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Everything posted by namvet1974

  1. Guys, I really need help on this one. During play I got kicked with a "battleye public variable restriction 0" error message, every time I have tried to log back on same, and now cant join any game. I bought the product on steam and have been playing for over a year error free, but now I don't see a solution. I have updated both Arma 2 and Dayzcommander to latest patches, and still nothing. I did note whilst updating the latest patch on Arma 2 a box with "wrong CD key" came up but still installed. Please please please help me out as unable to play... thanks
  2. namvet1974


    So when are the vehicles coming to SA? I dont get how theres a big wait when they are on the mod and generally everything is the same just tweeked. until the vehicles come the game wont kick off as venturing around the map by foot is no fun and takes forever.
  3. namvet1974

    safe zone

    How about a safe zone? This is a place where weapons dont work or do any damage in a perimetered area like a refugee camp type thing. In this area you can meet in safety other players to team with if you so wish and get basic food and water supplies only. It will give more people a chance to group together if they so wish rather than just get shot on sight by the idiots spawn killing everyone.
  4. namvet1974

    safe zone

    I agree. I love the do I or dont I approach mindset and the adrenaline of knowing if I got this wrong its game over. Love it.
  5. namvet1974

    Weapon Flashlights and map

    Tried duct tape crafting. ..not saying it works just wondered?
  6. namvet1974

    safe zone

    Just thinking to help the newcomers who at present are not overly enjoying the experience due to alot of things that need fixing.
  7. namvet1974

    message for new players

    Just in case you wondered or didn't know the costal area in which you spawn is nothing compared to the vast map available. North is where you normally head away from the killing fields of the coast to the military installations and air bases. Its a huge huge world to explore so dont just think its all about the co astal areas. Maps would be useful for newer players and currently I have not seen one it would show them the world that lies ahead. I totally think and agree with other posts that base building, camp making, and transport will take people north for different reasons. There is alot to explore, get to know the map although it will take some time there is alot to explore although at present there might nit be many others north bound so don't expect much action. .....just yet.
  8. namvet1974

    message for new players

    Having played the mod I know alot of the map but as newbies go they just wont know the size of whats ahead.
  9. namvet1974

    Bleeding (Over Powered)

    see my thread on bleeding, much the same
  10. namvet1974


    I am just wanting to clear up something, if I start bleeding ,ie getting clipped by a zombie, or being injured in combat and bandage wounds with rags or bandage I am fine for about 30 mins then my screen starts to fade away and I go unconscious, game over. I heard you have to clean the wounds before you bandage or you get infection and die. Again if this is the case its too extreme, I have never found anything to clean a wound in 15 hours playing time. I have got a disinfectant spray from dead person but never found one myself, if I get injured early doors its basically game over in half hour and if that doesn't get you thirst and starvation will. any tips, I am sick of getting stuff (which takes ages for just basic stuff) only to lose it all to a minor wound.
  11. namvet1974


    I have seen the "funny taste" I my mouth a few times, as there is no icons to show blood level, food level and water level (apart from being written in green,amber,red) its hard to know whats going on espescially with infections.
  12. namvet1974

    Food and drink

    Having played the mod of dayz for the best part of 9 months I was loving the new look standalone , lots of nice touches and a lot more realistic feel to it also. However... Before people say "its alpha its going to have problems", I know, I am just pointing out my fustrations. As soon as you start you need food and water quite quickly, problem being there is hardly any about, in fact next to none. If your lucky enough to find a can of tuna,beans or spegetti your still in trouble as you need a knife, screwdriver or can opener to get into them. after eating a whole can and a drinking a bottle of water too, it was a few minutes before saying," you need to drink" and "your hungry", wtf. There isn't enough food for basic survival, I gathered equipement, mostly off dead people, and headed north, didn't even get as far as green mountain before I was dying of starvation and then collapsed. This seems to keep everyone south and around balota area, where everyone just kills everyone else and isn't the dayz I know and love. There needs to be a much much longer time for food and drink, even go as far to say use the dayz mod system works very well and the timings are spot on too. Thoughts from others?
  13. namvet1974

