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Everything posted by blackfish13

  1. blackfish13

    Can't take SG5-K Mag out

    Found an SG5-K with a 15rnd mag and can't take it out. It doesn't show on the weapon that the mag is in but it says in the gearmenu on the weapon. So the weapon is useless because can't reload it, can only chamber it. Any clue on how to fix it or can I just drop the weapon? https://feedback.bistudio.com/T135539
  2. blackfish13

    Ship exploration!:)

    where on the map is this?
  3. Ok I think it would be helpful to post a bit of stuff in DayZ to know about. Like how can you know your full of Food or Water. Where can you find Water Pumps? How does the different items work, and how do blood regenerate and all that. I really need to know and I think other people do to. Is there a water pump close to Balota Airfield?
  4. blackfish13

    DayZ Food, Water and other stuff

    Yeah I know about that but thats in a couple of days, would be nice to know something know to and people have a place to see that :)
  5. blackfish13

    DayZ backpacks

    How many backpacks are there in DayZ now? I have seen the normal backpack in different colors don't what its called, hunting backpack with 30 slots in and the large mountain backpack with 35 slots in different colors, are there more? and is it possible to put weapons in them? it should. I know you can put pistols in them that take 4 slots, but weapons like M4A1 and Mosin Nagant? It should because it seems logich, and I wanted my Mosin with long range scope and then I found a M4A1 and I wanted that to :P
  6. blackfish13

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    How is that possible?!? ITS AMAZING!!!
  7. blackfish13

    DayZ picture

    anyone out there nice enough to find me or make me a cool DayZ profile picture for steam, it gotta be 184x 184 :)
  8. blackfish13

    DayZ picture

    found one :)
  9. blackfish13

    Post Your Gear So Far

    This is what I got on one hour playing in Balota air strip. and I got my backpack almost full as you can see :) I got a 30 round mag to the M4A1 with 14 bullets as well as the one with 30 :)
  10. I was wondering if, can you respawn and all the cars and saved stuff you had on the server disappear after an update? because i was playing on a server and had a car and lots of good gear but that was back in 1.7 and now its 1.8. and i don't know where i should post this so i posted it here :P
  11. blackfish13

    do you respawn after an update?

    I have reinstalled my computer so my savegame haven't maybe saved properly or something to, or maybe its like you guys say. but thanks for the answers :D
  12. Join this AWESOME Server its not many people on it right now but it will change if you join and maybe others. It is called BMRF DayZ #1. Whitelist at Bmrf.me
  13. blackfish13

    Join This Awesome Server

    Yes it is Vanilla and its Private hive :) you should join :)
  14. blackfish13

    Join This Awesome Server

    Come on anyone join
  15. blackfish13

    Join This Awesome Server

    You guys should join this server me and my friends are playing on this one and a couple of others are sometimes playing, so you should try it
  16. I found a M1014 in a firestation and allready had a AK-74u Kobra and was going to put it in my backpack i made 10 slots free and dropped the mags on the ground for a minutt and when i putted my M1014 in my backpack it disappeared :(
  17. blackfish13

    My M1014 got lost in my backpack

    I'm not new to the game and I don't care about the M1014 but i wanna know why it disappeared because i don't wanne make that happend to a DMR or something. I can see on the DayZDB that the Czech Vest Pouch is the only backpack that can't hold weapons and thats the one i had :P thanks for all the replies :) Edit: And i know its bad but my friend had no weapons and I was going to meet him and then its better than nothing :)
  18. blackfish13

    DayZ Bug Tracker

    One bug is when I was in a barn there where lots of loot there like axes an other stuff and I could not pic it up just if I right clicked then it worked with take axe but not press G and pick it up. And later I was in a red house in Elektro i could not pic up stuff there either :( Ps: sorry for my bad english