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About manta-avoid

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    Interesting things, among other things.

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    Still alive.

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  1. manta-avoid

    Soilder clothing?

    Sure, there's novelty in it - just go play some normal A2CO and curb your enthusiasm. If there's any reason why hacked-in weapons are prolific in DayZ, it's because of players who've never actually played A2CO.
  2. manta-avoid

    AU 37 Purez is a hacker

    Nope. That's DayZ for you mate. It's not difficult to clean players spawning on Sniper Hill, let alone anyone else in the area. Sorry dude, false alarm.
  3. manta-avoid

    how i add servers to favorites?¿

    Why don't you just scribble down the server name or IP? You have beautiful articulated joints in your hands for a reason!
  4. manta-avoid

    What is your favorite gun to use and why?

    Axe. FN FAL + FN FAL AN/PVS4 in the backpack, M9SD. Solid, hard hitting. 24/7 All weather operation and ammo:damage ratio is enough to keep me constantly moving.
  5. manta-avoid

    Why is the log and BE system so useless?

    log GUIDS on the server, search for setpos remarks in your logs. if possible find names linked to player ID's. You've got names linked to GUIDs - if you can get the information on both ends you can factor in a ban. The log system is useless because someone was running out of space archiving their logs, so someone else decided to release dayZ with greatly reduced server logging. if I were you, and I know I am not - I would packetsniff on layer 3 for data to the hive. It is in plaintext.
  6. manta-avoid

    How to Install patch

    Yeah man, why do you think people say eating shit is stupid?
  7. manta-avoid

    How to Install patch

    Manual install of DayZ, for Steam users with both ArmA 2 installed, and ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead: goo.gl/EpQWa This is a modified set of steps taken from dayzwiki.com, however it encompasses loading DayZ via a shortcut and retaining the Steam Overlay functionality.
  8. manta-avoid

    How to Install patch

    I have standards, and standards make men of us little girls here on the internets.
  9. manta-avoid

    How to Install patch

  10. manta-avoid

    How to Install patch

    pregnant pause Sixupdater and DayZcommander are the bane of my existence. They absolutely infuriate me in that they remove the need for a user to understand their own file system.
  11. manta-avoid

    How to Install patch

    pro tip: Rename arma2oa.exe to !arma2oa.exe Go to Expansion\beta Copy arma2oa.exe to the original arma2oa.exe's location (arma 2 operation arrowhead\) Create a shortcut on your desktop: C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oa.exe -mod="C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\ArmA 2;EXPANSION;ca;@dayz" Should work
  12. manta-avoid

    How to Install patch

    Yep, one to two days late - maybe more. Depends on how much I hate the program.
  13. manta-avoid

    How to Install patch

    Well, I hate it when my girlfriend gets lazy, and I'm not about to hold you half-up in the air to get the job done either. Sorry dudeman!
  14. manta-avoid

    How to Install patch

    No problem. Sixupdater gets the updates late, so it won't acknowledge your installed version as .6 until it has the hashes to do so - which it currently doesn't. You're using steam, installed to its' default location, right? If that's the case, you should find arma2oa.exe in the following folder: C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead\ Can you confirm?