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Everything posted by gannon46

  1. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO and one more for good measure NO. We do not need cheesy as skins for clothes or cheesy ass skins for weapons if you want fancy clothes loot them if you want a fancy gun loot it and paint it. I will say they could add more colors of paint as well as more clothing but to have skins and some marketplace so asshats can scam people and charge hundreds of dollars for some asshat gold skins because fake rarity through gambling in crates. H1ZS1 does this and there main game has shit loot in the terms of clothing want a camo shirt buy it want camo pants buy them want a camo gun buy it makes me sick in a survival game all loot should be for the taking not purchasable that defeats the purpose of the whole damn game. the whole idea makes me want to drink bleach.
  2. gannon46

    Exp Update 0.62.139701

    I miss the 4x4 I always called it the Marty Mcfly truck.
  3. gannon46

    Why Dayz dev team dont use Unreal 4 engine

    why would they pay money to use another engine when they have there own that does what they want/need it to do. Plus they are a business and it equals more profits I imagine as well. Then If the engine turns out to be a huge success meaning dayz ends up being innovative with what it can do mechanic wise then they might be able to make more profits selling there own engine or licensing it. And they are using the current one for the next Arma games I believe too. Of course i'm not in the gaming industry and This is all my opinion.
  4. gannon46


    A spawn point? unbreakable storage figures easy mode crap IMO. you shouldn't have a spawn point at all anywhere other than the one provided at the coast. unbreakable storage oh so you can stockpile weapons without worry eh? I don't think so so you want to be like rust or H1Z1 just sit in your tower and snipe folks then if they kill you spawn in your base re gear from your protected bullshit storage and proceed to kill, oh but your idea of a leader oh he never comes out to play always hides. go play H1 or rust. This base building needs to be like the rest of the damn game no safety without numbers or a good setup with security. I'm sure once modding comes you can have your donation protected base with a fucking forcefield like epoch had with a protected bullshit safe and a apache helicopter. vanilla better be an authentic experience none of this epoch h1z1 rust style bullshit.
  5. gannon46


    Agreed maybe the C4/TNT could be really rare whereas if you made your bomb homemade with the barrel and fert there is a chance for shit to go wrong or it be a dud. They could tie that too a soft crafting skill maybe. I would also maybe like to see it as a recipe in a book you would have to find as well maybe have to loot the book or blueprint from a military area so you have to go to high risk areas to add to the difficulty.
  6. gannon46


    I just hope they do not make it impossible to break in a base nor do I want it to be easy as hell. I want to have to acquire tools to break in like wire cutters for barbwire, C4/semtex or some sort of explosive for thick walls. molotovs or flammable substance for burning wooden structures. As well base builder should be able to place traps to hinder my advance like tripwires electric fences and the like. I also think resources should not be safe if you store food water or vehicles and I get in I should be able to sabotage all of them with poison, explosives or just destroy. As well you should be able to have a counter offense with locks that I have to pick or cut requiring me to loot tools. My point is I want a challenge I like metal gear solid and this to me will be a blast instead of NPC guards it will be humans one will have to use stealth against. I want brute force of bases to be an option but I also would like to see a person that uses the proper tools and there brain to be able to hinder a large group if they get careless and to big headed. I also do not want people to put all there time into bases for a shithead like me to be able to just wander in and ruin all there work with one attack or bomb or the like. there is a lot of fun that could be had from this mechanic and could really add to the atmosphere and challenge of the game. I want both sides to have fun and I can't wait to find some huge clans base and go solid snake on there asses. I for one will not mess with solo players bases or smaller bases I want to mess with clans.
  7. gannon46

    Realistic Log-Off System.

    How about this no log off punishment because losing stats while not playing IMO is ridiculous but I will agree if it was a server setting and limited to say some hardcore setting so be it have fun but as a vanilla mechanic no not at all. I think a way we can find even ground is say you can craft or loot like an above poster stated sleeping bags or if in a building a bed. These will give you a buff say your sick over time you heal same with wounds. Food and thirst would not be affected. Giving folks a reward for things is a better way to get them to do it rather than brutal stat loss or death.
  8. gannon46


    I too can't wait to be a racoon and go through people's stuff in there camp. I hope we can do things to camps of a sneaky nature like poisoning the water supply, destroying generators or poisoning the food supply, sabotaging there weapons stash then sit on a hill and watch them all kill each other over trust issues. Be the little ant that brings down a elephant.
  9. gannon46

    Realistic Log-Off System.

