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King James

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Everything posted by King James

  1. Hi there. I played dayz for the last few days. Now yesterday i got a really strange problem. When i aim with my weapon the game creates an Ingame Screenshot and when i start picking up some loot it starts recoding a movie file! I dont know how to stop it and where the movie file is saved? My C:\ Drive is almost Full and i cant find the created file. And either i dont know how to stop it. It must have to do something with my mousewheel or the mouse buttons because it starts when i use the wheel. But not always... Please anbody know where the ingame video file is saved? And how to disable this ingame recording? I cant play right now because my Windows Drive is full because of that.... Thank you very much and sorry for bad english.
  2. Wow okay it was not DayZ Problem. It is Problem of the Teamspeak Overlay i think. Found this Location "C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\ts3overlay\logs" There are the Screenshots and the Videos. Okay Problem solved :D
  3. King James

    Arma III Alpha lite [ GIVE AWAY ]

    Awesome. I want it!