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A Plastic Bag

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About A Plastic Bag

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    in the supermarket...
  • Interests
    PC,shooting every saturday , facebook, browsing internet, politics yeah I know...politics and eating...hehehe. Some may say i'm quite a sad person but playing on Day Z is a big part of my life and I don't care what others think of me but I have had better friends on Day Z and xbox live then I have at school or anywhere else...my problem that I was unfortunately born in this awful generation wish I lived in the 40's tbh ahaha

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    'Day Z rule #1 TRUST NO ONE'
  1. A Plastic Bag

    New gear in 1.7.6

    check out my new custom Day Z story on my profile comments and constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated!
  2. A Plastic Bag

    Day Z Story line (CUSTOM MADE)

    thanks for the feedback thanks that really does mean a lot to me but I really would appreciate it if you could tell other people to comment on this and leave feedback if that's ok? just want to see what others think about it because it's an idea of a story line for the game I have had for a little while
  3. A Plastic Bag

    Day Z Invasion 1944

    WOW this looks great!! would you be able to post the IP for the server? and would you be able to check out my new post on a custom Day Z story line? please give me feedback on my work it would be much appreciated!!!!
  4. looks good mate keep up the good work! will you be able to check out my new post about my custom day z story line
  5. custom vehicles? sounds good I will consider joining this I will add you on skype but first check out one of my own new Topic's on my Day Z story line I would be very grateful if you leave constructive feedback thank you!!!
  6. sounds good dude I will check it out this weekend
  7. A Plastic Bag

    Dayz The Dead City

    I would like to see another map similar to Namalsk I like the concept of a nuclear fallout wasteland or somewhere in Chernobyl would be a nice map to make not sure why the game doesn't have any real countries that are able to be explored in Day Z I don't understand why they have made up islands and countries
  8. best one for me was on Taviana, in a town called Martin when me and to other members in our clan got ambushed from two bandits hiding behind a train they shot out both tires on our military off road vehicle. We returned fire on them but they took out myself and one of my other freinds, the third guy in our clan was still there and had to suppress the two bandits while I spawned about 4,000m away from the town I had to run back to Martin and get to my body before they took my gear. The two bandits had falling back to a small warehouse and they continued to fire on my friend by our vehicle, I managed to make it back to Martin and quickly gathered some supply's, from my maggot ridden corpse ahah. I had an Ak-74 and my mighty makorov with me as we kept firing lucky for us the two bandit's combat logged and we had time to quickly run into the entrance and up to the catwalk where they shot us from. My other friend who had died had to run back to Sabina where our base was, get a spare tire then run all the way back to Martin to repair our vehicle. We waited hoping that the bandits would log back on and we where correct, we took our revenge on them as soon as they logged back in! we had a very clear line of sight from them about 10m in front of us...hehe....good times I must say!
  9. A Plastic Bag

    Why I'm uninstalling DayZ

    You can pickup crossbow bolts btw I have done so before I understand about the zombies though they are horribly scripted, jumping about around the place looking ridiculous. Although the game has issues it still is the best mod (cough cough) game I have ever played in my history of gaming overall due to it's complexity and survival aspect to it honestly the best multiplayer zombie simulator I have ever played cannot be 'perfect'
  10. A Plastic Bag

    Dayz The Dead City

    Yeah I like the idea of one big city as a map instead of rural environments with trees and fields. I would think that New York would be a good place to have a Day Z map set you know like somewhere away from eastern Europe in a REAL location
  11. file report OUTBREAK.docfile report OUTBREAK.doc took me a little while to do this <<JUST DOWNLOAD>> file report OUTBREAK.doc at the top right of this post so please do not hate on me even if it is not perfect I tried hard to get this like a secret government document so again please give back constructive criticism and do not troll The idea of this was to bring in a small Easter egg or secret hint to the concept of Day Z to use my own imagination and for...well... the rest of you guys to imagine what happened previously and after this document was made and more info on the 'Outbreak' into the rest of the world Please leave comments below and tell me what you though of this thank you! file report OUTBREAK.doc <<THE DOCUMENT I MADE THIS ON IS ALSO AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN>>>