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About Pancidious

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    On the Coast

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  1. Pancidious

    Little things to do in the SA

    I was thinking about the humanity scale, and an idea popped into my head about bandits, and the road back to no banditry (if that's even a word). I was thinking it might be an idea to have a humanity scaling on killing a bandit to be a good things (seeing as their humanity would be inherently evil). Also I think this would give people a reason to confront bandits, and also put a bit more fear into those that are bandits, scaling the favor. Considering in the scheme of things (as it currently stands), being a bandit seems to have no impact on the game for those that are (other than the skin), and on top of that, seeing as killing someone (weather they are a bandit, or not) scales your humanity south, I don't think it very fair, considering if you spawn in a location that is overly filled with bandits (particularly cherno/electro) and get butchered by camping bandits, and your only choice is run away, not fight back, cause if you do it will impact your humanity and turn you into a bandit (which has happened I might add), isn't really right. I think this just gives a little more back to those with good intentions, and not the little kids that just want to bang everything in the rear end. Just a thought that I wanted to put out there, maybe you might want to consider, or you might think is trash. Either way, it's been said now, thanks for taking the time to read it.