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Tents have now become more important than ever
crazykage replied to nudelwalker's topic in General Discussion
Stryker, I agree with you, but also disagree. I understand the philosophy from a hardcore roleplay standpoint. And that's something I would usually do as well. But what you need to understand is that some people, including me from time to time, enjoy the endgame (geared and hunting/surviving, be it against players or the environment)far more than the rush of being a fresh spawn in constant danger. For me its the rush of being on the hunt that I enjoy most. But, as said, from time to time I also don't mind starting fresh once in a while. Its a strange dichotomy. Nobody is more of an advocate of realism and sim elements than me, yet, in the end, we ARE still playing a game, and want to have fun in our own way. In the end, everyone, including you, will play in the manner that is most fun for them to do so, whatever gives them the most enjoyment. And in terms of exploits (like server hoping or ghosting, etc.), I would rank this pretty low on that list in terms of offensiveness. -
I agree with the OP. You can argue "alpha, growing pains, development cycle" till the end of the earth, it doesn't change the fact that many design choices, and many of those present from the beginning, and the seeming chosen direction the devs have been going, is drastically deviating from what drew me into this game and the mod from the beginning. You know what I love about playing Arma 3 with my friends (one of which is heavily into scripting and coding, building scenarios for our little group) the most? The fact that combat is realistically portrayed. The sounds, the tactics, the weapons, the way the AI in the game (which is drastically enhanced by mods that we use) is ruthless in its use of diversions, smoke grenades, flanking maneuvers, suppressive fire, etc. We have a "game mode" we call "Insurgency". Using the all in arma mod, we are able to play zargabad in arma 3. My friend (the scripter) creates a spawn zone in the main city of zargabad, and spawns enemies to fight. We all then choose one of several locations outside the city to spawn at, where we can find a variety of weapons to choose from in crates nearby. Then we kit up, and move into the city, attempting to infiltrate. Sometimes we have an actual objective. Other times our only objective is to just defeat the spawned army and survive for as long as possible, before dying and respawning again. Sometimes the enemy army is something easy: a bunch of poorly equipped terrorists (and we the us/un/etc special forces sent in to deal with them). Other times its a different scenario, and the army is the Russians, and we get our asses handed to us over and over by their ruthless efficiency. Its always fun. One of my favorite things about this is picking a weapon, and actively needing to constantly adjust the elevation depending on my engagement range. I tend to be very good at judging distances, even in game (thanks to my military training). I will find an enemy, quickly gage the distance, zero my weapon, support it, then adjust my aim for the elevations I cant account for in the games settings (say, enemy is 230 meters out, I zero weapon for 250, then aim lower to compensate) and take my shot and feel the satisfaction when I drop my target....then run like a coward for cover as all of his AI friends begin to converge on me, maneuvering and flanking as I am met with a hail of gunfire...lol. And it is ALWAYS immensely satisfying to launch an HEDP 40MM at a target 450 meters away and watch it detonate at his feet....and those of his entire squad. And its always a surprise when some of them survive to return fire. But in Dayz, I cant do this. I have tried. OH GOD I have tried. Rested, prone, any weapon, and almost any range, I just cant get any consistency. Can I hit my target? yes. Can I do it CONSISTENTLY? NO. Literally every aspect of the shooting mechanics in this game, in my opinion, have been designed to level the playing field between players. And the manner of its design feels, to me, intentional. Its been this way for a long time and I doubt that it is just a place holder or that it will be "fixed". It feels to me like this is intended to be the status quo. Other things really bother me; the constant focus on adding in new, purely cosmetic items, like different colored ascots, or brooms, or a plethora of new, still useless pistols and automatic weapons and whatever. It feels like its meant to draw in the crowd. And in the mean time, CORE game concepts, which SHOULD have been considered from the beginning, like map+compass functionality (like in arma), or functional, fluid melee mechanics, or, yes, shooting mechanics that don't mirror the "no child left behind act" (which was a bill that basically lowered the bar for education, rather than raising those who were falling behind up to it) Are STILL missing entirely from the game. I mean, c'mon. These are game developers. You want to tell me the couldn't design shooting mechanics that were simple to figure out, yet challenging to implement, INSTEAD of just adding in absurd randomization factors so that everyone could play on the same level? The whole thing is starting to feel like its become a giant wall that the developers just throw stuff at to see what sticks. But do I feel cheated? No. I bought the game knowing full well it was an unfinished product. And to be more than fair, I put in a lot of hours. Most of them I enjoyed. I got my moneys worth. I am just concerned that if it keeps going down the road its on, it wont be one I keep coming back to. EDIT: I came back to make one final point: If I had to sum up my major complaints with the game in its current state (the core of the game, not the stage of development) its that it seems to be more focused on being a game, and less on the simulation aspects that made the mod (and currently make arma 3) so much fun. I really think that's it; it needs (IMO) to have more sim aspects, and less catering to the crowd.
