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Jace C

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Everything posted by Jace C

  1. Jace C

    Kill on sight... my group is doing it now

    Why should people stick around? They log off and try a different server because the play experience with ten people running up and down the coast killing new spawns is going to be shit. It's not hard to understand. Edit: INB4 "but we worked hard to shit up that server, people should at least have to experience the shitfest we have engineered long enough for us to get our kicks"
  2. Wow, someone really can't stand to be corrected!
  3. Jace C

    Medical Cabinets not able to be used?

    I've often found medical loot scattered on the floor around these (and sometimes on top of?) when I've come across them in game. Being able to open them and have a look inside would be great too ofc.
  4. Jace C

    PVE & PVP Servers

    I think there would have to be more ways for players to create content for each other before a "no friendly fire" server would be viable.
  5. I like the idea of things being more realistic and requiring thought plus time invested to get results.
  6. You should have attacked him with the pen, you coward.
  7. Jace C

    What do think about the game so far ?!

    Well look boys, it's a snowflake.
  8. Jace C

    Idea: Player earned abilities.

    If you have friends, dying means nothing in DayZ because everything you have to lose can be picked up and given back to you. Ergo, survival is meaningless without consequences on death.
  9. Screenshot or it didn't happen.
  10. Jace C

    Hacker was mad.

    Guy experiences a known bug, screams hacker and runs to the forums. He so mad lol. also: cool story bro
  11. Jace C

    the melee system is crap

    Oddly it feels better today than it did on day 1 of alpha release, that might just be because I'm getting used to how it works. I think I'm going to spend a week in my tiny whities with just a melee weapon and a clown mask to kill every newbie I see to test the melee system further.
  12. I know right? People nowadays run gaming like it was some kind of INDUSTRY!
  13. I blame advances in computer technology. Setting up an internet account and logging on to the world wide web is now too easy, enabling the most backward mouth breathers to post on internet forums.
  14. - Name: Jace - Location: South Wales - GUID: 6a76ef9e376e297c0ceb9c65f1de7369 - Reason: Always looking for good UK veteran servers to play on.
  15. Anything to make my wildman of the hills experience more varied.
  16. Jace C

    Going full "Daryl"

    Tried it, couldn't get my bolts back from dead zeds, dumped it :( Must be doing something wrong! It'll be a nice weapon if we are ever able to bundle bolts into one slot.
  17. Jace C

    Going full "Daryl"

    I'm going to find one and try this. I like to play with only items that I could find here in the UK :D
  18. This didn't happen to me, but it's pretty weird. http://youtu.be/5GODOIe3ga4