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Everything posted by MGEnigma

  1. This is so sick, i'm going to be so happy when this comes out! Cant wait guys, keep up the awesome work.
  2. Protect The Weak, Mend The Broken, Vanquish The Undead, Axios! This group is a great group of guys to play with, and I look forward to being able to talk with each and everyone of you that are interested in the clan, please go fill out an application and we'll see you then.
  3. What We Are A.Z.T.E.C. Is a multi-gaming, Mil-Sim clan, we currently play the following, DayZ, Planetside 2, Path of Exile and so much more. using a military ranking structure, we expect our members to conduct themselves in a positive manner when with the group. As you progress with each rank, you will gain more privileges and eventually be able to command your own squadron or company. We exercise caution at all times, and numerous squad rehearsals will be performed to ensure a high success rate when in the field. No man or woman is more important than any other. To ensure our survival and trust, all members will be treated equally, and we will spend time getting to know each and every potential recruit in order to affirm this sense of trust and support for one another. We will not accept those with malicious intentions. We are dedicated to helping others, not hurting them. Many of our fine officers will be here to assist you (Officer ranks are available for those who feel that they are up to the task. Please talk to me for more information). We leave no man behind. Requirements You must possess these requirements in order to join: 1)Maturity is a must, especially for our type of play style. This does not mean that we are always serious every hour of the day, of course our goal is to make the game fun and enjoyable for all. 2)You must be Respectful to those of higher ranking, lower ranking, and even strangers. We stay calm and rational even to those (there will be) ill mannered survivors. 3)This is a mil-sim group which means that we will conduct ourselves in that manner during game-play. As you get to know your squad, this will most likely ease down, until then..stay sharp! 4)The minimum age requirement to apply is seventeen, although we may accept younger ages if the application is exemplary. 5)A working microphone is a must. It is essential that we are able to communicate with each other with the use of comms, and not by typing out messages and sending carrier pigeons or flying squirrels (As much fun as that sounds). 6)A well made and detailed application is a must. Take your time, and put in an extra amount of effort when applying. How to Join If you are interested in applying to A.Z.T.E.C. then please go to our website by clicking here. Otherwise if you have any questions, then please feel free to contact me either on the website, by replying to this forum post, or by sending me a personal message.Thank you, and may fortune smile upon all of you in these dark times.
  4. MGEnigma

    AZTEC Clan: Recruiting

    Daily bump
  5. MGEnigma

    AZTEC Clan: Recruiting

    Again guys, if you are looking for an awesome clan to play DayZ and DayZ SA with, we are looking for members right now, we are a military-sim group, but are also very relaxed when it comes to multi-gaming. We are currently playing games such as Path of Exile, Ghost Recon Online, DayZ, League of Legends, and much, much more. Head here and fill out an application and myself or one of our officers will get to you ASAP
  6. MGEnigma

    AZTEC Clan: Recruiting

    Not only are we a Mil-Sim group, but we also enjoy having a bit of fun from time to time. -youtube-
  7. MGEnigma

    AZTEC Clan: Recruiting

    We also play some of the other following games: League of Legends Chivalry Medieval Warfare And may other free to play games. We have a private DayZ server for those of you that are looking to hone your skills in DayZ and we look forward to having much the same in SA so if you are interested, click that link under How to Join and dont forget to put Enigma down as your Referral where it asks for Reference.