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About caelistas

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  1. caelistas

    Clothing, Apparel

    Great idea, i'd love to have some more diversity in the available character clothing. How about making a poll for it to see if there is any interest for it.
  2. caelistas

    IF this was an actual game...

    None, i've already paid 25$ to play this mod.Finalise this mod first before releasing any standalone version.
  3. caelistas

    Buying Arma II

    wait for a steam sale or buy it for 30$
  4. caelistas

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    I agree ,something needs to be done. I never murdered anyone else (always tried avoiding others as much as possible), and got lucky i met good people 50% of the time, the other times i got shot, but lately it has been that i get shot 90% of the time i meet other players. 70% of the time when i meet someone now i get shot on sight, and if i would co-operate with them, and to try to work together, i get shot in the back as soon as i turn myself around. So naturally i now also kill everyone on sight, just because everyone else does the exact same thing, in fear of getting shot and losing your gear.
  5. caelistas

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Solution: hook up with friends and use teamspeak to co-op with others. If you don't have rl friends who play this (i don't aswell) -> http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dayzcoop Group is invite only, so pm or add me on steam, and i'll invite you to the group, only things are required are a mic and basic english skills.
  6. caelistas

    FPS issue since the hotfix

    Same, get around 20 fps with an OC'd i7-920 and amd 6950 2 gig OC'd. And that is with ALL OPTIONS ON NORMAL, only textures on high. Arma 2 really is a resource hog.
  7. caelistas

    Starting a DayZ Base/Camp - Recruiting

    ^ Added you to my friends list and to the group. If anyone else wants to join: add ME (on steam: (steamname: Caelistas)). Cause i probably won't be checking this thread a lot in the future and won't be able to see any future group invite requests.
  8. If anyone else is interested: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dayzcoop Growing steam group of DayZ players who are looking to explore and kill zombies (and bandits) together. Group is "invite only", to keep out any potential trolls or non related persons, so add me as a friend on steam and i'll insta-invite you to the group. Once in the group, you can invite as many other DayZ friends as you want to the group.
  9. caelistas

    Starting a DayZ Base/Camp - Recruiting

    Oh btw the group is "invite only" in order to reject any trolls or other scum. If you want to join the group, add me as a friend. Steam name: Caelistas (duke nukem avatar) LINK: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dayzcoop
  10. caelistas

    Starting a DayZ Base/Camp - Recruiting

    To make things a lot easier (for those of you who have steam), here's the steam group so you can easily check which of you dayZ buddies are online and playing. OP has already joined the group. LINK: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dayzcoop
  11. Euhm everyone can voice their opinion here but it is a FACT that 80% of all players are running towards "day cycle" servers, and are "server hopping" from region to region to be able to play in day mode. So either leave night mode, and let the scrubs with NVG and daredevils play on them, or make it a bit brighter so you can see you own hands and feet at least.
  12. caelistas

    Starting a DayZ Base/Camp - Recruiting

    Count me in, i'm dutch so i have super duper ping on NL3. Add me on steam. name: Caelistas (got a duke nukem avatar)