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Everything posted by Mykroft

  1. My friends and I are finding a new home - we were ok with donator perks, we were ok with admins spawning goodies for their friends; the video didn't really concern us. The problems arose when we had some very strange encounters at what we concluded was probably an admin camp, and then the last straw was a humvee we stole with some custom British Uniforms in it and 8 Mk.48s. We parked it in some remote woods and shortly thereafter had someone teleport in and kill us. Of course we do not have any evidence so this is all just hearsay. But the pieces kind of came together from what we'd heard and what we were seeing. We decided that admin abuse is not a big deal until it starts ruining the party for others. Hunting down tents, protecting your (spawned!?) gear, teleporting... come on. So we're off to find a better home.
  2. How could I determine the % chance of spawning each item on the hunting table listed above? Or can someone post? I'm trying to figure out how to find the default loot tables in the source via github, but I'm new. Thanks by the way, this is the only thread I could find in my quest to study the new deer stand logic. Haven't seen a decent rifle in a stand in a while. LOL it's R4Z0R of course. You rock.