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Everything posted by weldersbench

  1. weldersbench

    Carrying People/Corpses

    Hey guys, I was just thinking about how I hope they add a feature like this in! Kind of like dragging in the mod but way less glitch-y and a lot more useful! I was thinking something along the lines of a Fireman's lift kind of thing? Just sling them over your shoulder and then you could sprint (be it at a slower pace) and move them? Thinking it'd be useful for and bodies in the open so you could pick up the body and take it to cover to loot and for friendlies with broken legs/unconscious, can just sling them over your shoulder and take them to cover/hospital to look for something to help them? I think it'd be really useful and also could open the way for maybe even burial? Say if you have a spade you can dig a grave and then bury teamates/bandits/random corpses (hiding the body in effect) thinking it would make more sense rather than the corpse just sinking into the floor! So just wondering if anyone heard any news of anything like this? I've looked around but I haven't seen anything! And was mainly wondering about what you guys think about this too!
  2. weldersbench

    Carrying People/Corpses

    Ooooo, and also maybe be able to do it with zombies too? (dead one of course) but be able to carry them and it hide you from other zombies perhaps?
  3. weldersbench

    Carrying People/Corpses

    I like the sound of that Rick! Maybe, if you're conscious, the you cant shoot while being carried but you can while behind dragged? As in if they're conscious with a broken leg under fire you drag them by the scruff of their neck kind of thing to they face backward and could supress to make it more viable to drag in combat? And also you could struggle, if you regain consciousness while being dragged/lifted then you can struggle out of it? So if you're lifting someone you struggle and you both fall to the ground? Likewise with being dragged you could struggle and trip the other player? It may be a while till they add this, if they do, as I would assume for stuff like this they would need the ragdoll to be implemented and the time for animation etc nigh on perfect!
  4. weldersbench

    Carrying People/Corpses

    Yeah something like that HOP! Just imagine seeing someone running through Cherno/Elektro with a friends corpse/injured friend just screaming "You shall not take him!" as they disappear over the horizon!
  5. weldersbench

    Carrying People/Corpses

    Even funnier if you're a fresh spawn and knock someone in full gear out and just pick them up and run off with them! Could also act as a human shield if you pick up and unconscious person so the rest of the squad wouldn't shoot you for fear of killing their squad member! Also could work like handcuffs and blood bag? As in the can cancel it by moving?
  6. Hi guys, I tried to get on this server I've been playing, but it updated to the new DayZ version last night (It's an origins server) but I keep getting the error message on launch as I try to get on! The server I'm playing is: Official dayZ Origins #GX CDL Clan (1.61/103419)[4h Day/Night]Hosted @ GTXGaming.co.uk I've tried deleting the file that the message suggested but then it would launch properly and i got some other error message so i just reinstalled origins and that didnt work! So now I'm at a loss as what to try! Any Help?
  7. weldersbench

    Can't Get on Server After Update!

    Thanks man thats great!
  8. weldersbench

    Can't Get on Server After Update!

    That will probably be it then!, and how do i install it with dayz commander?
  9. weldersbench

    Can't Get on Server After Update!

    I did do that to both Arma 2 and operation arrowhead but it didnt help, Wont hurt to try again i suppose!
  10. weldersbench

    Banned without reason!

    The admins seems like decent guys as the server is fairly popular and the regular players seem to praise them
  11. weldersbench

    Banned without reason!

    It was an admin ban, someone said it was for hacking, ad the message started with (TWS so I assumes it was something to do with a thermal as50, But he didn't kill the admin or anyone, he only just got the game and was running to meet up with the rest of our squad, He didn't even have a weapon and he isn't smart enough to hack ;)
  12. weldersbench

    DayZ origins is out!

    I like the look of it but it's not on DayZ commander?
  13. weldersbench

    Has anyone seen this before???

    Why does it show he's in the server control? And does this mean your implying it was him that did it? If you are he definatley didn't and why would he do it to himself?
  14. weldersbench

    Has anyone seen this before???

    Yeah, I messaged the admin via the DayZ forums but have yet to recieve a reply! And it happens to me as i spanw in the server aswell