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About deadmau5

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    On the Coast

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  1. DayZ Name :Rick How long have you played DayZ :For around 6 months Time Zone: UTC−06:00 Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes, I will stay Loyal to CSA. What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Sniper, Assault, Heli Pilot. Whichever one you need the most!
  2. Name: Colton Gray Age: Fifteen years young. I understand this is below your age requirement but I might as well give this a shot, age is just a number, right? TeamSpeak Name:Colton Mic?:Yes, clear as a crystal. Why do you want to join?: I've been playing DayZ by myself ever since I started playing and really want to start playing with a group of people. I have a lot to offer and would love to help you guys out with whatever things you may need. Experience in game: I've been playing for about a year, maybe 8 months? Not all the time though, just on and off. I normally play as a Sniper, Pilot(helicopters), or Assault. Timezone: UTC−06:00 Bio:As said earlier, i'm fifteen years young. I"ve been playing video games since I was around the age of eight and within the past year and a half i've switched over to PC gaming. I don't rage or get too serious when I play a game. But I do enjoy playing a game seriously and trying to complete an object. Hope to hear from you guys soon. In game Name:Rick
  3. I'd be up for the experience! Skype: Cubsgray123
  4. First Name: Colton In-Game Name: Spike The Bloody Age: 15 Years young Skype:Cubsgray123 Location:Louisiana, USA Prefered Rank: Infantry I'm an aspiring helicopter pilot. Past experience with DayZ? I've been playing DayZ on and off for about half a year. Within the past month I have gotten into DayZ a lot more than before and thought that this would be the next step to have more fun. When playing DayZ i'm normally a Survivalist who only shoots at people when I feel threatened. I have teamed up with some people in past games but only for a short while. I always enjoy communicating and working with others in order to survive so I know joining Battle Gear would be a great choice. I am great at taking orders and I understand the chain of command so that should not be a problem. Have you ever flown before? Yes, I have flown an aircraft before in ArmA. To be honest I'm quite awful at flying airplanes but when it comes to helicopters I think i'm alright. I've never really flown a helicopter with an experienced pilot watching me so I don't know if i'm good or not. Maybe if this works out a pilot can sit in the passenger seat while I fly around? Extra Information? I've been playing video games since I was around the age of eight and since then, I have always been interested in them. I am a former console gamer who switched to PC gaming just over a year ago. On PC I mainly play Counter Strike, ArmA, Dota 2, Dungeon Defenders, Left 4 Dead 2, Payday: The Heist, GTAIV, and SWKOTOR. Here's some miscellaneous information about myself: -I have a somewhat deep voice -I have a microphone -I am loyal Feel free to PM me any questions you may have. Sorry if the colors in this reply are messed up, I'm new to this forum and have yet discovered how to fully work the reply system. I know, i'm a huge noob.