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About Thetanoise

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Thetanoise

    Calling All REAL Bandits & Lone Wolves

    @Jimmy, you should try some of the Lingor servers sometime... Most of the ones I tried I quit shortly after because people were crying about being bandited...
  2. Thetanoise

    Calling All REAL Bandits & Lone Wolves

    @ box: yeah... I was wondering what was up today. When I logged in to go loot a town for food there was a massive delay on spawns for everything (zombies included). Wondered if that was server wide or if there was a client side issue. Guess I have my answer.
  3. Thetanoise

    Calling All REAL Bandits & Lone Wolves

    now that I have the internet again... methinks I'll come meander around on your server... cause mischief and all.
  4. Thetanoise

    How does everyone else feel?

    Eh, the ones that just sit there for hours are not snipers... they're campers... If I decide to snipe, I don't stay in any place for more than an hour.
  5. Thetanoise

    What's Your Favorite Gear-Out?

    I'm pretty amiable to my weapons loadout. For cities: Hatchet/M9 SD For countryside: DMR/M9 SD usually I'll switch primary weapons once I hit a treeline, past that, standard kit, as well as a few medical/food supplies to help people I may come across, which is rare as I try to avoid roads as much as possible.