Weapons that degrade require far too much cleaning
crazykage replied to infiltrator's topic in General Discussion
One week, while I was in the USMC: Went to the range for qualification. Day 1: Fired the KD course (Known Distance) 3 times (at the time, running the course once amounted to 100 rounds). Weapon did not jam once during the entire day. Cleaned rifle after returning to the armory. Day 2: Ran course another 3 times. Same story. Did NOT clean the rifle after returning to the armory. Day 3: Ran course 3 times with same, uncleaned, weapon. Weapon did not jam or fail to fire. Cleaned weapon thoroughly after returning to armory. Day 4: Pre-Qual. Ran course 2 times. Accuracy was slightly lower than previous days. Did not clean weapon after returning to armory. Day 5: Qualification day. Ran course 1 time. Accuracy was best out of entire week. Scored expert. Only missed two shots out of the entire course, specifically during the 300 meter rapid fire portion. Scored in the black with all other shots at 2 and 5 hundred lines. Cleaned rifle for inspection after returning to armory. Moral of the story: a typical rifle, in particular, the US M series of assault rifle, can fire MANY rounds before jamming. Usually, jamming or other failure is a result of firing so many rounds the weapon overheats and fails, or rust or foreign material building up (such as the problems experienced by us forces in veitnam, or the constant presence of fine dust in Iraq). A failure to fire caused by a buildup of carbon takes a long time and a lot of ammo and a LOT of neglect. I knew Marines who believed that over cleaning a rifle could actually CAUSE failure on the range, and thus, would not clean it at all until after final qualification and still not experience any jamming. Personally, I preferred a middle ground, allowing a slight buildup of carbon. I did, however, also use a healthy amount of CLP (lube, for those not familiar). Your weapon should not become badly damaged after firing less than 300 rounds. That should take over 3000 to accomplish. -
Guns you can't wait to see in DayZ?
crazykage replied to The Aquatic Land Walrus's topic in General Discussion
I would like to see a GAU 8. http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--CLcxpcEI--/199ww26mhxzq6jpg.jpg Also (recommend headphones): -
You know what else is wrong with the compass? The fact that we STILL cannot use it while looking at our maps. Like in arma.
Don't you mean "COW" is this in general discussion?
I sense the makings for a really bad Doctor Sues story in this...
Meet & Greet hosted by [FOG] (Jan. 18th, Sun.)
crazykage replied to blunce's topic in General Discussion
sorry I couldn't make it guys. I got called in to work :(. Was SUPPOSED to be off today too... I have been SUPER busy at work lately. And when not at work, I have been too tired to do anything but eat, sleep, or play some very basic game that doesn't require much thought. As soon as I get some time (probably gonna get a few days next week) ill be back in the game with yall. -
Meet & Greet hosted by [FOG] (Jan. 18th, Sun.)
crazykage replied to blunce's topic in General Discussion
wait, did the date get moved? I thought for sure it was to be the 16th, but now it says 18th? or am I just an airhead? -
Meet & Greet hosted by [FOG] (Jan. 18th, Sun.)
crazykage replied to blunce's topic in General Discussion
sooo.... Shrub was banned? Now we can finally go back to eating pork in peace.... -
Please don't duck with the current 'Hardcore' mode.
