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Everything posted by Ryven

  1. Application Template: Name - Age - Country - Do you have TS? - Playstyle (Hero, bandit, sniper, pointman, pilot, etc.) - What other games do you play? - We are a small group of gamers, looking for others to join. We play multiple games. DayZ is our main game, but a few of our members play other games such as Arma 3, Minecraft, SimCity etc. Our playstyle generally involves taking the role of Hero, we try to avoid killing unless we need to for supplies etc, in which case we will generally attempt to rob them rather than kill them. 1. Do not kill unarmed survivors. 2. Always attempt to call friendly unless it's a bandit. 3. Attempt to rob them before killing. (E.g. Ask them to put down their weapon and their backpack and leave) We have our own Teamspeak server, DayZ Chernarus Server and DayZ Taviana Server. (Closed as we will be getting a Arma 3 Wasteland Server Soon, We have switched to mostly playing Taviana for DayZ on the LDG Server) We will also be looking into getting our own Arma 3 Server, and running Wasteland or something. If you wish to join either fill out the application template or come join our teamspeak at and speak to either Ryven or Little Scott.
  2. At the previous 4 applications, "Proxity, Apnesselroade, Brack, Tr1x". Jump onto the Teamspeak @
  3. Bumping, Also a note, If you apply please keep rechecking thread, or jump onto TS.
  4. Jump on TS, speak to either Ryven or Little Scott
  5. Considering the DayZ SA will be locked down, I hope to see DayZ on Arma 3, Running side by side with the Standalone, so modders can make their own versions of DayZ. I would like to play both, DayZ SA and a DayZ mod on Arma 3.
  6. Jump on the TS at
  7. You are welcome to join, jump onto TeamSpeak with us.
  8. Declined. Because you're already in the clan!
  9. Ryven

    RECON now recruiting

    I've sent you an f/r
  10. Ryven

    RECON now recruiting

    Name: Brad Age: 19 Special Skills: I'm more of a close-combat fighter, favourite weapons include the M4A3 CCO, but I do enjoy the good old Lee Enfield. (my best kills come from the Enfield). I am also a average sniper, but close-combat is more my style. I am also a pretty good helicopter pilot, quick pick-ups and what not. Why do you want to join recon? I'm looking for a group to play with in a different timezone, as I'm usually awake at strange hours. How long do you get on a day? I generally play 8-10 hrs a day. What country do you live in? Australia, but i'm more tuned into an American timezone.
  11. Hey, I'm currently looking for people to group up with on DayZ Taviana and Origins. I am located in Australia, but due to my sleeping pattern I am usually on more of an American time-zone when it comes to my gaming. I'm after anyone who just wants to have some fun while playing some DayZ, I've got no preferences in ages or anything like, As long as you are willing to have fun and some casual chat while playing DayZ, I'm down. I generally try to be more of a Hero in-game, but usually end up being a Bandit from self-defense, so I'm seeking players with a similar type of mindset. (Be friendly; but will not hesitate to kill if the other person attacks first). If you are interested or are already in a clan/group that you think might be suited for me, you can PM me via the forums, or add me on Steam (Ryvenius).