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About BossMan4

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Im gonna pop sum tags, only got 20 dollahs in mah pocketttt.
  2. Okay this topic is a lie, to not listen to it. It actually has waaay more then 100 vehicles, dont let them lie to you!
  3. NO WAY! Thats totally rad bro #YOLO #SWAG
  4. We got more people! :D But we need mores >:D
  5. That's still barely anyone :/
  6. I found this server but there's just not that many players, there's like 3-10 on at once usually. Its a great server, it has tons of vehicles. Usually each town will have one or two and they don't spawn fully repaired/full fuel all the time. It does have day and night to add to the realism of it. You spawn with flares so fresh spawn during night time isn't so bad (Carry the dam flare). The admins are fair, they don't spawn in vehicles/items for their friends or tell location and all that stuff. It's a great server and all but just needs players! T.T They have a teamspeak: becks-privateers.com:9995 Then to get to the server i don't really know how to link it, but just filter for beck, it'll have beck privateers in the name or something. I found this and you direct connect with it in dayz commander i think. But just join the server!