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Everything posted by gannon46

  1. gannon46

    Anyone else miss the NEAF?

    no reminded me of a basic shooter respawn run less than 5 min back to NEAF get into fight again. got really boring really fast IMO. It had its time and place though we had what 3 guns at the time and everyone wore TTSKO stuff and i assume they got a lot of combat data. and as rick said under the hangers shot a lot of asshats that hid under there i remember if you got by the radio tower they would render in and the hanger wouldn't and you could snipe them. and folks say nothing has been done to this game shesh.
  2. gannon46

    v3s GAS TANK LEAK?

    yeah wait till helis arrive. wonder if we'll still have to fix the windows for it to hold fuel lol that one always made me laugh.
  3. A lot of this i didn't know thx for posting. i can only imagine how much of a headache they went through without any documentation and new tools especially with us bitchy players always complaining and wanting more more more and now not later. I used to do tech support and they would throw me curve balls sometimes with new tools without proper documentation or new problems without any documents on a fix and we had to figure it out and share among one another to squash the problem it was no where near as stressful as his job but i understand it takes a person with nerves of steel to put up with that kind of shit, so i say thx dev team for putting up with it.
  4. gannon46


    looks like the devs need to add in boxes of cheap wine, hopefully they add the purple lips after you smash an entire box.
  5. Every time i login to any server be it public/private except when a fresh spawn i am dying of both dehydration and hunger both status's are red and color fades. I can play during this rushing to get my toon to healthy after a few salines and help from friends then i log out, come back later log in to the same thing both red and dying. I am not near any base I don't have on and i am not experiencing dsync that i can tell or lag very much, performance has been good otherwise. I was hoping the hot fix would help has anyone had this issue or fixed it or have an idea please I'm all ears.
  6. gannon46

    Yet another anti-hopping thread :)

    its a lot easier to just find a private hive thats what i did. i just use public to pew pew on and private for my try hard toon. and instead of fancy timers why not just make it when you switch servers you start over you shouldn't be able to join a server get to the mil area and say oh this place has jack shit and just hop to another one and loot its silly to me and ruins the experience for everyone som of us stick to a server for a long time then asshat clan mcgee comes along and strips it of all loot. i understand your timers and i wouldn't care if they were implemented honestly as i stick to 2 servers one private one public but folks will never go for it they would cry but something needs to be done i think and restarting toons when switching servers is less rules.
  7. gannon46

    Night Vision in Standalone

    there are folks that do do it to increase performance not everyone is a damn exploiter and cheater. gamma and brightness i have to agree though i tend to not mess with it.
  8. gannon46

    The Perfect Estimation

    CQC is more exciting and will get you beans. but i will still tip my hat to your good marksmen skills.
  9. gannon46

    Secret .58 zombie destroys my game

    used to happen to me alot on .57 especially when driving through some of the cities it would turn into N64 graphics. I havn't encountered it in .58 hopefully it gets fixed for everyone i thought my PC was fucking up but it was the game.
  10. gannon46


    once weight and stamina affect you carry all you want till then enjoy the choices of 2 weapons thats enough we aren't the dude from doom that can carry 10 guns and a BFG9000 it is just silly other wise.
  11. gannon46

    NWAF is the place to be in .58!

    I quit going there for the simple fact is there is never ever anything there loot wise. need to find a private hive i guess the PVP is nice there but thats the only reason to go.
  12. gannon46


    maybe not server hopping but he doesn't do like i do i like folks to be on the server. but none the less its his choice and we can't and shouldn't hate on it.
  13. gannon46

    ATLAS Bipod thread: once and for all

    thats what i thought as well.
  14. makes sense to me. I'd be for partial full mags or in case of shotgun one live round and in rare case a full mag it would just spice things up I think give people a reason to loot explore as well as get excited when they get lucky.
  15. gannon46

    My mouse is acting funny

    could be resolution a friend of mine had a similar sounding issue the resolution was wacky at default for him and it was zoomed and screwy no mouse. he used the keys to get to options to change the resolution then restarted and was fine.
  16. gannon46

    Akm or blaze 95 as primary?

    you said it the question of the best weapon will always be argued its personal opinion but also some weapons are better for certain scenarios.
  17. gannon46

    Akm or blaze 95 as primary?

    I always use the weapon that i'm most effective with or the weapon that fits what i'm trying to do. You can have 75 rounds but if you can't hit the broad side of a barn with it whats the point.
  18. the industrial area in novo is where i seen the one i encountered as well as my friend on another occasion i broke its legs and left it crawling in hopes of it encountering other humans and brightening there day.
  19. gannon46

    Status Report - 09 Sept

    aslong as we don't end up with a toxic community like another game i know that starts with an H its ruled by streamers the devs cater to streamers on that game give them special perks like servers and they have even quit working on the survival portion for a stupid ass streaming event. Like i said i don't see the dev's here doing this they tend to give a shit about the game which is why i don't worry as much. And i must be getting old because i think this streamer shit is fucking stupid and they should never have the ears of a dev i don't care if they have 50,000 viewers they can go make there own game i say, all the survival games are doing this i don't understand does the success of H's BR really that big of a deal. and i could care less if they finish the game this year theres other games coming out that are neat they should just take there time and make it the best they can.
  20. gannon46

    Any signs of 0.59 experimental?

    engine merges hmmm interesting.
  21. Your either switching shards public/private or like an above poster said your joining to fast after a reset. either way i have a feeling your server hopping hence your rage and iff thats the case i'm glad sick of you server hoppers takin all the loot to other servers. and i have been hunting mines to put at all the half-moon barracks for you hoppers wish we had more traps for you bastards.
  22. gannon46

    more uses for electricity

    they had pics of a generator and flood lights as well as extension cords. https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/228615-wanna-light-up-your-camp-keep-your-food-fresh-in-fridge-or-use-el-stove-viva-electricity/#entry2303715 but how will you keep the truck batteries charged and you can't set batteries like that on the ground they lose charge. what they should add for the guys that want a small camp in an RV they could have the bigger truck style, the stag pickup, and the trailer version maybe it could fit on the offroad car we are getting soon. I think those would be very viable. they would have generators lights and storage and should be able to be maintained by a few folks.
  23. The bug i keep getting and i'm not sure whats causing it. i log out my status will be green bright green at that. I log back in to both hunger and thirst at starvation levels color fading fast death in a matter of minutes. I don't get it i logged in yesterday same thing happened i survived barely and once i got energized and hydrated green i logged out just to see, i logged back in to the same damn thing both red and dying again. I don't get it. I havn't encountered the cold bug myself i like this update but this is getting a little nuts hopefully a hotfix or a workaround will happen.
  24. gannon46


  25. gannon46

    There ARE zombies in 0.58!

    If i was to find one i would break its legs and name it gary and let if follow me around. This bohemia is what its come to we need zeds. but really take your time.