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Xeqtor (DayZ)

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About Xeqtor (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Xeqtor (DayZ)

    Why do you use 3rd person?

    I love first person for Immersion. Hell I would love to play on 1st person servers but there are never any players there :(. On 3rd person servers I feel like I have to use 3rd P. because everyone else is. Not using it would give the others a huge advantage over me. Hell I never understand popularity ... zombies, 3rd person view, unrealistic games like COD and so on....... . I guess 1st person must suck because of ppl like me who want realism :(.
  2. Xeqtor (DayZ)

    Ping too high

    I had this problem yesterday too when I began playing Dayz for the first time. The game was laggy and loading times were incredebly long. On the lobby it showed me good ping but ingame it was incredebly high. Was seraching for a fix for hours and here is what did fixed it for me. Give your firewall full acces to Arma2 exes + sixupdater if you using that. Does that help ?