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Everything posted by Frijolez

  1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Quick information without having to read much~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Creators of eXtreme Nightmare ={cXn}= Recruitment Requirements: Must be 15+ years or mature enough Must agree to Not use Hacks/cheats We respect everyone's religion, political or own personal view, as we respect your ideas/opinions, we also demand to respect any other members point of view. Website http://www.cxnteam.com Teamspeak3: No password DayZ Server: Or if you're into just playing without any permanent group/clan, feel free to join as a friend of the clan. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Long information~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Creators of eXtreme Nightmare Who we are? We are a multinational gaming community gathered all in one teamspeak 3, playing many games including Minecraft, League of Legends, Diablo 3, Command & Conquer, Call of duty, Battlefield 3, Arma 2 (includes DayZ), Tera, Blackshot, GarrysMod, , Starcraft 2, Runescape, Rohan, World of warcraft, CounterStrike, Guildwars 2, Aion, WarZ,etc... ofcourse the main games we usually are playing are the first 7 mentioned. We have a wide variety of nationalities but the main language should stay English unless you're in a teamspeak room with your friends. We are very strict on the hacking rule, hacking could get you insta-ban. Why should you join us? Lets be realistic, noone will force you to do something in these ages so you join if you want to, what i can tell you is that you will have a fun time meeting people and also enjoying the games while playing with them. If you have a group big enough then we can even make you a channel so you can be with your friends. We have a very active forums. People willing to help with your computer problems, tournaments going on officials (offering real money to winners) and unofficials, a picture slideshow of our oldest members in clan, scrims, people willing to edit pictures/videos for you, games giveaway or sometimes keyboards, mouse, headsets, etc. What do we expect from our members? We expect our members to be on teamspeak 3 most of the time they are playing a game, we don't have a required activity time because we understand everyone has a life and life is always more important than gamming, we also expect our members to post on forums any interest or complains they have. Donations will always be accepted but you will never be bound to pay and there is no fee's for being with this community. You are not allowed to be in another clan or community if you have already joined us, must make a post that you are leaving, your account wont be deleted but your member ranked will be removed. Time, your progress, your capabilities of leadership and how you treat other members in the community will determine your promotion. Dont want to join? Its fine, we respect your reasons, you're still allow you hang around the teamspeak 3 and letting everyone know that you are just to play with people and meet friends but not actually be 100% into the community. Where to find us? Website: http://www.cxnteam.com On teamspeak 3: No password Where to find me? Skype: Frijolez DayZmod Forums: Frijolez On our website at the bottom we also have a global map showing from where people has/are connected from :D