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About logruvz

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Hey add me on Skype this sounds pretty interesting: michaelcowles99
  2. logruvz

    Looking for experienced players

    How old are you because if I'm near your age I would like to group up with you.
  3. Looking for a skilled bandit teammate around the age of 14 to 18. If you are interested please pm me. I play all maps and mods and already have a few other people to bandit with us.
  4. logruvz

    BFL - Bandits For Life

    1. Do you have military experience?: No 2. When did you start playing dayz?: 5 months ago 3. What is your name?: Michael 4. Do you have skype?: Yes
  5. logruvz

    Looking for teammate (14-17)

    also pm a way to get in contact with you so we can talk
  6. logruvz

    Looking for teammate (14-17)

    I live on the east coast of the US and can play most hours of the day
  7. Hi i am a lone wolf who is looking for a teammate to come along with me on my adventures and if anyone is interested pm me or give me a way to contact you. I am 14 myself and am mostly looking for an experienced player around my age to tag along side with me. Thanks, Michael
  8. Hi I am 14 and i am looking for 2-4 lone wolves that would like to roll with me on servers and act as bandits. If you are interested pm me or post so we can talk.
  9. Hi I am 14 and i am looking for 2-4 lone wolves that would like to roll with me on servers and act as bandits. If you are interested pm me or post so we can talk.
  10. logruvz

    Lookng to make a small group.

    1. Read EVERYTHING in this post. true 2. Have TeamSpeak 3. yes 3.*Age 14+. yes 4.*Have the Taviana map.yes 5.*Have the Namalsk map.yes 6. Have a mic.yes 7. Be Able to kill if needed. yes 8. *Be on for at least 2 hours a day.yes *In-Game Name hydro *Age 14 Rate your knowledge of DayZ _ out of 10.9 Favorite map.chernarus because i know it so well Do you have Requirements 4 and 5? yes What other maps do you have (if any)? all of them Why do YOU want to join? i would like to roll in a group insead of being a lone wolf
  11. logruvz

    Veteran Clan Now Recruiting!

    - Age 14 - Name michael - Nickname in game hydro - Experience of game 5 months - Your favourite weapon dmr or m24 - Favourite mode of game breaking point atm - Clans in which you consisted earlier i have played with a few clans but havent officialy joined - Your Skype michaelcowles99 (please tell where you are from if you add me) Also it is recommended to specify - Your assessment of the skills i am a very skilled bandit - The reason for which we have to accept you im very skilled and can play any mod
  12. logruvz

    Starting small group of people

    yo i would like to join your group. i am 14 years old i have had the game for about 5 months now i can play a lot and can use every gun and i play as a bandit but not to fresh spawns unless they are in our way or messing our mission up. I am very skilled and if you are interested please pm me or post how to get intouch with you. Thanks, Michael