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About Epic89

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I think I missed a digit out, GUID eb7c545e28c2306ca461a0ec1bc365a6 Thank you Darren Epic89
  2. Hi, Please may I be added onto the white list? Name Darren - Location England - GUID eb7c545e28c2306ca461a0ec1bc365a6 - Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK# I wish to join as I have been playing the game on my own for a couple of days but I believe a game like this has to have team mates just to experience the full potential of this game!
  3. Hi, I am looking for a clan/party/team up, I have only been playing the game a couple of days on my own so would like to team up with others to make the gaming experience better! I currently have play with six but will download Day Z Commander as that is preferred. Thank you
  4. Epic89

    Couple of questions..from a noob.

    2) I normally die from hunger and lack of water, I end up running around in the woods until I come across a small village which hardly ever has any food laying around so how do you locate cities or towns without a map? 3) How do I get to the player selection screen when I die? Sorry, edited my questions If it autosaves, how do I get back onto my original game? Thank you
  5. Hi, I have been playing Day Z for a couple of days now and I have some questions that I hope can be answered. 1) How do I save my progress? I use play with six to play the mod. 2) I normally die from hunger and lack of water, I end up running around in the woods until I come across a small village which hardly ever has any food laying around so how do you locate cities or towns without a map? 3) How do I get to the player selection screen when I die? Also are there any friendly servers to join for team up's and co op play? Thank you