us here understand what that term means. ;) I am not looking to argue over loot, or to argue at all. I stated my opinion and supported it. What you just told me was that character value is tied to loot for you. Which is why I made the comment about loot to begin with, that you quoted. Its meant to be a discussion about character value, and if it becomes about loot than the topic has been lost. :) See, I said I didn't think the answer to character value can be fixed by limiting loot.. right? And you said you disagreed... then you essentially agreed? By stating it cannot be fixed by one thing. Which was my point. My only point. Hence the Mario Bros. comment. ;) If you simply make a player take more time to gain a certain level .. like the feeling you get when you are "Geared Up".. then you dont add character value, you enhance loot value. Limiting loot adds value to loot, not characters.
  11. I have learned nothing. It is rather ironic that you provided me proof in your own retort. :)
  12. That is the rudest comment on this thread. Thanks for showing your true colors. Now go out and have an amazing day!
  13. Its human nature to be distracted by the immediate and not notice the long term. See, instead of being upset that BI took all this time to make dayz viable on consoles.. look at it like this: BI wanted to give ALL players the best game possible. One way of doing that was to port it to consoles. It allowed them the time to truly perfect the game, instead of just throwing a bunch of features at the game and releasing it back to the modding community (which was their initial plan basically)
  14. If that were true.. DayZ would have been "done" a long time ago. Rocket would not have left when he did. The game never would have had a new engine. The entire reason dayz is still in development.. again.. THE ENTIRE REASON DAYZ IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT: is they are making it viable for use on platform consoles. BI is not thick in the head. They didn't decide to pull their own hair out for no reason. They made the best business choice for their IP and for their company: follow the money. This entire process is one giant port. The don't care about PC reviews. They know once this game drops on the platform market, DayZ will rake in more money than anyone thought possible.
  15. Irish.

    Character Value: A discussion.

    While Im all for the challenging dayz.. I dont believe that the problem of character value can be dealt with by limiting loot. All that does is delay the inevitable. If you have less loot, it only takes more time, leading to meta gaming, leading to short cuts, leading to the same exact thing we have now. Limiting loot changes nothing, and we can see that from previous builds and iterations of dayz. So while I get everyone's argument there, I don't think people are looking at the long term goal which cannot be redefined by simply forcing the player to take more time to reach the end game. Does that genuinely add value? I don't believe it does. Its like saying Mario Bros would be better if there were just a few more levels.
  16. Joey.. be patient. The entire reason BI created a new engine, and pulled a full restart on dayz is the platfom market. Your wait will be rewarded in spades. Trust me. It just may be a while yet.
  17. Irish.

    Character Value: A discussion.

    Damn, this is getting good. Great points and ideas gents :D
  18. Irish.

    Way to check if voice is working?

    Oh ok, my bad.. see, I dont use my mic very often and this is what I get. edit: I think maybe you were pulling my leg. :/
  19. Irish.

    Way to check if voice is working?

    Until I read the word "mic".. I was growing concerned this was IRL. Would be nice if infected would be proximity attracted to your in-game voice chat.. that way there was some way of testing it if you play alone.
  20. Irish.

    New forum format/style

    Wait.. is this the food court?
  21. I was thinking about tanning leather, and how needing to have an oil barrel seems very limiting for dayz. I see loads of things around the map that would work, but we have no options currently to use them and I have not heard much talk about world containers and their uses as of lately. My thoughts were, we should be able to tan leather inside of waterproof backpacks (dry bag), gas containers, and other items that would be waterproof. But then I thought, why stop there? Why shouldnt we have multiple options for crafting items (certain items, not all)? I mean, I could craft a fireplace from a spare tire, a t-shirt and some matches IRL, among many other options. There could be benefits and drawbacks to this. Chance of getting sick from food, or being near the fire for too long if its made from toxic materials. I can think of lots of other things that could be crafted in other ways, if the devs allowed us to eventually. What ideas can you think of? Post your thoughts on this.. maybe one day the BI devs or some modder will put one of them into the game.
  22. Again, with the overabundance of coffee.
  23. You've obviously had your coffee today.