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About Currency

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    Computers and computer gaming.
  1. Due to a blown transformer at work yesterday, I'm stuck working all weekend. Kind of happy but server updates will be delayed until next weekend perhaps.
  2. I plan on doing some more work to the server this weekend, as of now I have some idea's of things I would like to do. More buildings, already know which ones and where I want them. But also thinking about something else. Perhaps I'll post more about it later. Any comments or questions I'm sure you can find me.
  3. We now have working auto refueling and death messages with distance shown for every player kill in the server. The added buildings I may have mentioned in the previous post are as follows; Two Barracks at North East Air Field and two additional Barracks at North West Airfield. I may end up placing another hospital on the North Western side of the map along with others placed elsewhere depending on the player requests in the server. Current new player load-out as follows; AKM with two mags, two cans of beans, two cans of mountain dew, patrol pack, revolver with one mag, will be two on next restart, two bandages and of course, a map. This load-out is subject to change depending on player base. Anyone that looks the server will notice it is empty most of the time, this is an excellent time for new players to jump in, get use to the controls and fundamentals of the game before moving into more populated servers. My goals for the server updates are to build a steady player base with players getting in the server daily. What this will do is move the server up the list in Play W/ Six and DayZ Commander allowing more players to experience the server. I will continue working on the server through my time as Admin to continue bringing new features to the players here. If anyone has any questions or concerns find in me the server TS @ currency.teamspeak3.com -Currency
  4. Currency

    Everyone kills me

    When playing in highly populated pubic or private hives I always head North as soon as I can. I consider Cherno and Elektro crap spawns as it's always a gun battle waiting for you. Or if your unlucky, spawn campers. So you die before you even fully spawn into the world. You could jump on my server, US 99, which is mainly under populated or has no one in it. But it's just a suggestion. "Shameless plug!!!" Shame on me :) Once you played enough, you'll laugh at every death, then carefully think about what you could have done better if you may have done something wrong. Given enough time, game or gaming experience. You'll be shooting players without using your sights unless of course your 500 meters away with an Enfield. I always head north after I have a box of matches, hatchet, and hunting knife. Sadly I hit a rabbit with a hatchet 10 times before and it never died. :(
  5. Hello everyone, My name's Currency. If your looking for a server to play on just by yourself or with your group/clan, feel free to have a look at my server. It's been up for several months and was recently populated by USS and 21B. 175 Vehicles, 12 Chopper's, Huey's, MI-17's, 2 and 6 seat little birds. Server IP/Port: Server Teamspeak information: currency.teamspeak3.com If you have any questions or comments message me here, poke me in TS, or shoot me a PM. Thanks, -Currency
  6. If you guys want to come join in against these USS guys 21B will help you out. that's what we do, help players out. sadly these guys continue killing everyone we try to help. make sure to get in before the servers whitelisted this weekend. -Currency us 220 Admin
  7. Currency

    Vehicle Not repairing

    Have had both issues a lot here recently, versions 1.7.6 and version only
  8. Recently built a rig similar to your specs, you may want to look into low profile memory. Some say you won't need it with the CM hyper 212 EVO while others say you will. I think it's a safer bet. :)
  9. Thanks for the support, what a nice community we are building here. The people who wreck games like DayZ are real Hackers! How can I be a script kiddy when I own the server? Completely different, I'm paying for this server. Hackers hack servers you guys play on and do not own, admin, or kick/ban hackers as I do daily.
  10. It appears the server is back up now, but may continue to experience connection issues throughout the day. Sorry for any inconvenience. 21B
  11. Just posting an update. The 21B clan server will be offline for an unknown amount of time today, Feb 17, because the data center "is experiencing connection issues, this is datacenter-wide." According to DayZST.
  12. Hello everyone, Currency here. I just wanted to invite everyone into the new 21St Rangers Battalion Private Hive server. I will post the infomation below. Also 21B currently has open recruitment, see our thread. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98934-21b-21st-ranger-battalion-open-recruitment/ Server information, IP: Port: 3153 Also if you would like, I would love to hear what settings you enjoy playing DayZ Chernarus with. Third person, Tracers, Name Plates, Cross Hairs, and what difficulty setting you like the most, Recruit, Regular, or Veteren. Thanks and we look forward to gaming with you very soon. -Currency 21B