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Invalid (DayZ)

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About Invalid (DayZ)

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  1. Invalid (DayZ)

    What is the editor?

    I'm hearing people say that they use this editor thing to do things like finding out why buildings are so laggy and things like that. My question is, where is this editor? I know there's an editor for arma 2, but is there one for dayz too? And if so, how do I get to it?
  2. Invalid (DayZ)

    What is Your Gaming Setup?

    I have thought of keeping a fire extinguisher by my computer at all times.
  3. Invalid (DayZ)

    Easter Eggs in DayZ

    A meteor crash site in chenarus.
  4. Hello, I have a terrible computer. I can barely run minecraft at 30 FPS, and I think DayZ is a fantastic mod, and I can play it at a stable 20 FPS with settings to the lowest settings possible. What is it with dayz that even with the graphics scaled down to the most lowest settings possible, it is so...immersive? I really feel like I'm in a zombie apocalypse! (Exept for the part where you can reload a hatchet)
  5. Invalid (DayZ)

    A Bambi's Last Stand

    As from the urban dictionary: A bambi is a FRANKIEonPC channel meme referring to "new players" in games, who don't have a clue what's going on! Their name comes from Disney's Bambi, as they look like Bambi deer when he first stepped on ice! Bambies are NOT "noobs" - noobs are good players who abuse broken / overpowered game mechanics
  6. Invalid (DayZ)

    Player activated environment sounds

    I love this idea.
  7. 1. Never trust anyone. Ever. 2. People can be worse than zombies. 3. In a zombie apocalypse, people will randomly throw wasting machines into the street. That's pretty much it :P
  8. Invalid (DayZ)

    A Bambi's Last Stand

    I spawned into a server, one of them that give you basic things like toolboxes as starter equipment. I find a city on the coast with an inferno of a helicopter next to it. Not sure of the name. While looting a house, I hear someone. I say over the direct chat "friendly!" With no response. I started to worry, and legged it out of there. Apparently, that guy I heard started shooting me. Bleeding, I ran into another house, and we shot each other. I had broken legs, and incredibly low blood. Thinking I was dead, he went in the next room for loot. With my only 400 blood left, I decide to pull the pin on my grenade, killing both of us. This is why I love DayZ.
  9. I'm lucky to get 25 FPS In the woods. Cities are unbearable. I just want stable FPS when going in cities.