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Viscount (DayZ)

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About Viscount (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. To be perfectly honest, this has to do with the arma 2 engine. It's pretty much impossible for any PC to get 60 fps constantly, especially at the higher graphics settings. Find settings that net you a reliable 40-50fps and you're doing quite well. Sorry to break it to you!
  2. Viscount (DayZ)

    Do I LOOK like I'm having a good day?

    Just wanted to thank those that replied - I'm glad you like the idea and I do appreciate your thoughts a lot. In response to a couple of you, I changed the title for a bit more punch, hopefully it'll get more views. Keep the ideas rolling on this!
  3. Hi all, first post here. I want to start by congratulating Rocket on a fantastic concept and just a great mod - I'm absolutely hooked, and I don't see this changing for some time yet. Anyway, on to the meat of this post. I've noticed quite a few threads recently about the removal of the bandit skin, and I've been thinking about how visual game mechanics could be used going forwards. Just a couple of precursors to my argument:- 1) I like the fact that bandits, and PVP activities in general, are a big part of the game. It's not my current playstyle (my current character is 5 hours old, has killed 1 zombie and 0 players), but the fact that there are roaming killers in this game which could take you out any second adds an intensity which I hope the game never loses. Let's face it, in an apocalypse there'll be good people and dangerous people, and I don't see why the game should be any different. I also like the fact I have the choice to shoot when I feel its the right thing to do. 2) I think the removal of the bandit skin was positive. I think the fact that when I encountered a player with the bandit skin I knew what he'd done to deserve it took a lot away from the game. It was an easy choice, just point and shoot or in all probability get shot. I like the fact that I won't have this certainty going forwards. However, I do think that just having most players run around in the default skin is going to cause issues, and might hinder player cooperation. I personally think that a step in the right direction has been taken by adding in the camo and ghillie suit skins, and I'd like to see this concept expanded upon, and more skins added which challenge you to think about the personalities of others. Personally, my favourite moments in the game are those where you're challenged to make a judgment, do I try and talk to this guy (or girl)? Do I hide? Do I shoot them in the face and take their stuff? All valid choices, but having a split second to make it is seriously exciting. I think this echoes life in many ways - I've crossed the street to avoid people who look like trouble, and in a zombie apocalypse this sense of threat perception would be massively heightened. Putting this in context, let's imagine you're at the edge of a clearing, checking out if it is safe to cross. You see a guy running across the field, directly towards you. In scenario A), the guy is wearing a black bomber jacket, hobnail boots and a ski mask. I think in that scenario, I'd shoot that dude in the face without a second thought. However in scenario B), the guy's dressed as normal, perhaps some warm winter clothing, but holding an AK-47. Fair enough, it's a zombie apocalypse, can't expect the guy to go about with no protection. I might call out to the guy, maybe fire a warning shot before deciding on my next move. I could be doing the wrong thing in both those scenarios, I could lose a potential friend or allow a hostile to kill me, but I'm going to assess threat based upon what I see - I think this is human nature, and exactly what this game needs more of. I think this could work in-game. As I said above, I'm not a bandit, but I can imagine that many of the more aggressive players would welcome the opportunity to look like more of a bad-ass. Every COD or BF server I've ever played on has players called XxXGhOsTkILLAXxX or some equally transparent moniker, and I would bet that these guys might like rocking a balaclava or a flak jacket - and to be honest, who I am to judge? It's all about what's fun for them. However, they'd know that by wearing this stuff people might perceive them as a threat and open fire, but they're free to make that choice. I think this could also be expanded functionally as well as aesthetically - how about giving players a choice between a barbour jacket which will keep out the cold and stave off infection - or a kevlar vest which will grant increased protection from gunfire? It does make you think about who poses the most threat, and I think this concept could see some really interesting choices and hybrid playstyles emerge, if players are given enough options. I do appreciate that some players will choose to dress innocuously and go around killing other players. However, to me this echoes life too - aren't the most chilling killers the ones that look like everyone else? With the right perks introduced for the functional items, I can't see this being much of a problem. Besides, I can't see old XxXGhOsTkILLAXxX or his buddy ---DEATHHARBINGER--- resisting the bullet belts or ballistic goggles for long, especially if they provide added functionality. I'd like to add that I'd love to see the humanity mechanic used at some point in the future - but I don't think this should affect how a player looks. That isn't realistic- perhaps some personal hinderance (or even perk?) from killing players could be introduced. Humanity is very personal - we don't wear it on our sleeves all the time. Just my two cents. Anyways, sorry for the wall of text. I'd love to hear what others think about this! See you in game, Viscount