    Food and drink

    that's always been my mission, get away from the coast, but without vehicles or transport its on foot all the way, and like I say I cant get enough food an drink together to move out...teaming up is the way forward
  14. namvet1974


    this has happened every time I have been injured, the end is nigh, this guy was saying before you use rags you must use disinfectant or you will get infection as time goes on, same with bullet wounds or bladed weapons....apparatnly.
  15. namvet1974

    Food and drink

    I went into the "little houses" that most people would turn a blind eye too about 25 of them a few caps a few pairs of jeans but no food or water. I always check every house around as I know I will need food later, just seems a lot of hard work and like I say if I do find a can of something I then need another type of tool to get into it!
  16. namvet1974

    Getting the hang of it

    I am into my 4th week on dayz and I am now getting to know the map, where to get quick fix gear, where to go to get better equipment, good enough to take out bandits and rouge players but not quite good enough to survive lobg enough for hero skin. The more you play the better it gets, its different every time too, knowledge is power dont be afraid to take a risk in the greater scheme of things. See you in killing fields.
  17. namvet1974

    I just love...

    That the whole game is a paranoid unpredictable cycle of deceit and camaraderie thrown into the mix and whats left is you sweating with a flashing screen of blood loss, shouting I need a blood transfusion who can help...Please! The noises come too, footsteps. ..friendly? No death. Respawn Here we go again. ..hold on.
  18. Found the more I play the better this game gets...any real noobs who don't get it yet hang in there yoyr inv for a ride. I got rescued once by strangers and got bundled into a hum vee and extracted with bullets pinging all around. Now I rescue others, team up with lone players and bandit hunt, I am not too far short of my hero skin, have you bumped into me yet? ??
  19. namvet1974

    What Have you Expected DayZ to be?

    Dayz is everything and more than I imagined and with each time I play it gets better. ..
  20. namvet1974

    you bumped into namvet yet?

    Hey fraggle I remember you helping me out too! I am still a noob really but feel my experience is growing and always learning and gather tips from others, NAMVET good to go.
  21. namvet1974

    different skins

    So how do the skins work? I am a hero player looking to obtain a hero skin my humanity is about 3000 currently when do I get a new skin at what level? And whats the bandit skin humanity low? I saved a guy with a grey beard and cap and was shot at by a guy in cap and sunglasses are these bandit skins or hero? I know the tea towel on the head look us bandit but do they havevither skins too? I dint want to shoot the wrong guys out there, like I did the other day and my humanity plummeted to 400.ouch.
  22. namvet1974

    different skins

    thanks for that guys, very helpful
  23. Left the xbox behind with the kids that play it these days and come back to pc gaming. Wants to play in a group with laid back people who have a bit of experience to dayz. Team speak would helpful and good sense of humour. Anyone need a new member, I play hero type character then drop a pm.
  24. namvet1974

    unexpected guest

    Well there I was on a rooftop of fire station in cherno with a sniper shooting me blood levels critcal and about to die when a voice from the stairwell says head down the ladder buddy lets get you out of here! I had nothing to lose so followed his instruction, screen flashing and going into a blur I even took a shot at him at back of fire station as I couldnt see who it was, lol. He took me to the hospital and gave me blood then teamed up and traveled north to meet up with some buddies if his, we traveled as a team of 5 all kitted up and changed my experience in this game. Cheers rubby dingy and ra5ta great adventure see you soon.
  25. namvet1974

    2 week "veteran"

    Within a small time scale I can get my essestials to survive...a few hours if I am lucky . normally after getting good gear I get shot in the back, spend half the time running round with a fuzzy flashing screen and low blood levels or getting double crossed. Do I need to team up with someone to get further? Loss if blood is a major factor in this game and blood bags seem one of the most important items of kit. Do I need a battle buddy?