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About BigglesPiP

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  1. Leave it at least partially on land, it would make the most epic base. Especially if you can both park cars and boats inside...
  2. Your body becoming a zombie that doesn't de-spawn would be good, high loot zombie, got to chase your gear to get it back.
  3. BigglesPiP

    DayZ Standalone Forum Best Ideas

    Curious cows, they just sit next to the bush you're hiding in and stare at you. Cows really do this, it's annoying. Cars have battery that can be broken, but you can bump start with a red battery. Or it takes a while to start with an orange battery or engine. You'd have to risk a slow getaway vs. leaving it on using fuel.
  4. BigglesPiP

    Kamenka, oh Kamenka.

    I love Kamenka! Especially the two farms south west of Zelen.
  5. BigglesPiP

    Ok so what am I doing wrong?......

    Dive in the nearest bush!
  6. BigglesPiP

    To those who look down on bandits/pvp...

    I like to hang around elektro as a counter sniper.
  7. BigglesPiP

    Worst weapon in DAYZ?

    M136, does more damage if you face away from the target.
  8. BigglesPiP

    Nice form, I think we're ready for the X-Games

    Yep, that's how quads work.
  9. BigglesPiP

    how is the playerbase now?

    I keep hearing about Balota buddies, tempted to join, but I can't find some fairly basic FAQs... Is it vanilla? What's with teamspeak, is in game chat enabled, do you have to be on teamspeak while playing? What settings do they use? I like 3rdP and I hate nameplates?
  10. I think there's a significant bunch waiting for SA to begin playing at all, I know several that have not played the mod. I think 2 million sales will be soon very quickly.
  11. BigglesPiP

    Going full "Daryl"

    I've picked one up and gave it a go until I lost the bolts a few times, always shot the bolts above the Zs heads.
  12. BigglesPiP

    How to hide a camp?

    Hide it right on top of milk mountain, I promise that nobody will ever find it up there. Ignore any other empty tents you find on the top of the hill before you set up your camp, they just move there, it's like the debug forest for tents...
  13. BigglesPiP

    What would you do if this happened to you?

    Bi-polar much? You have my beans!
  14. BigglesPiP

    Is this smart?

    WASD+Mouse is a VERY LARGE advantage over a joypad for FPS style games, get used to moving this way lest you loose every fire fight ever. Edit: And turn your pointer acceleration off.
  15. BigglesPiP

    Why do people consider Kamenka a bad spawn?

    I like Kamenka for exactly the reasons the OP stated, plus there is often a Hilux at the more Western of the two farms. Don't get me started on sodding 3 valleys spawn...