crazykage replied to stilton's topic in General Discussion
so now not only can I die and loose all my hard earned gear, but now I might have to wait up to 12 hours before I can even begin to play again? Screw that. That is a TERRIBLE idea. So what if I die, wait 12 hours, spawn, and die again soon after to a bambi hunter. Or a hacker. Or a glitch. or whatever. Back to waiting 12 hours again? I would straight out not play on any server using this. -
To be fair, you DO make a valid point about people harassing fresh spawns. I personally consider it "unsporting". As said, I would have just killed you outright rather than interacted with you, HAD YOU NOT BEEN A FRESHIE. DISGUST is a strong word. More like...disagree. Let me put it to you this way; I was in elektro, attempting to axe another freshie (I was also a freshie, so we were on the same level). he knocked me out in the mele, but just after that a couple of "hero" types rolled up. They were yelling at him for attack ME (I was the aggressor here, they were mistaken). they separated us, patched me up and got me back on my feet, and warned the other guy to "play nice" before leaving. Just as I was waking up, he ran up and bonked me on the head, killing me (to be fair, I was about to try and finish what I started anyway). The heroes saw this, yelling "I JUST saw you kill him!" As they were coming back, through direct I heard the poor bastard continuing to try to explain that I had attacked him first, and that he was just defending himself. They weren't having it, and the last thing I heard before hitting the respawn button was the report of a rifle. I would have missed out on this hilarious misunderstanding had either of us logged. As it was, I got a good laugh, and had a good time. My point is, there is sooo much more to this game than just looting up. You gotta find interaction, in whatever form it may be. And when it comes to YOU, count your blessings and see it through for the excitement! you ARE going to die. A lot. And if it weren't for that, 99% of that excitement would be gone. My main issue with this situation isn't that you logged. Because you DIDNT. Despite your threat, you continued to interact with them, simply by refusing. You challenged and fought them in the only way you were able to. I admire that. HOWEVER, you broke the immersion by reminding everyone involved that we are playing a game, and that as a result, all their effort surviving, gearing, and finding YOU, might go to waste (along with the fun) because of an exploit. You disrespected your fellow player by denying them two things: good interaction, and by telling them that all their work and effort would be for nothing simply on the principle that you don't like getting killed. That's selfish. Why should they be denied just so YOU can go and deny someone else? People really need to stop worrying about how others play the game. Karma will come back on ALL of us for our misdeeds, one way or another. None shall survive forever. The only people that actually need to change how they play are the obnoxious brats that scream obscenities into their mike when they kill you (treating the game like CoD), Script kiddies, and of course, people who have no respect for what the game is about or their fellow players.
The one part where you went wrong: You mentioned the words "log out". Why is that wrong? Because rather than just kill you outright (as I might have done had you not been a fresh spawn) they approached and interacted with you. You could have at least given them (and yourself) the satisfaction of a little role play. Isnt that what all the non-kos carebears are always crying for (and theres nothing wrong with wanting it)? But I'll give you one thing: at least you don't go around screaming PRESS F2!!! PRESS F2!!!". Last guy that did that to me got my axe stuck in his face...not sure how that happened, but he didn't have a good time.
Ever Have the itch for random Kindness?
crazykage replied to coltonlong's topic in General Discussion
Weeelll partnah', tah ansah yer question; no. cant rightly say ah' do. -
Tired running around for trucks >=[
crazykage replied to MatchboxChick's topic in General Discussion
The Holy DayZible: The Book of Berezintinians: Chapter 45: Verse 17-27: 17; And yea, the forum apostles, whose names were Orlok, and LVG, and Boneboys, and Kichilron, 18; And SmashT, and sula, and others whose names I verily shant seek out, 19; Gathered at the foot of the Mount of Green to hear the sermon proclaimed from atop the great spire, that they might convey to the masses by speaking in incomprehensible tongues (which a man could only understand if huffing orange kittens) the sermon that was to be delivered. 20; And yea, the preacher did verily begin the sermon, which was to be about looting, and the farming of loot, and the gathering of loot, and the looting of the bodies of those who loot, and of the looting of the bodies of those who loot the bodies of those who loot, and of rotten kiwis, saying: 21; BEHOLD! Mine bretheren, be ye bandit or hero, or hopper, or seaker of trucks, or treater of broken limbs, or bambi, or Script Kidde (yea, even ye, script kiddie!), or that player we hath all seen, he who is named "Admin", or "Administrator"! 22; The LARD (no, not lord. LARD) hath spoken to mine ears, as I huffeth the orange kitten, because the orange kitten fuketh up the most, saying; 23; SEEKETH NOT, AND YEA SHALL FIND. OCCASIONALLY. BUT IF THOU DOST SEEKETH, THEE SHALL not FIND. INSTEAD YEA SHALL WANDER ENDLESSLY ACROSS THE BARREN EMPTY SERVER THAT I HATH SET ASIDE FOR THEE. 24; THOU SHALT WANDER FOR 40 KILLOMETERS AND 40 HOURS, AND STILL SHALLT THALL NOT FIND. 25; EVENTUALLY, IF THOU STILL SEEKETH, SHALT THALL FIND, BUT IT SHALL BE DAMAGEDETH, OR BADLY DAMAGEDETH. 26; IF THOU DOST SEEKETH, AND DOTH FIND, AND IT IS PRISTINE LIKE MY GLORY, THEN SHALL MY WRATH FIND THEE, AND SMITE THEE, THROUGH MY ACCOLYTE, THE MAN WHO HATH BEEN FOLLOWING THEE FOR A MILE. 27; IF THOU DOTH NOT SEEKETH, THAT WHICH YOU SEEKETH NOT, SHALT THEE FIND....EVENTUALLY. EDIT: im jus gonna leave this here: http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Kitten_Huffing