    Few problems I see with this. How cold does it get in Chernarus? I assume it gets cold enough one would freeze to death even in shelter if not heated properly So do we also have to build a fire before we log off because that would mean death otherwise. You say log off in a shelter most places with shelters also have zeds, So we come out of the elements to rest among the infected wouldn't they kill you in your sleep as well or do we only log off in little sheds in the middle of nowhere? This seems foolish a whole bunch of nonsense to get folks to have a harder time for no reason. I believe the real motivation is to get folks to come to populated areas and out of wilderness so you have a better time hunting folks and of course since they would need to log off in a building they will be in a hurry to log and or tired hence easier kills. Now this could possibly not be the case but what other reason would there be to add death and wear on gear when not even in game other than some fake way to make the game more difficult for folks. the game should be difficult enough in game to not need offline hazards. Next you'll want shit like rust where you logoff and still stay in game because it's so realistic to go to sleep and not have any idea what the hell is going on and of course not wake up when your being stabbed with a spear or hear wolves running around. go play Project Zomboid and come back then you'll see what this game really needs IMO.
  10. gannon46

    State of the Game?

    moving things a little faster. that's funny So you want them to half ass everything so you can have new content. I would rather them do it right take the time to make sure it's correct than rush it because people are complaining. you know what rushing out the gate and half assed ideas get you? H1z1 and I'll be damned if that happens to dayz. I'm glad the devs ignore the fools.
  11. gannon46

    Player interaction and loot distribution.

    they mentioned OP long ago in a status report adding workshops and lumber mills that players would need to use to do certain things. gun mods would have to be done at the workshops as well lumber and logs would be made or cut at the lumber mill. hence creating a hub of player interaction. folks will most certainly camp these areas to bandit for guns and mats as well folks will guard for the same thing. It's in the works I haven't heard them discuss it in quite a while though. I was pumped for the idea and hope it atleast starts getting implemented with these new barrels for guns and base building. As well I think you should have to go to a garage to do certain things with cars as much as folks will be pissed at that I think changing a tire with just a crescent wrench is dumb as hell but we are in alpha so let's hope it gets better.
  12. gannon46

    Awful Weapon sway

    I think sway should be based on a few things, weight of said weapon, fitness of character(soft skill for stamina), type of equipment or amount of weight character is carrying. Unless trained military personnel or very strong I imagine you couldn't run too far with a AK with a full drum mag and shitloads of other modifications and expect to shoulder it and not have sway unless you're prone with a bipod etc. especially if you have a high cap vest with mags,loose ammo and all the other crap plus a military pack etc etc. Now if you're carrying a pouch or smaller pack like the courier bag with just a T shirt and jeans and a 1911 pistol or SMG then one should be able to run farther and have less sway. that's the way I see it of course stamina should play a part and i do hope it ends up some sort of soft skill you can raise by just moving your toon around.
  13. gannon46

    Activate buton respawn

    Go check out H1Z1 just survive and you will see why there is no respawn button. Wait till modding there will be like the old days a spawn selection menu I'm sure just give it time.
  14. The game or atleast vanilla to me will always be like this. KOS is easiest option and easiest playstyle IMO. why risk your gear your time to a stranger especially if he's armed to the teeth and add to that no negative consequences they can't simulate a conscious or guilt or insanity and those are things in a RL scenario that would keep a lot of people from just murdering everyone they see again IMO. until there is a negative side effect to just mass murdering folks players will choose the easiest way to succeed in game and to me it makes sense and I understand it or atleast I think I do. And I do like RP servers but then again a lot of them are plagued with people who are just KOS folks who find other ways of killing you right after meeting you through rule play and baiting. I played on a few and every military geared group as soon as you would run into them or say howdy they would just start insulting you waiting for you to say fuck you or something so that there other 5 cats could blast you and take your shit, that's not roleplay that's ruleplay and that's all i encountered for the most part especially when dealing with groups they still just want to kill everything that moves. Hard to play a character and RP when you know the douchebag is not in character and is baiting oh and good luck getting them for rule breaks unless you record every second of your interaction. fuck that I just break character and walk away so what's the point of RP if most folks can't RP due to rule play or rule breaking. Again easier to just join a normal server and just blast everyone.
  15. gannon46

    Suggestions for items, and new craft-ables.

    I agree we need more craftable items. I always assumed crafting would be a big thing in dayz but boy was I wrong usually when I play I only craft the improvised pack and that just a vanity reason not a survival one I might craft a spear too and of course the rock knife(all hail the rock knife). but other than that not really making things out of leather maybe if they gave us more design choices and they could have that attached to level with the skill stuff they are adding. example would be a cat that makes vest all the time and packs and stuff could make ones with higher durability and maybe they could look better and not as shoddy, this would give his character not only that as a reward for surviving working on his skill but give him value. this could go onto other craftables too. but then again why grind skills to make high tier craftables when you can server hop till you find a high cap vest. why craft a pack and hunt the animal make leather etc, when you can server hop and or find a military pack. balancing needs to happen or modding I hope there is a mod where they take out all military shit and keep civilian and craftables and possibly even add more recipes. but who knows most folks do not want a challenge they just want adrenaline and they aren't getting that from grinding skills and crafting and trading they get that from looting dangerous areas and PVP not surviving.
  16. gannon46

    Being able to strike with a firearm

    I can't wait, I hope we get bayonets too. And the ability to throw knives and other weapons I really want to hit a fully geared dude with high tier loot in the face with a kitchen knife or if they would add them throwing knives,axes shuriken even though they are designed to take out the eyes and hands and well extremities would be good for less lethal.
  17. gannon46

    spice up the gameplay/realism settings

    I like this thread, you have folks that play dayz, then you have folks that play dayz.
  18. gannon46

    Character Value: A discussion.

    I think if they could do something like PZ does with skills and crafting then you would get the player value, once you have leveled carpentry to whatever is needed to do the coolest stuff your not gonna be so quick to do dumb shit well unless your dumb. I know in PZ in the early game I take risks a lot to get started but once I get medical skills especially to a good number which takes a lot of time when I loot any house it's weapon up checking all corners closing all curtains and windows and doors and paranoid as hell i could die. and it's awesome. I'll add that you can start your toon with a mix of professions or make custom ones with positives and negatives so if you have a group of players they are not all great at everything and I like that you look out for the cook or the doctor if your a construction worker etc.
  19. gannon46

    Future of public hive servers

    dupers aren't the main problem the problem is private loot servers on the public hive. clans and asshats lock these servers or kick etc so they can loot in peace then go to the public hive and do battle it's not dayz it's a deathmatch. i'm all for public servers but they should be separate from each other like the private hive. And you say things like people hang out at tisy and just shoot folks, yeah that's dayz they are stronger they hold the ground you shouldn't be able to just leave the server with all your loot and your toon because you want to loot tidy and are to lazy or unskilled to fight them or organize a mob to kill them. that's dayz bro you have to deal with those things that's the point of the damn game the world has collapsed and it's survival of the fittest not oh it's too hard to survive let's go to an empty server to loot tisy and then go back to the server and just avoid that area. I imagine rick from the walking dead would love to have the ability to go to another dimension where there is no negan but that wouldn't be a good show would it?
  20. gannon46

    Future of public hive servers

    I call the public hive the public sewers. Shared shards needs to go, people renting public servers needs to go. The devs have to see all the abuse these owners commit and the players exploit by ghosting or loot farming which is the complete opposite of what the game is supposed to be about. you say we should value our toons well how the hell can we do that when people just go to servers that are empty and loot then go to full pops for shoots and giggles that's not valuing your toon or survival that's deathmatch. if you want dayz to be a game where the life of your toon means something where your time survived means something the public hive definetly needs changes. If not the real dayz game experience will always be on the private servers where it's fairplay due to no shard sharing and community driven thanks to great players and staff of the server. no dumbass loot farming asshat who jumps server to server looking for a short adrenaline rush because he's to lazy to do the work on the server where the damn people are. And if you allow this kind of crap on consoles like renting servers allowing abuse by admins and allowing loot farming then it will dead in the water as soon as it arrives.
  21. gannon46

    Alpha est. release date?

    man you guys are using logic with this person. what I hear when i read OP's complaints was. I want no sway so I can 360 no scope people. I do not like survival mechanics because I can't 360 no scope people. I should be able to 360 no scope a guy with an AK with a drum mag with a sporter .22 without a mag. so devs this guy just wants to 360 no scope while eating doritos and shooting mountain dew is that to much to ask........to harsh?
  22. gannon46

    Reason to keep playing?

    Do run with others OP if not you should find a group and give it a whirl it makes the game a lot more fun IMO. I do not play the loot an PVP style, I'm the guy who likes more of a PVE type of game actually but I play on PVP just for the danger, I usually lose and the beginning stages of the game are my favorite so death isn't a big deal. The game this last update was a major step forward in PVE threats the wolves are a dandy and the zeds in every civilized area are a welcome addition. This does show promise in future updates, I think we just got to give it more time. And as others have said look for a PVE server or find a RP community or a community that fits your style of play. I haven't tried pure PVE this update maybe it wouldn't get boring with the wolves and the zeds so you could try that too.
  23. gannon46

    Dayz is finally Dayz

    Been Playing the game all day everyday since the new update to stable. I waited and never played exp left that to the diehards( yes john mclain). I haven't been this addicted to dayzs since I first tried the mod I love it zombies in every town having to use stealth and even avoid places I want to loot due to zeds(yes I could fist fight them but I don't like to get found out by humans), Also the wolves I love them too I had 3 encounters with them the other day got trapped in a deer stand with a friend till my other friends could come save us. Then we all got trapped in a house had 5-6 wolves outside circling and add to that zeds only I had ammo and somehow I managed to kill them all and we were able to escape. First time I had ever been trapped in a house, first time I feared going into the woods, first time humans were not the only threat and I'm glad. The whole time I played I didn't give one shit about humans running around it actually felt like it should IMO. good work devs and merry christmas hope you get some cool stuff you deserve it.
  24. gannon46

    Status Report, RE: soft skills

    I say let them grind can you imagine when they die I bet they will explode from rage.
  25. gannon46

    CR 550: Discussion

    I guess I could have made this long post short by saying I want authentic ballistics I want snipers to have skill and be feared for that skill that is all. And I don't play much battlefield it's not my cup of tea.